NetScaler CPX troubleshooting

This document explains how to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter while using NetScaler CPX. Using this document, you can collect logs to determine the causes and apply workarounds for some of the common issues related to the installation and configuration of NetScaler CPX.

  • How can I view NetScaler CPX logs?

    You can view NetScaler CPX logs using the kubectl logs command if NetScaler CPX is deployed with the tty:true option. You can run the following command to display the logs:

     kubectl logs <pod-name> [-c <container-name>] [-n <namespace-name>]


     kubectl logs cpx-ingress1-69b9b8c648-t8bgn -c cpx -n citrix-adc

    The following is an example of the NetScaler CPX pod deployment with the tty:true option:

         - name: cpx-ingress
           image: ""
           tty: true
              privileged: true

    You can find more boot logs in the /cpx/log/boot.log file of NetScaler CPX file system.

    Note: To get the pod name, run the kubectl get pods -o wide command.

  • How can I collect the technical support bundle from NetScaler CPX?

    You can run the following command on the shell interface of the Kubernetes master node to collect the NetScaler CPX technical support bundle:

     kubectl exec <cpx-pod-name> [-c <cpx-container-name>] [-n <namespace-name>] /var/netscaler/bins/ "show techsupport"

    You can view the technical support bundle in the /var/tmp/support directory of the NetScaler CPX’s file system. Use scp or kubectl cp to copy the technical support bundle from NetScaler CPX to the desired destination.


     root@localhost# kubectl exec cpx-ingress1-55b9b6fc75-t5kc6 -c cpx -n citrix-adc /var/netscaler/bins/ "show techsupport"
     exec: show techsupport
       Scope:  NODE
     root@localhost# kubectl cp cpx-ingress1-55b9b6fc75-t5kc6:var/tmp/support/collector_P_192.168.29.232_31Aug2020_07_30.tar.gz /tmp/collector_P_192.168.29.232_31Aug2020_07_30.tar.gz -c cpx
     root@localhost# ll /tmp/collector_P_192.168.29.232_31Aug2020_07_30.tar.gz
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1648109 Aug 31 13:23 /tmp/collector_P_192.168.29.232_31Aug2020_07_30.tar.gz
  • Why is NetScaler CPX pod stuck while booting?

    You can check the pod status using the kubectl describe pods command. Run the following command to know the pod status:

     kubectl describe pods <pod-name> [-c <container-name>] [-n <namespace-name>]


     kubectl describe pods cpx-ingress1-69b9b8c648-t8bgn

    If the pod events show that container is started, then you must check the pod logs.

  • How do I copy files between the NetScaler CPX pod and the Kubernetes master node?

    It is recommended to use the volume mount feature of docker to mount the /cpx directory to the file system of the host. If a NetScaler CPX container exits core-dumps, logs and other important data are available on the mount point.

    You can use any one of the following commands to copy files between the NetScaler CPX pod and the Kubernetes master node:

    kubectl cp: You can run the following command to copy files from pod to node:

     kubectl cp <pod-name>:<absolute-src-path> <dst-path> [-c <container-name>] [-n <namespace-name>]


     root@localhost:~# kubectl cp cpx-ingress-596d56bb6-zbx6h:cpx/log/boot.log /tmp/cpx-boot.log -c cpx-ingress
     root@localhost:~# ll /tmp/cpx-boot.log
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7880 Sep 11 00:07 /tmp/cpx-boot.log

    scp: You can use the command to copy files between the NetScaler CPX pod and the Kubernetes node. Run the following command to copy files from pod to node. When it prompts for the password, provide the password for the SSH user:

     scp <user>@<pod-ip>:<absolute-src-path> <dst-path>


     root@localhost:~# scp nsroot@ /tmp/cpx-boot.log
     nsroot@'s password:
     100% 7880     5.1MB/s   00:00
  • How do I capture packets on NetScaler CPX?

    To capture packets on NetScaler CPX, launch the shell interface of NetScaler CPX using the kubectl exec command. Run the following command to launch the shell interface of the NetScaler CPX pod:

         kubectl exec -it pod-name [-c container-name] [-n namespace-name] bash


         kubectl exec -it cpx-ingress1-69b9b8c648-t8bgn -c cpx -n citrix-adc bash

    And, run the following command to begin packet capture:
 “start nstrace -size 0”

    If you want to stop the ongoing packet capture, run the following command:
 “stop nstrace”

    You can view the packets captured in a .cap file in the /cpx/nstrace/time-stamp directory on the NetScaler CPX file system.

  • Why is the license server not configured even when NetScaler CPX is deployed with the LS_IP=<ADM-IP> environment variable?

    Ensure that the license server is accessible from the node on which NetScaler CPX is deployed. You can use the ping <ADM-IP> command to verify the connectivity from the NetScaler CPX node to Citrix ADM.

