Appendix B: Default front-end and back-end SSL profile settings

A default front-end profile has the following settings:

sh ssl profile ns_default_ssl_profile_frontend 1)Name: ns_default_ssl_profile_frontend Configuration for Front-End SSL profile DH: DISABLED Ephemeral RSA: ENABLED Refresh Count: 0 Session Reuse: ENABLED Timeout: 120 seconds Non FIPS Ciphers: DISABLED Cipher Redirect: ENABLED Redirect URL: Client Auth: DISABLED SSL Redirect: DISABLED SNI: DISABLED SSLv3: DISABLED TLSv1.0: ENABLED TLSv1.1: ENABLED TLSv1.2: ENABLED Push Encryption Trigger: Always PUSH encryption trigger timeout: 1 ms Send Close-Notify: YES Push flag: 0x0 (Auto) Deny SSL Renegotiation NO SSL quantum size: 8 kB Strict CA checks: NO Encryption trigger timeout 100 mS Encryption trigger packet count: 45 Use only bound CA certificates: DISABLED Subject/Issuer Name Insertion Format: Unicode Strict Host Header check for SNI enabled SSL sessions: NO ECC Curve: P_256, P_384, P_521 1) Cipher Name: AES Priority :2 Description: Predefined Cipher Alias 1) Vserver Name: v1 2) Vserver Name: nshttps-::1l-443 3) Vserver Name: nsrpcs-::1l-3008 4) Vserver Name: nskrpcs- 5) Vserver Name: nshttps- 6) Vserver Name: nsrpcs- Done

A default back-end profile has the following settings:

sh ssl profile ns_default_ssl_profile_backend 1)Name: ns_default_ssl_profile_backend Configuration for Back-End SSL profile Session Reuse: ENABLED Timeout: 300 seconds Non FIPS Ciphers: DISABLED Server Auth: DISABLED SSLv3: DISABLED TLSv1.0: ENABLED TLSv1.1: DISABLED TLSv1.2: DISABLED Push Encryption Trigger: Always PUSH encryption trigger timeout: 1 ms Send Close-Notify: YES Push flag: 0x0 (Auto) Deny SSL Renegotiation ALL SSL quantum size: 8 kB Strict CA checks: NO Encryption trigger timeout 100 mS Encryption trigger packet count: 45 Use only bound CA certificates: DISABLED ECC Curve: P_256, P_224, P_521 1) Cipher Name: AES Priority :1 Description: Predefined Cipher Alias 2) Cipher Name: RC4 Priority :2 Description: Predefined Cipher Alias 1) Service Name: s2 2) Service Name: s1 Done
Appendix B: Default front-end and back-end SSL profile settings