

Note: In the following example, the commands are in boldface type.

root@ns# ./chkserv nCipher server running root@ns# ./nfkminfo World generation 2 state 0x17a70000 Initialised Usable Recovery PINRecovery !ExistingClient RTC NVRAM FTO !AlwaysUseStrongPrimes SEEDebug n_modules 1 hknso cbec8c0c56c6b5e76b73147ef02d34a661eaa044 hkm bbb8d4839da5782be4d092735a7535538834dc91 (type Rijndael) hkmwk 1d572201be533ebc89f30fdd8f3fac6ca3395bf0 hkre 01f21ecf43933ffdd45e74c3883525176c5c439c hkra ac8ec5ee6bce00991bd97adce2091d9739b9b452 hkmc cf1b509abaad91995ed202d8f36613fc99433155 hkp c20910b2ed1ca62d6a2b0db67052a05f7bbfeb43 hkrtc bd811020a7c2f8df435a481c3767a89c2e13bc4f hknv 278b8012e48910d518a9ee91cff57233fb0c9093 hkdsee 12230b0e31e3cec66324c0815f782cfb9249edd5 hkfto 89dd6250b3d6149bcd15606f4553085e2fd6271a hkmnull 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000 ex.client none k-out-of-n 1/2 other quora m=1 r=1 p=1 nv=1 rtc=1 dsee=1 fto=1 createtime 2014-02-28 21:05:32 nso timeout 10 min ciphersuite DLf1024s160mRijndael Module #1 generation 2 state 0x2 Usable flags 0x10000 ShareTarget n_slots 2 esn BD17-C807-58D9 hkml 70289a6edba00ddc7e3f6d6f5a49edc963e822f2 Module #1 Slot #0 IC 0 generation 1 phystype SmartCard slotlistflags 0x2 SupportsAuthentication state 0x2 Empty flags 0x0 shareno 0 shares error OK No Cardset Module #1 Slot #1 IC 0 generation 1 phystype SoftToken slotlistflags 0x0 state 0x2 Empty flags 0x0 shareno 0 shares error OK No Cardset No Pre-Loaded Objects root@ns# ./sigtest Hardware module #1 speed index 5792 recommended minimum queue 19 Found 1 module; using 19 jobs Making 1024-bit RSAPrivate key on module #1; using Mech_RSApPKCS1 and PlainTextType_Bignum. Generated and exported key from module #1. Imported keys on module #1 1, 3059 1223.6, 3059 overall 2, 8698 2989.76, 4349 overall 3, 14396 4073.06, 4798.67 overall 4, 20091 4721.83, 5022.75 overall 5, 25799 5116.3, 5159.8 overall 6, 31496 5348.58, 5249.33 overall 7, 37192 5487.55, 5313.14 overall 8, 42780 5527.73, 5347.5 overall 9, 45777 4515.44, 5086.33 overall 10, 51457 4981.26, 5145.7 overall 11, 57151 5266.36, 5195.55 overall 12, 62813 5424.61, 5234.42 overall 13, 68496 5527.97, 5268.92 overall 14, 74182 5591.18, 5298.71 overall 15, 79832 5614.71, 5322.13 overall 16, 85518 5643.23, 5344.88 overall 17, 88412 4543.54, 5200.71 overall 18, 94086 4995.72, 5227 overall 19, 99778 5274.23, 5251.47 overall 20, 105469 5440.94, 5273.45 overall 21, 111133 5530.16, 5292.05 overall 22, 116838 5600.1, 5310.82 overall 23, 122522 5633.66, 5327.04 overall 24, 128175 5641.4, 5340.62 overall 25, 131072 4543.64, 5242.88 overall 26, 136762 5002.18, 5260.08 overall 27, 142415 5262.51, 5274.63 overall 28, 148125 5441.51, 5290.18 overall 29, 153816 5541.3, 5304 overall 30, 159414 5563.98, 5313.8 overall