Configure NetScaler CPX in Kubernetes Using ConfigMaps

In Kubernetes, you can configure the NetScaler CPX instance using ConfigMaps. Using ConfigMaps you can dynamically configure the NetScaler CPX instance during instance startup.

Create a cpx.conf configuration file that includes NetScaler-specific configuration and bash shell commands that you want to run dynamically on the NetScaler CPX instance. The configuration file structure requires two types of tags, #NetScaler Commands and #Shell Commands. Under the #NetScaler Commands tag, you must add all the NetScaler commands to configure NetScaler-specific configuration on NetScaler CPX instance. Under the #Shell Commands tag, you must add the shell commands that you want to run on the NetScaler CPX instance.


  • The tags can be repeated multiple times in the configuration file.
  • The configuration file can also include comments. Add a “#” character before comments.
  • The tags are not case-sensitive.
  • If there are failure scenarios while deploying the NetScaler CPX container with the configuration file, the failures are logged in the ns.log file.
  • After the NetScaler CPX instance starts, if you change the ConfigMap, the updated configuration is applied only when the NetScaler CPX instance is restarted.

The following is a sample configuration file:

#NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v1 http 80 add service s1 http 80 bind lb vserver v1 s1 #Shell Commands touch /etc/a.txt echo "this is a" > /etc/a.txt #NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v2 http #Shell Commands echo "this is a 1" >> /etc/a.txt #NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v3 http

Once you have created the configuration file, you must create a ConfigMap from the configuration file using the kubectl create configmap command.

kubectl create configmap cpx-config --from-file=cpx.conf

In the example above, you can create a ConfigMap, cpx-config based on the configuration file cpx.conf. You can then use this ConfigMap in the YAML file used to deploy the NetScaler CPX instance.

You can view the created ConfigMap using the kubectl get configmap command. root@node1:~/yaml# kubectl get configmap cpx-config -o yaml


apiVersion: v1 data: cpx.conf: | #NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v1 http 80 add service s1 http 80 bind lb vserver v1 s1 #Shell Commands touch /etc/a.txt echo "this is a" > /etc/a.txt echo "this is the file" >> /etc/a.txt ls >> /etc/a.txt #NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v2 http #Shell Commands echo "this is a 1" >> /etc/a.txt #NetScaler Commands add lb vserver v3 http #end of file kind: ConfigMap metadata: creationTimestamp: 2017-12-26T06:26:50Z name: cpx-config namespace: default resourceVersion: "8865149" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/cpx-config uid: c1c7cb5b-ea05-11e7-914a-926745c10b02

You can specify the created ConfigMap, cpx-config in the YAML file used to deploy the NetScaler CPX instance as follows:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: cpx-1 labels: app: cpx-daemon annotations: NETSCALER_AS_APP: "True" spec: hostNetwork: true containers: - name: cpx image: "" securityContext: privileged: true volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /cpx/bootup_conf env: - name: "EULA" value: "yes" - name: "NS_NETMODE" value: "HOST" - name: "kubernetes_url" value: "" - name: "NS_MGMT_SERVER" value: "" - name: "NS_MGMT_FINGER_PRINT" value: "19:71:A3:36:85:0A:2B:62:24:65:0F:7E:72:CC:DC:AD:B8:BF:53:1E" - name: "NS_ROUTABLE" value: "FALSE" - name: "KUBERNETES_TASK_ID" valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: imagePullPolicy: Never volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: cpx-config

Once the NetScaler CPX is instance is deployed and starts the configuration specified in the ConfigMap, cpx-config is applied to the NetScaler CPX instance.

Configure NetScaler CPX in Kubernetes Using ConfigMaps