Application Delivery Management

Import and synchronize StyleBooks from GitHub repository

Consider a scenario where you are using CI/CD processes for your development. Or, a scenario where you are managing all the application source code and deployment objects in GitHub.

In the GitHub repository, you might have created several StyleBooks for deploying the NetScaler configurations and managing these StyleBooks. These StyleBooks are also required in Citrix Applications and Delivery Management (ADM). Now, you can directly import these StyleBooks into NetScaler ADM. You don’t need to manually copy them from GitHub and then upload them into NetScaler ADM or manually synchronize the files in both ADM and GitHub.

You can now define a repository in NetScaler ADM that represents a GitHub repository. Provide the GitHub repository URL and your user name and password (or API token) created in GitHub. That means, only authorized users who have a valid account in GitHub can import and sync StyleBooks.

After creating the repository, you can sync NetScaler ADM with your GitHub repository. NetScaler ADM connects to GitHub and imports StyleBooks found in that repository. ADM then validates the StyleBooks and adds them to the list of StyleBooks in NetScaler ADM. StyleBooks are not added to NetScaler ADM if they fail validation. Correct the errors and commit updated versions into your GitHub repository. Later you can try importing them or syncing them again into NetScaler ADM.


  • StyleBooks files can be imported and synchronized from any branch of a GitHub repository.

  • You can import and synchronize StyleBooks that have dependent StyleBooks associated with them too.

  • The synchronization of StyleBooks from a GitHub repository must be initiated manually from the NetScaler ADM GUI or API. That is, currently, importing and syncing of StyleBooks does not happen automatically based on GitHub commit activity.

Add a repository and import StyleBooks from GitHub repository

Before you begin, ensure you have a valid account in GitHub.

You can import StyleBook files to ADM from any folder in the GitHub repository.

  1. In NetScaler ADM, navigate to Applications > StyleBooks > Repositories.

  2. Click Add. In the Add Repository window, enter the following parameters:

    • Name. Type the name of the repository. This name can be the same as the repository name in GitHub or a different one.

    • Repository URL. Type the GitHub repository URL.

    • User name and password. Type the user name and password with which you access the GitHub account.


    You can also provide the API token in place of a password. API tokens can be used instead of a password for GitHub over HTTPS. For information on how to create API tokens for your GitHub repository, see the GitHub documentation for creating personal access tokens.

  3. Click Create.

    Add GIT repository

    The repository is created in NetScaler ADM.

  4. To import or sync StyleBooks, select the repository in the Repositories page, and click Sync.

The other actions that you can use here are:

  • Edit. You can edit the repository URL, user name, and password (or API token).

  • Delete. You can delete the repository along with all StyleBooks present in NetScaler ADM that were imported previously from that GitHub repository.


    You cannot delete a repository from NetScaler ADM if it has any StyleBooks that have ConfigPacks associated with them. First, delete all the configuration packs of these StyleBooks. You can later remove the repository from NetScaler ADM to clean up the StyleBooks from that repository.

  • Reset. You can remove all StyleBooks in NetScaler ADM synced from that repository without actually deleting the repository entry from NetScaler ADM.

  • List files. You can see a list of all StyleBooks present in NetScaler ADM that originates from the GitHub repository.

Import and synchronize StyleBooks from GitHub repository