Localize error messages generated by Citrix ADC nFactor system

This topic captures information on localizing error messages generated by Citrix ADC nFactor system. These messages include the extended authentication error strings that are obtained as part of enhanced authentication feedback.

The default error strings that are sent by nFactor subsystem are described in /var/netscaler/logon/LogonPoint/receiver/js/localization/en/ctxs.strings.js for English language. Error strings for other languages are found in corresponding directories in /var/netscaler/logon/LogonPoint/receiver/js/localization/.

You must create a portal theme based on RfWeb UI for localizing error messages.

At the command prompt, type:

add portaltheme custom_error_theme -basetheme RfWebUI

bind authentication vserver av1  -portaltheme custom_error_theme

After these commands are executed, a new directory is created in /var/netscaler/logon/themes/<name>. This directory contains a file named “strings.en.json.” This file is an empty json file to begin with. Administrator can add name-value pairs comprising of old and new error strings.

For example, { “No active policy during authentication”: “No active policy during authentication, Please contact administrator” }

In the preceding example, text on the left side is the existing error message that is sent by nFactor. The text on the right side is the replacement for that. Administrator can add more messages as required.

Enhanced authentication feedback

For obtaining extended error messages during authentication process, enhancedAuthenticationFeedback feature must be enabled.

At the command prompt, type:

set aaa parameter –enableEnhancedAuthFeedback YES
Localize error messages generated by Citrix ADC nFactor system