
Type of Data

JSON (NetScaler API feed)


Fusion’s NetScaler connector allows you to query the ADC statistics by integrating with the ADC NITRO API. For more information on ADC statistics refer to the Citrix Developer Documentation here. The JSON feed pulls content from a customer supplied NITRO reporting URL and makes this data available to the Citrix ITM Openmix NetScaler Intelligent Traffic Management application. The Openmix app is responsible for processing the data and handling error conditions if data is missing or corrupt. The customer’s JSON data must be under 10K in size or Fusion rejects it. It is a hard limit imposed by the Openmix infrastructure.

Data Feed

A sample data feed looks like this:

    "activetransactions": "0",
          "avgsvrttfb": "0",
          "curclntconnections": "0",
          "curload": "0",
          "curreusepool": "0",
          "cursrvrconnections": "0",
          "curtflags": "0",
          "frustratingttlbtransactions": "0",
          "maxclients": "0",
          "name": "azurelbdnsservice0",
          "primaryipaddress": "",
          "primaryport": 53,
          "requestbytesrate": 47,
          "requestsrate": 0,
          "responsebytesrate": 135,
          "responsesrate": 0,
          "servicetype": "DNS",
          "state": "UP",
          "surgecount": "0",
          "svrestablishedconn": "0",
          "throughput": "0",
          "throughputrate": 0,
          "toleratingttlbtransactions": "0",
          "totalrequestbytes": "72059004",
          "totalrequests": "0",
          "totalresponsebytes": "206317840",
          "totalresponses": "0",
          "totsvrttlbtransactions": "0",
          "vsvrservicehits": "0",
          "vsvrservicehitsrate": 0

Implementation Notes

  • The NITRO API is the only endpoint that is queried:


  • The Resource Type, URL, user name, and Password are the minimum requirements to make the query.
  • All the field names are identified.
  • When you query this endpoint, you find that some values (such as Primary IP Address) remain constant, while certain other values change. The values for Primary IP Address remain the same. The values for Total Request Bytes or Total Response Bytes might stay the same or go up.

Set up in Fusion

You can access Fusion Data Feeds from the left navigation pane, under Openmix. For initial steps refer to the Fusion Integration Documentation.

When you get to the service-specific configuration dialog box, the first step is to select the service you want to configure.

The next step is to fill out the following configuration fields:

  • Name: The name given to the data feed that defaults to <Service><Platform Name>, if not specified.
  • Run Every: The frequency with which the data feed is updated from the service.
  • Platform: The Platform that is associated with the data feed.
  • URL: URL of the specific ADC Instance NITRO endpoint.
  • Resource Type: The type of data you are trying to retrieve such as load balancing statistics, Authentication statistics, DNS statistics. For example, gslbdomain, gslbservice, gslbsite, gslbvserver, lbvserver, system, systembw, systemcpu, systemmemory, and so on.
  • Resource Name: The name of the specific resource that must be retrieved. Putting in a resource name helps narrow down the feed to make it manageable and keep it within the required 10k size. For example, name of the lbvserver, GSLB Service, gslbdomain, gslbsite, and so on.
  • Username: The ID required to access the API (provided by NetScaler).
  • Password: The password to access the API secret key (provided by NetScaler).

Once the NetScaler Fusion configuration is complete, it is listed on the Fusion data feeds home page. The status displays in green color, and the monitoring metrics are captured in the log history.

Data Feed History

Fusion collects the last 100 responses from each time it is run in the data feed history. You can view the data feed status, information about the data and the payload returned from the service. After selecting the specific data feed in the list, click Log History to show the history for the data feed.


To edit a Fusion data feed, click the data feed in the list and then click the Edit button.

Once you’re done editing, click Save. This action brings you back to the data feed list with your changes saved and applied to the data feed.
