Configuring Docker Logging Drivers

Docker includes logging mechanisms called “logging drivers” to help you get information from the running containers. You can configure a NetScaler CPX container to forward logs that it generates to the docker logging drivers. For more information on docker logging drivers, see Configure logging drivers.

By default, all logs generated by the NetScaler CPX container are stored in /cpx/log/ns.log file on the docker host. When you start the NetScaler CPX container using the docker run command, you can configure it to forward all the generated logs to a docker logging driver using the --log-driver option. If the logging driver has configurable parameters, you can set them using the --log-opt <NAME>=<VALUE> option.

In the following example, the NetScaler CPX container is configured to forward all the generated logs using syslog as logging driver.

docker run -dt --privileged=true --log-driver syslog --log-opt syslog-address=udp:// -e EULA=yes --ulimit core=-1 --name test store/citrix/cpx:12.1-48.13

Similarly, in the following example the NetScaler CPX container is configured to forward all the generated logs using Splunk as logging driver.

docker run -dt --privileged=true --log-driver=splunk --log-opt splunk-token=176FCEBF-4CF5-4EDF-91BC-703796522D20 --log-opt splunk-url=https://splunkhost:8088 -e EULA=yes --ulimit core=-1 --name test store/citrix/cpx:12.1-48.13
Configuring Docker Logging Drivers