JSON Cross-Site Scripting protection check

If an incoming JSON payload has a malicious cross-site scripting data, WAF blocks the request. The following procedures explain how you can configure this through CLI and GUI interfaces.

Configure JSON Cross-Site Scripting protection

For configure JSON cross-site scripting protection, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Add application firewall profile as JSON.
  2. Configure JSON cross-site scripting action to block cross-site scripting malicious payload

Add application firewall profile of type JSON

You must first create a profile that specifies how the application firewall must protect your JSON web content from JSON cross-site scripting attack.

At the command prompt, type:

add appfw profile <name> -type (HTML | XML | JSON)


When you set the profile type as JSON, other checks such as HTML or XML will not applicable.


add appfw profile profile1 –type JSON

Sample output for JSON cross-site scripting violation

JSONcross-site scriptingAction: block log stats Payload: {"username":"<a href=\"jAvAsCrIpT:alert(1)\">X</a>","password":"xyz"} Log message: Aug 19 06:57:33 <> 08/19/2019:06:57:33 GMT 0-PPE-0 : default APPFW APPFW_JSON_cross-site scripting 58 0 : 12-PPE0 - profjson Cross-site script check failed for object value(with violation="Bad URL: jAvAsCrIpT:alert(1)") starting at offset(12). <blocked> Counters 1 357000 1 as_viol_json_xss 3 0 1 as_log_json_xss 5 0 1 as_viol_json_xss_profile appfw__(profjson) 7 0 1 as_log_json_xss_profile appfw__(profjson)

Configure JSON Cross-Site Scripting action

You must configure one or more JSON cross-site scripting actions to protection your application from JSON Cross-Site Scripting attacks. At the command prompt, type:

set appfw profile <name> - JSONcross-site scriptingAction [block] [log] [stats] [none]


set appfw profile profile1 –JSONcross-site scriptingAction block

The available Cross-Site Scripting actions are: Block - Block connections that violate this security check. Log - Log violations of this security check. Stats - Generate statistics for this security check. None - Disable all actions for this security check.

Note To enable one or more actions, type “set appfw profile - JSONcross-site scriptingAction “ followed by the actions to be enabled.


set appfw profile profile1 -JSONSQLInjectionAction block log stat

Configure JSON Cross Site Scripting (cross-site scripting) protection by using Citrix GUI

Follow the procedure below to set the Cross Site Scripting (cross-site scripting) protection settings.

  1. On the navigation pane, navigate to Security > Profiles.
  2. In the Profiles page, click Add.
  3. In the Citrix Web App Firewall Profile page, click Security Checks under Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Security Checks section, go to JSON Cross-Site Scripting (cross-site scripting) settings.
  5. Click the executable icon near the checkbox.
  6. Click Action Settings to access the JSON Cross-Site Scripting Settings page.
  7. Select the JSON cross-site scripting actions.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Citrix Web App Firewall Profile page, click Relaxation Rules under Advanced Settings.
  10. In Relaxation Rules section, select JSON Cross-Site Scripting settings and click Edit.
  11. In the JSON Cross-Site Scripting Relaxation Rule page, click Add to add a JSON Cross-Site Scripting relaxation rule.
  12. Enter the URL to which the request has to be sent. All requests sent to this URL will not be blocked.
  13. Click Create.
JSON Cross-Site Scripting protection check