Application Delivery Management

Use API to create configurations from StyleBooks

After you have built your StyleBook, you have to import it to Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) to use it either by using the Citrix ADM or by using Citrix ADM APIs. Citrix ADM validates your StyleBook when you import it, and if the validation is successful, your StyleBook appears on the Citrix ADM catalog of StyleBooks, ready to be used for creating configurations.

You can now use the StyleBook APIs to create configurations based on this StyleBook. You can use any tool such as the curl command line tool or the Postman chrome browser extension to send HTTP requests to Citrix ADM.

Example 1

Consider the “lb-vserver” StyleBook you have created in StyleBook to Create a Load Balancing Virtual Server. Use REST API to create a configpack from this StyleBook as follows:



Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    "parameters": {
      "name": "lb1",
      "ip": ""
        "id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410"

In this HTTP request, the id (for example, “deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410”) is the instance ID of the Citrix ADC instance on which the load balancing virtual server lb1 with IP address is created. The instance ID of the Citrix ADC instance is retrieved from Citrix ADM.

To obtain the ID of an instance managed by Citrix ADM, you can use Citrix ADM APIs. For example, to retrieve the instance ID os a Citrix ADC instance whose IP address is, you can use the following API:

GET https://<MAS-IP>/nitro/v1/config/ns?filter=ip_address:
Accept: application/json

The response contains the ID in the payload:

Content-Type: application/json
  "errorcode": 0,
  "message": "Done",
  "operation": "get",
  "resourceType": "ns",
  "username": "nsroot",
  "tenant_name": "Owner",
  "resourceName": "",
    "is_grace": "false",
    "hostname": "",
    "std_bw_config": "0",
    "gateway_deployment": "false",
    …"id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410",

If the configuration (configpack) is successfully created, you receive the following HTTP response:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "config_id": "1460806080"

You have created your first configuration (configpack) that is uniquely identified by using the id 1460806080. You can use this ID to query, update, or delete the configuration.

Example 2

You can use the same StyleBook to create another configuration or configpack and execute it on the same or different Citrix ADC instances. In this example, create another configuration and provide a different name and IP address for the virtual server and also specify LEASTCONNECTION as the load balancing method. Deploy this configuration on two Citrix ADC instances.

The HTTP request is as follows:


Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
      "name": "lb2",
      "ip": "",
      "lb-alg": "LEASTCONNECTION"
     {"id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410"},
     {"id": "debecc60-d589-4557-8632-a74032802412"}

In this HTTP request, the load balancing virtual server lb2 with IP address is created on the two Citrix ADC instances represented by the ids “deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410” and “debecc60-d589-4557-8632-a74032802412”.

On successful creation of the configpack, the following HTTP response is received:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
     "config_id": "1657696292"

This new configpack has a different id 165769629. You can update or remove this configuration by using this id.

Example 3

Consider the “basic-lb-config” StyleBook you have created in StyleBook to Create a Basic Load balancing Configuration. Use REST API to create a configpack from this StyleBook as follows:


Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
      "name": "myapp",
      "ip": "",
       "svc-port": 8080
      "id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410"
      "id": "debecc60-d589-4557-8632-a74032802412"

In this HTTP request, the load balancing configuration is executed on two Citrix ADC instances. You can log on to these Citrix ADC instances to verify whether a virtual server and a service group with two services bound are created.

Example 4

Consider the composite StyleBook composite-example you created in Create a Composite StyleBook. Use REST API to create a configpack from this StyleBook as follows:

POST http://<MAS-DNS-or-IP>/stylebook/nitro/v1/config/stylebooks/com.example.stylebooks/0.1/composite-example/configpacks
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
    "parameters": {
      "name": "myapp",
      "ip": "",
      "svc-servers": ["",""]
      "id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410"
      "id": "debecc60-d589-4557-8632-a74032802412"

In this HTTP request, the configuration is created on two Citrix ADC instances represented by their IDs. If you log on to the Citrix ADC instances, you can view the configuration objects created by the “basic-lb-config” StyleBook that was imported into the “composite-example” StyleBook. You can also see a new HTTP monitor called “myapp-mon” that was part of the ”composite-example” StyleBook.

On successful creation of the configpack, the following HTTP response is received:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json{
  "configpack": {
    "config_id": "4917276817"

Updating a configuration

To update this configuration, for example, by adding a new backend server with IP address to the load balancing virtual server myapp, use the API for updating a configpack as follows:

PUT http://<MAS-DNS-or-IP>/stylebook/nitro/v1/config/stylebooks/com.example.stylebooks/0.1/composite-example/configpacks/4917276817
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
  "configpack": {
    "parameters": {
      "name": "myapp",
      "ip": "",
      "svc-servers": ["","",""]
    "id": "deecee30-f478-4446-9741-a85041903410"
    "id": "debecc60-d589-4557-8632-a74032802412"

On successful update of the configpack, the following HTTP response is received:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
   "configpack": {
     "config-id": "4917276817"

Deleting a configuration

To delete this configuration (from all the Citrix ADC instances), you can use the API for deleting a configpack as follows:

DELETE http://<MAS-DNS-or-IP>/stylebook/nitro/v1/config/stylebooks/com.example.stylebooks/0.1/composite-example/configpacks/4917276817
Accept: application/json

On successful deletion of the configpack, the following HTTP response is received:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
   "configpack": {
     "config_id": "4917276817"

You can log on to the Citrix ADC instance and verify that all the configuration objects that are part of this configpack have been removed.

If you want to remove the configuration from specific Citrix ADC instances instead of from all, use the update configpack operation described above and change the “target_devices” attribute in the JSON payload to remove the specific Citrix ADC instance IDs.

Use API to create configurations from StyleBooks