Type of Data
Datadog helps create monitors that actively check server metrics, integration availability, network endpoints, and more. The Datadog Fusion integration consists of two parts: A Fusion feed to poll the Datadog monitor of interest, and a Webhook to accept Datadog alerts.
Data Feed Format
"date": "1514928998000",
"event_id": "4205479851843276922",
"last_updated": "1514928998000",
"monitor_id": "3617482",
"status": "OK",
"title": "[Recovered on {host:...,url:...}] Fusion Integration Alert"
When the monitor is triggering an alert:
"date": "1514928760000",
"event_id": "4205475852893180000",
"last_updated": "1514928760000",
"monitor_id": "3617482",
"status": "Alert",
"title": "[Triggered on {host:...,url:...}] Fusion Integration Alert"}
Note: The word “Recovered” in the title indicates that the status is OK, and the word “Triggered” indicates that the monitor is giving out an alert.
Reconciliation Steps
Prerequisites: Datadog monitor of interest is already set up.
- Go to the Datadog portal.
- Go to Monitors on the left navigation panel.
- Find the alert that you set up and click it.
- Check if the status is OK and if matches the status you see in Fusion.
Server Configuration
Configure Webhook
Navigate to Integrations and click the Webhooks tile. The Datadog Webhook page walks you through the Datadog Webhook integration.
At the bottom of the Webhooks dialog, click Add a new Webhook. Each row is a new Webhook that can be used to alert a different Fusion feed. There are two required fields:
Name: Can be any arbitrary name.
URL: This is the URL from the Fusion Data Feed when you configured Datadog. Leave Custom Payload and Headers blank by making sure the check boxes are not clicked.
Set up in Fusion
You can access Fusion Data Feeds from the left navigation pane, under Openmix. For initial steps refer to the Fusion Integration Documentation.
When you get to the service-specific configuration dialog box, the first step is to select the service you want to configure.
The next step is to fill out the following configuration fields:
Name: The name given to the data feed. This defaults to <Service><Platform Name>
if not specified.
Run Every: The frequency with which the data feed is updated from the service.
Platform: The Platform that is associated with the data feed.
API Key: Available in the Datadog portal.
Application Key: Available in the Datadog portal.
Note: API and Application keys are in Datadog. Both keys are required to set up a Datadog Fusion feed. To view the keys, log into Datadog and navigate to:
Integrations > API
Monitor ID: Monitor ID is the specific monitor you want to poll.
To find the monitor_id in Datadog, navigate to: Monitors > Manage Monitors
Search for the monitor you’d like to poll. You find the monitor ID in the browser address bar.
Once the Fusion feed is complete, copy the URL provided. This URL is used to configure the Webhook.
Click Next to complete setting up the Fusion feed. Once the Fusion feed set up is complete, copy the URL provided. This URL is used to configure the Webhook.
Once the Fusion Datadog installation is complete, it is listed on the Fusion data feeds home page with a green status and monitoring metrics in the log history.
To edit a Fusion data feed click the data feed in the list and then click the Edit button. Once you have changed the configuration, click Save. This brings you back to the data feed list with your changes saved and applied to the data feed.