New Relic

Type of Data

Instance Metrics


New Relic is an APM tool that has both a “free” and “paid” subscription pricing model. Multiple New Relic monitored servers can be returned in a single data feed. Servers can be filtered by Server ID. New Relic runs as an agent on one or more desired servers. The user installs the New Relic agent and the agent collects server and application metrics and reports this data back to New Relic. New Relic then makes this information available via their portal and also via a RESTful API. Fusion integrates with New Relic via their RESTful API.

New Relic Data Feed Field Definitions

Key Solution
cpu_time_pct The average CPU Usage in the last 3-4 minute time range
disk_used_pct The disk usage percentage (based on the disk that is the fullest)
memory_available_pct Available system memory percentage
health_status As reported by New Relic, “green” means the server is in good shape, “red” means the server is having a problem. The metrics for reporting the status can be configured in the New Relic portal under server policies. The default policy is: CPU > 80%, disk I/O > 90%, memory > 90%, disk_used > 90%. If any of these metrics exceed the threshold, the server status changes to “red”. Metrics approaching the threshold changes to yellow/orange.
network_io_mbps Total network I/O megabits per second average over the last 5 minutes. This value is created to match the New Relic server summary chart for Network I/O Mb/s
memory_available_mb Total available memory
server_id The New Relic assigned server ID

Multiple New Relic Servers, Single Openmix Data Feed

Multiple servers can be specified via the Fusion New Relic UI configuration which shows the metrics for each server in a single data feed. If no servers are specified, all the customer configured NR servers are returned.

“Free” vs “Paid” Subscription Metrics

All of the server metrics can be obtained using the New Relic “free” subscription except for network_io_mbps which requires a paid (Pro) subscription. If the customer does not have a paid New Relic subscription, the value for network_io_mbps will be null.

The New Relic server summary metrics are based on a current 3-4 minute average rolling window.

Data Feed Format

      "": {
        "cpu_time_pct": 5.91,
        "disk_used_pct": 24.6,
        "memory_available_pct": 85.9,
        "health_status": "green",
        "network_io_mbps": 0.146,
        "memory_available_mb": 11188.0,
        "server_id": 11474195

New Relic Openmix Data Feed

The screenshot below shows a New Relic data feed for two harvester dev servers. In this case, you can see we are working with a paid New Relic subscription because the network_io_mbps field is not null.

The Fusion / New Relic Openmix data feed must be less than the Cedexis app server API 10K limit. Given the data shown above, approximately 25 new relic servers can fit in a one Fusion / New Relic Openmix data feed. If needed, you can use the server IDs field to reduce the number of servers reported in the Openmix data feed.

Set up in Fusion

You can access Fusion Data Feeds from the left navigation pane, under Openmix. For initial steps please refer to the Fusion Integration Documentation.

When you get to the service-specific configuration dialog box, enter the following:

  • Name: The name given to the data feed. This defaults to “Service - Platform Name” if not specified.
  • Run Every: The frequency with which the data feed is updated from the service.
  • Platform: The Platform that is associated with the data feed.
  • API Key: Available in the New Relic portal.
  • Server IDs: The Server IDs field is optional. If it is left blank, all the servers associated with the customer’s New Relic API key will be returned. The Server IDs field can contain a comma separate list of New Relic server IDs. The server IDs can be found in the New Relic portal. If Server IDs are entered, they are validated (that is, the server ID must exist in the customer’s New Relic portal).

Once the installation is complete, it is listed on the Fusion data feeds home page with a green status and monitoring metrics in the log history.

To edit a Fusion data feed click the data feed in the list and then click the Edit button. Once you have changed the configuration, click Save. This brings you back to the data feed list with your changes saved and applied to the data feed.

New Relic