Network Experience Monitoring
Network Experience Monitoring (NEM) service (formerly called Netscope) enables service providers, enterprises, ISPs, and third party service providers to access detailed Radar measurement logs, and standard reports in the form of summarized actionable data. NEM offers several standard logs and reports that customers can use to measure the quality of their services.
This solution includes “raw” Radar Measurement delivery and access to the ITM Data API. NEM provides both the granular data (as either raw measurements or data aggregates) and data threshold alerts. These services help with discovery, isolate platform availability, and performance issues in platform peers and the underlying ISPs.
Radar “Raw” Measurements: Radar measurements provide per-event granular information that is batched daily. Radar measurements include public community and private measurement data collected by the tag. Data such as availability, response time, throughput for HTTP and HTTPS measurements are included. The following data fields are provided:
- Provider ID, resolver IP, obfuscated (/28) client IPs
- Obfuscated referrer header, user agent, end-user ASN
- Geo data for resolver and client fields
Radar Metrics that are available in the “Raw” Measurements are:
- Availability, Response Time, and Throughput (when measured)
- DNS Lookup Time (optional), TCP Connect Time (optional), and Secure Connect Time (optional)
- Latency (optional)
- Download Time (optional)
Radar Measurements are available to allow customers to do their own analysis of collected data. The data set includes information on provider performance and availability (errors) for a range of communication protocols.
Log file data is available for 7 days, from an AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage bucket. Customers can retrieve log files of community and private data using standard bucket access methods.
Real-time Radar “Raw” Measurements (optional): Raw Radar measurements are delivered in real-time to an AWS S3 bucket. These logs are generally available within 5 minutes of collection. They provide as much granularity as the Radar Raw Measurements noted earlier.
Data API: The ITM Radar data API provides aggregates of the Radar public community and private measurement data. Data is updated continuously, and batched approximately every 60 seconds for retrieval by the API. The data API is provided to allow customers to integrate Radar data into their own reports and dashboards.
Log Sharing and Delivery
- Radar logs can be delivered real-time and daily.
- Reports run daily.
- Results are saved to AWS S3 (S3) or Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
- Logs and reports both have a 7-day retention period and are automatically deleted one week after creation.
- Reports are usually in TSV (tab-separated value) or JSON format depending on the type of report.
Customers are given login information to access the S3 and GCS buckets. A command line tool like s3cmd or the AWS CLI for S3 or the gsutil for GCS can be used to log in. The S3cmd config file recognizes the access keys received via the Portal UI and helps the user connect to the S3 bucket.
The AWS CLI needs to be installed in the customer’s computer to connect to S3 and access the logs. For GCS, the customer receives the access key file as a download via the Portal UI which can be used with the gsutil tool. For more information refer to the FAQ.
Customers receive email notifications as and when reports are available.
Platform Settings
You must configure your platform to support and produce the data required for Netscope NEM. Before you start, make sure that the following settings are enabled for your platform:
- For Resource Timing Details enable Include Timestamps in Advanced Radar Settings.
From the main menu select Netscope NEM. The Network Experience Monitoring Configuration page opens.
Select required Platforms to start the configuration process.
Logs and Reports can be configured and generated only if at least one Platform or Network is selected.
The summarized data that the customer receives include Radar measurements of selected Platforms (for all associated networks).
Selecting Platforms
For content service providers or enterprises, select platforms such as CDNs, clouds, data centers, or other end-points. Select platforms for which measurements are required.
Radar Logs
- Radar logs are available for Platforms.
- They include a subset of the fields available in the raw logs, with some data anonymized: client IP /28, Referer MD5 hashed.
- Every measurement taken for public platforms is provided, regardless of the page that generated the measurement.
NEM never exposes full client IPs. Instead, it exposes the /28. For example, an IP of is shown in a report as
Log Frequency
Radar Logs can be generated daily (every 24 hours) i.e.end of day, UTC time. Logs can also be generated in real-time (minute by minute).
File Format
Choose TSV or JSON to receive logs and reports in either of these formats.
Measurement Type
You can configure logs for the following measurement types: Availability, Response Time, and Throughput. In the report, 1: Availability, 0: HTTP Response Time, and 14: HTTP Throughput.
Resource Timing Details
You can choose to also include Resource Timing details by clicking the Yes or No buttons.Resource timing details include,
- DNS Lookup Time
- TCP Connection Time
- Secure Connection Time
- Download Time
For log descriptions refer to Radar Log Descriptions and Reports for Service Providers and Enterprises.