    If Citrix ADM is accessible from the node, then you must verify the license server configuration logs in the /cpx/log/boot.log file. You can also check for license server configuration using the following command on the shell interface of the NetScaler CPX pod: "show licenseserver"


     root@cpx-ingress-596d56bb6-zbx6h:/cpx/log# "show licenseserver"
     exec: show licenseserver
     ServerName:  27000 Status:  1   Grace:  0  Gptimeleft:  720
  • Why is pooled license not configured on NetScaler CPX even after a successful license server configuration on NetScaler CPX?

    Verify the license configuration logs in the /cpx/log/boot.log file. You can also verify the configured pooled license on NetScaler CPX using the following command on the shell interface of the NetScaler CPX pod: “show capacity”


     root@cpx-ingress-596d56bb6-zbx6h:/cpx/log# "show capacity"
     exec: show capacity
     Actualbandwidth:  1000  MaxVcpuCount:  2  Edition:  Platinum      Unit:  Mbps   Bandwidth:  0`  `Maxbandwidth:  40000        Minbandwidth:  20       Instancecount:  1

    Also, ensure that the required license files are uploaded in the license server. You can also verify the available licenses on the license server once it is successfully configured on NetScaler CPX by using the following command. Run the command on the shell interface of NetScaler CPX pod: “sh licenseserverpool”


     root@cpx-ingress-596d56bb6-zbx6h:/cpx/log# "show licenseserverpool"
     exec: show licenseserverpool
         Instance Total                     : 5
         Instance Available                 : 4
         Standard Bandwidth Total           : 0 Mbps
         Standard Bandwidth Availabe        : 0 Mbps
         Enterprise Bandwidth Total         : 0 Mbps
         Enterprise Bandwidth Available     : 0 Mbps
         Platinum Bandwidth Total           : 10.00 Gbps
         Platinum Bandwidth Available       : 9.99 Gbps
         CP1000 Instance Total              : 100
         CP1000 Instance Available          : 100
  • Why do NITRO API calls get Connection Refused response from NetScaler CPX?

    The default port for NITRO APIs is 9080 (unsecure) and 9443 (secure) from the NetScaler CPX release 12.1 onwards. Ensure that the NITRO port of NetScaler CPX you try to access is exposed on the pod. You can run the kubectl describe command to view the exposed and mapped port of the NetScaler CPX container in the NetScaler CPX container section:

     kubectl describe pods <pod-name> | grep -i port


          ng472 | grep -i port
             Ports:          80/TCP, 443/TCP, 9080/TCP, 9443/TCP
             Host Ports:     0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
               NS_HTTP_PORT:            9080
               NS_HTTPS_PORT:           9443
             Port:          <none>
             Host Port:     <none>
               NS_PORT:                 80
  • Why does the NSPPE process in NetScaler CPX consume most of the CPU usage even when there is no or little traffic?

    If NetScaler CPX is deployed with the CPX_CONFIG=’{“YIELD”:”NO”}' environment variable, the NSPPE process consumes 100 percent CPU usage even when there is no or little traffic. If you want the NSPPE process not to consume the CPU usage, you must deploy NetScaler CPX without the CPX_CONFIG=’{“YIELD”:”NO”} environment variable. By default, the NSPPE process in CPX is configured not to hog or consume the CPU usage.

  • Why is NetScaler CPX not listed in Citrix ADM even when it was deployed with the required environment variables for registration with Citrix ADM?

    You can find the logs for NetScaler CPX registration with Citrix ADM in the /cpx/log/boot.log file on the NetScaler CPX file system.

    You can verify the accessibility of the Citrix ADM IP address from the NetScaler CPX pod using the ping command. Also, ensure that all the required environment variables for Citrix ADM registration are configured for the NetScaler CPX container.

    • NS_MGMT_FINGER_PRINT=<ADM-Fingerprint>
    • HOST=<Node-IP>
    • NS_HTTP_PORT=<Mapped-HTTP-Port-on-Node>
    • NS_HTTPS_PORT=<Mapped-HTTPS-Port-on-Node>
    • NS_SSH_PORT=<Mapped-SSH-Port-on-Node>
    • NS_SNMP_PORT=<Mapped-SNMP-Port-on-Node>
    • NS_ROUTABLE=0 (NetScaler CPX pod IP address is not routable from outside.)
  • Why does show Invalid user name or password error message after changing the password for nsroot user?

    The command is a wrapper utility for NSCLI on NetScaler CPX. It runs the first argument as command string or file path and the second argument is optional which is credentials. If the password for the nsroot user is changed, you need to provide credentials as the second argument to You can run the following command to run NSCLI with credentials: “<command>” “:<username>:<password>”


     root@087a1e34642d:/# "show ns ip"
     exec: show ns ip
     ERROR: Invalid username or password
     root@087a1e34642d:/# "show ns ip" ":nsroot:nsroot123"
     exec: show ns ip
     Ipaddress        Traffic Domain         Type             Mode     Arp     Icmp     Vserver  State        
     --------------   ----                   ----             ---     ----     -------  ------   -----       0                   NetScaler IP     Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled        0                   SNIP             Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
NetScaler CPX troubleshooting