Journaux générés par NetScaler ADM

NetScaler Application Delivery Management (ADM) fournit une journalisation complète qui peut aider à résoudre les problèmes. Les journaux générés (admin.log) sont situés à : /var/controlcenter/log/

Vous pouvez vous connecter à NetScaler ADM et utiliser le shell pour accéder à la structure de répertoires de NetScaler ADM. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un exemple d’extrait d’un journal NetScaler ADM pour le déploiement graphique d’un APIC.

    2016-06-29 10:58:33,816 DEBUG APIC Config  = {(0, '', 5230): {'dn': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', 'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'tenant': 'coke_SDX2', 'ctxName': 'cokectx1', 'value': {(10, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'cifs': {'ADCHybridMode_1_Device_1': '1_1'}, 'ackedstate': 0}, (7, '', '2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'tag': 273, 'type': 1, 'ackedstate': 0, 'transaction': 0}, (1, '', 5790): {'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(4, 'mFCngNetwork', 'mFCngnetwork'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'Network_key', 'network_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'network', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (4, 'internal_network', 'internal_network'): {'connector': 'provider', 'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'internal_network_key', 'internal_network_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'network/internal_snip', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (2, 'external', 'consumer'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(9, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (4, 'mFCngStylebook', 'mFCngStylebook'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'Stylebook_key', 'Stylebook_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'stylebook_1', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (2, 'internal', 'provider'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(9, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778', 'ackedstate': 0}}}}}}, 'state': 1, 'absGraph': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'rn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, (4, 'Network', 'network'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(4, 'nsip', 'internal_snip'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(5, 'type', 'type'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'SNIP'}, (5, 'hostroute', 'hostroute'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'DISABLED'}, (5, 'ipaddress', 'ipaddress'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': ''}, (5, 'dynamicrouting', 'dynamicRouting'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'ENABLED'}, (5, 'netmask', 'netmask'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': ''}}}}}, (8, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'vif': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1', 'ackedstate': 0, 'encap': '2129920_32778'}, (4, 'Stylebook', 'stylebook_1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(5, 'name', 'stylebookName'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'APIC-HTTP-LB'}}}}, 'txid': 10000}}
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,816 DEBUG get Graph Return details = {'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', (1, '', 5790): {'state': 1, 'graphrn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, 'tenantName': 'coke_SDX2', 'StyleBookName': 'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': 'cokectx1', 'graphInstanceId': 5790}
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,827 DEBUG SUCCESS created track 2.0
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,833 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 2
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,851 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 1
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG fn_wrapper:long_operation_thread_id:<eventlet.greenthread.GreenThread object at 0x80aa5c7d0>
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG +++++++ Service Audit Call for Device Details  = +++++++++++++++++
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG Inside APIC Cred Col If = 2
    2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG Host name from device = ADCHybridMode_1
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG  Save config  Response = { "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": "NONE" }
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++++++ getContextAwareFlag = True
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++ get context tenant name from Config ++++++
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++ getContextTenantName = {'state': 1, 'ctxName': 'cokectx1', 'tenant': 'coke_SDX2', 'vdev': 5230} ++++++
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service health details = {} collection length = 0
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Count details Total = 0 Up = 0 Down = 0
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Health Score details Up = 0
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service HEALTH final collection  = {((0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')): {'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': ([(0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')], 0)}}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG ++++++getServiceHealth Fault List = []
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service HEALTH final response  = {'devs': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Device_1', 'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': [([(0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')], 0)]}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,236 DEBUG RESPONSE from NSLOGOUT = { "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": "NONE" }, sessionId = ##D2EAFA7CFCD73119E6C5E78D8BCB2E842829C971C1DC7E99850949DAE0029F2191B5E7EDF27646B2509164EEFBCB549EDAB6E6168ED0AEA68452DED6D30ACBED4BC34998DE818F7290C9B44342054168DFB89DF1AFA9A4378F1DB07F03BF6C9B4F6A7A38E6A5F1BFED70C72253181397E305B14FF490861C3F8114948538
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG +++++ Faults respCol   = {'': {'': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (7, '', '2129920_32778'): {'vlan': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (((0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1'), (2, 'internal', 'provider')), 'nsip'): {'vlan_nsip_binding': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'bind_op'}}, (((0, '', 5230), (4, 'Network', 'network')), (4, 'nsip', 'internal_snip')): {'nsip': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (): {}, (8, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'vlan_interface_binding': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'bind_op'}}}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = bind_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = bind_op
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG Fault details oprName = bind_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = bind_op
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG ++++++++++++++ ServiceAudit response = {'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': []}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG APIC Graph Details = {'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', (1, '', 5790): {'state': 1, 'graphrn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, 'tenantName': 'coke_SDX2', 'StyleBookName': 'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': 'cokectx1', 'graphInstanceId': 5790}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,242 DEBUG Journal Processing: Database task: create apic_graph
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,264 DEBUG SUCCESS created task 2
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,269 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 2
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG +++++++ get IP and Connector collection from Config with type 22 for attach & detach event ++++++
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- connector with IP List = {0: [], 1: [], 3: []}
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- attachIpList = [] dettachIpList = []
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- In _attachDettachIps attachIpList = [] dettachIpList = []
    2016-06-29 10:58:44,312 DEBUG ----- In _attachDettachIps row = {'deviceIP': u'', 'responseToAPIC': None, 'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', 'apicGraphState': None, 'serviceGroupName': None, 'configPackId': None, 'tenantName': u'coke_SDX2', 'styleBookName': u'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': u'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': u'cokectx1', 'serviceGroupPort': None, 'graphInstanceId': 5790, 'createDate': None, 'serviceGroupIP': None}
Journaux générés par NetScaler ADM