Navigation Timing Logs
Log Frequency
Navigation Timing Logs can be generated daily (every 24 hours) that is, end of day, UTC time. Logs can also be generated in real-time (minute by minute).
File Format
Choose TSV or JSON to receive Navigation Timing logs in either of these formats. For log descriptions refer to Navigation Timing Log Descriptions.
Openmix Logs
Log Frequency
Openmix logs are generated in real-time (that is, minute by minute). These logs provide real-time measurements taken for Openmix customers.
File Format
Choose TSV or JSON to receive Openmix and HTTP Openmix logs in either of these formats. JSON is however the recommended format.
For log descriptions refer to Openmix Log Descriptions.
Cloud Service Delivery
This option allows you to select the mode of delivery. You can choose to receive logs and reports in either the AWS S3 bucket or in the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket. You can access the S3 and GCS buckets with the login information provided and use s3cmd or the AWS CLI for S3. and gsutil command line for GCS.
For logs and reports to be delivered to the AWS S3 bucket, select AWS S3.
The Location represents the bucket in AWS S3 where the logs and reports are saved.
IAM Keys
If you select the Generate Keys button under AWS S3, the AWS IAM Keys (Access and Secret keys) are generated and displayed under IAM Keys. Be sure to record the keys because they aren’t stored anywhere for viewing later.
The pair of access and secret keys are the only copy of the private keys. The customer must store them securely. Regenerating the new keys invalidate the existing ones. The S3cmd config file recognizes the access keys (received via the Portal UI) and helps the customer connect to the S3 bucket. The AWS CLI needs to be installed in the customer’s machine to connect to the S3.
For info on how to use the access and secret keys with s3cmd to download reports from the S3 bucket, refer to the FAQ.
Google Cloud Storage
For logs and reports to be delivered to GCS, select Google Cloud Storage.
The Location represents the bucket in Google Cloud Storage where logs and reports are saved.
IAM Keys
When you select the Generate Key File button, the Google Service Account Key File is downloaded to your machine.
This key file serves as the only copy of the private key. Take note of your service account’s email address and securely store the service account’s private key file. Regenerating a new key file invalidates the existing file.
This Key File can be used with the gsutil tool to download logs and reports from the GCS bucket. For details on how to use the Key File to download log files, refer to the FAQ.
Radar Log Descriptions and Reports for Service Providers and Enterprises
Radar Logs for Providers
- These logs provide Radar measurements for benchmark partners.
- They provide every measurement taken for public platforms, regardless of the page that generated the measurement.
- Radar logs include a subset of the fields available in the raw logs, with some data anonymized: client IP /28, Referer MD5 hashed.
- Here is a sample Platform Radar Log Share in TSV file format.
- NEM never exposes full client IPs. Instead, it exposes the /28. For example, an IP of is shown in a report as
- The client’s GEO information is extracted based on the client’s IPv4 which is more detailed.
Log Descriptions
The following are the columns headers and descriptions for the Radar Logs. The fields appear in the following order in the output files:
Log | Description |
Timestamp | It is the UTC time of the request in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ format. The actual value (down to the second) in the log tables is rounded to the nearest hour (2018-03-30T23:00:00Z) or day (2018-03-30T00:00:00Z) in the hour/day tables, respectively. Timestamp is always in UTC in all datasets. |
Unique Node ID | Also known as cache node ID. It’s an arbitrary value. Typically, an IP that the CDN Edge Servers return to help CDNs internally identify which server handled a particular request.’’ (empty string): Comes from Radar clients that do not support UNI detection.0: The user agent does not support the features needed for UNI detection.1: The client encountered an error during UNI detection, such an HTTP 404 or other unsuccessful response.2: UNI detection was attempted but resulted in an error. |
Provider ID | Internal ID of the platform that is being measured. |
Probe Type | The probe type being measured (e.g.1: HTTP Connect Time, 0: HTTP Response Time, 14: HTTP Throughput, and so on). To indicate that the service is available, use the information returned successfully within the allowed time. |
Response Code | Result of the measurement.e.g.0: success, 1: timeout, 4: error. For availability calculations the percent of measurements is taken with a 0 (success) response versus the overall number of measurements (total, regardless of response). For other probe types (RTT and throughput), the filter must only consider RTT data points with a 0 success code when calculating statistics on the RTT. Same for throughput. |
Measurement Value | The recorded measurement value, the meaning of which varies by probe type. It represents availability (1)/ Response Time (0) measurements in milliseconds, and Throughput (14) in kbps. |
Resolver Market | The market of the DNS resolver that handled the request. Generally the continent where the DNS resolver is located, where, 0: Unknown (XX), 1:North America (NA) 5: Africa (AF), 3: Europe (EU), 4: Asia (AS), 2: Oceania (OC), 6: South America (SA). |
