Bot signature update for September 2024

Updated signatures rules are generated for the bots identified in the week 2024-09-12. You can download and configure these signature rules to protect your appliance from bot attacks.

Bot signature version

Signature version 19 applicable for Netscaler platforms with 13.0 76.31 or later builds.

Updated bot signatures in this version

Following is a list of bot signature rule IDs, category and its type.

Bot signature ID Bot Category Bot Type
23 Crawler Bad Bot
74 Crawler Good Bot
236 Scraper Good Bot
252 Scraper Good Bot
293 Scraper Good Bot
372 Scraper Good Bot
375 Scraper Good Bot
376 Scraper Good Bot
377 Scraper Good Bot
378 Scraper Good Bot
379 Scraper Good Bot
424 Scraper Good Bot
425 Scraper Good Bot
451 Scraper Good Bot
580 Scraper Bad Bot
627 Search Engine Good Bot
681 Search Engine Bad Bot
784 Search Engine Good Bot
1173 Tool Good Bot
1174 Marketing Good Bot
1176 Search Engine Good Bot
1185 Screenshot Creator Good Bot
1328 Search Engine Bad Bot
1460 Marketing Bad Bot
1928 Marketing Bad Bot
2516 Tool Bad Bot
2637 Screenshot Creator Bad Bot
2935 Link Checker Bad Bot
3535 Tool Good Bot
3788 Tool Good Bot
3918 Crawler Good Bot
4012 Crawler Good Bot
4193 Search Engine Good Bot
4339 Tool Good Bot
4412 Marketing Good Bot
4496 Tool Good Bot
4522 Tool Good Bot
4654 Tool Good Bot
2000055 Scraper Good Bot
Bot signature update for September 2024