Resolver Country | The country of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Resolver Region | The region of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at Note: Not all the countries of the world have defined regions. |
Resolver State | The state of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at Note: Not all the countries of the world have defined states. |
Resolver City | The city of the DNS resolver that handled the request.Resolver city is added by looking up a resolver IP address.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Resolver ASN | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the DNS resolver that handled the request. Generally the ASN that has the DNS resolver IDs can be mapped to names at |
Resolver IP | The IP address of the DNS resolver from which our infrastructure received the DNS request. |
Client Market | The market of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the continent where the client IP is located; where, 0: Unknown (XX), 1:North America (NA) 5: Africa (AF), 3: Europe (EU), 4: Asia (AS), 2: Oceania (OC), 6: South America (SA). |
Client Country | The country of the end user that generated this measurement.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Client Region | The region of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the geographic region where the client IP is located.IDs can be mapped to names at Note: Not all the countries of the world have defined regions. |
Client State | The state of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the state where the client IP is located.IDs can be mapped to names at Note, that not all the countries of the world have defined states. |
Client City | The city of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the city where the client IP is located.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Client ASN | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the ASN that contains the client IP.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Client IP | The IP of the end user that generated this measurement. |
Referer Host MD5 | The Referer information (Protocol, Host, and Path) comes from the Referer Header of the HTTP request to Radar. The Referer Host is MD5 hashed. |
User Agent | It’s the user agent string from the browser page that is hosting the tag. For example, if you use Chrome and browse a page with the Radar tag, the radar measurements in the background records the user agent from your Chrome browser. The measurements include Chrome browser, version of Chrome, information about the OS that Chrome is running on, and so on. |
DNS Lookup Time (Optional) | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Domain Lookup End and the Domain Lookup Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as domainLookupEnd - domainLookupStart. |
TCP Connect Time (Optional) | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Connect End and Connect Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as connectEnd - connectStart. |
Secure Connect Time (Optional) | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Connect End and Secure Connection Start is calculates. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as connectEnd - secureConnectionStart. |
Latency (Optional) | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Response Start and Request Start is calculated. It calculates when both the values aren’t null and the response start-time is greater than the request start-time. It’s calculated as responseStart - requestStart |
Download Time (Optional) | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Response End and Response Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as responseEnd - responseStart. |
Client Profile | This field helps to identify if the data is coming from mobile apps or browsers. It also allows us to differentiate between iOS, Android apps, and browsers. A number is used to identify each client profile. The values for this field are: null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Where, null: Generally implies an older Radar client that does not support sending the client_profile value. 0: Browser; 1: iOS - Radar runner for iOS app written in Swift; 2: Android; 3: Browser on mobile version of website; 4: iOS - Radar Runner for iOS app written in Objective-C. |
Client Profile Version | The client profile version tells us what version of the Radar Runner code (for iOS) or AndroidRadar SDK (for Android) was used in the mobile app. This field is intended for internal use only. |
Device Category | All devices are categorized into one of the following: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Smart TV, and Other. ‘Other’ is used as the default value if the parser is unable to determine the value for any of the fields. |
Device | The type of device the user is on, for example an Apple iPhone. The user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
Browser | The type of browser that the user is using, for example Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 0.0.0. The user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
OS | The operating system used. For example, iOS 11.0.3. the user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
Reporting Client IP | This IP is the masked /48 public IP of the user making the measurement. It can be either IPv4 or IPv6 (when supported). |
Navigation Timing Log Descriptions
Navigation Timing Data
Navigation Timing data provides insights into the various parts of the page load process for a webpage.
This data varies because of the end user’s location, network issues, changes made by the provider, and so on. Customers can use Navigation Timing data to optimize the end user’s experience in loading the monitored webpage.
Measurements can be taken for every Radar session (if enabled). Each session is attached to an ID number that helps track all measurements from a session. These measurements are shared with customers as Navigation Timing Logs via NEM.
The following is a sample of the Navigation Timing Data in TSV file format.
The following are the columns headers and descriptions for Navigation Timing logs. The fields appear in the following order in the output files:
Log | Description |
Timestamp | It’s the UTC time of the request in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ format. The actual value (down to the second) in the log tables is rounded to the nearest hour (2018-03-30T23:00:00Z) or day (2018-03-30T00:00:00Z) in the hour/day tables, respectively. It’s always in UTC in all datasets. |
Response Code | Result of the measurement.e.g.0: success, 1: timeout, 4: error. For availability calculations the percent of measurements is taken with a 0 (success) response versus the overall number of measurements (total). For other probe types (RTT and throughput), the filter is to only consider RTT data points with a 0 success code when calculating statistics on the RTT. Same for throughput. |
Resolver Market | The market of the DNS resolver that handled the request. Generally the continent where the DNS resolver is located, where, 0: Unknown (XX), 1:North America (NA) 5: Africa (AF), 3: Europe (EU), 4: Asia (AS), 2: Oceania (OC), 6: South America (SA). |
Resolver Country | The country of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Resolver Region | The region of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at Not all the countries of the world have defined regions. |
Resolver State | The state of the DNS resolver that handled the request.IDs can be mapped to names at Not all the countries of the world have defined states. |
Resolver ASN | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the DNS resolver that handled the request. Generally the ASN that has the DNS resolver. IDs can be mapped to names at |
Resolver IP | The IP address of the DNS resolver from which our infrastructure received the DNS request. |
Client Market | The market of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the continent where the client IP is located; where, 0: Unknown (XX), 1:North America (NA) 5: Africa (AF), 3: Europe (EU), 4: Asia (AS), 2: Oceania (OC), 6: South America (SA). |
Client Country | The country of the end user that generated this measurement.IDs can be mapped to names at |
Client Region | The region of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the geographic region where the client IP is located. IDs can be mapped to names at Not all the countries of the world have defined regions. |
Client State | The state of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the state where the client IP is located. IDs can be mapped to names at Not all the countries of the world have defined states. |
Client ASN | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the ASN that has the client IP. IDs can be mapped to names at |
Client IP | The IP of the end user that generated the measurement. |
Referer Host | The Referer information (Protocol, Host, and Path) comes from the Referer Header of the HTTP request to Radar. |
Referer Protocol | The Referer information (Protocol, Host, and Path) comes from the Referer Header of the HTTP request to Radar. |
Referer Path | The Referer information (Protocol, Host, and Path) comes from the Referer Header of the HTTP request to Radar. |
Device Category | All devices are categorized into one of the following: Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Smart TV, and Other. ‘Other’ is used as the default value if the parser is unable to determine the value for any of the fields. |
Device | The type of device the user is on, for example an Apple iPhone. The user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
Browser | The type of browser that the user is using, for example Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 0.0.0. The user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
OS | The operating system that is being used, for example iOS 11.0.3. The user agent string detects it from the browser running on the page that is hosting the Radar tag. |
DNS Lookup Time | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Domain Lookup End and the Domain Lookup Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as domainLookupEnd - domainLookupStart. |
TCP Connect Time | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Connect End and Connect Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as connectEnd - connectStart. |
Secure Connect Time | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Connect End and Secure Connection Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as connectEnd - secureConnectionStart. |
Load Event | It’s the duration or time taken to go from the start to end of the load event. It’s calculated as LoadEventEnd - LoadEventStart, when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
Redirect | It’s the duration or time taken to go from Navigation Start to Fetch Start. It’s calculated as FetchStart - NavigationStart, when both values are not null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
Total Page Load | It’s the duration or time taken to go from the start of navigation to the end of the page-load event. It’s calculated as - Load Event End - Navigation Start when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
DOM | The duration or time taken to go from DOM loading to DOM complete. It’s calculated as DomComplete - DomLoading when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
Latency | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Response Start and Request Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the response start time is greater than the request start time. It’s calculated as responseStart - requestStart |
Download Time | With the Resource Timing API, the difference between the Response End and Response Start is calculated. It calculates when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. It’s calculated as responseEnd - responseStart. |
DOM interactive | The duration or time taken to go from Navigation Start to DOM Interactive. It’s calculated as DomInteractive - NavigationStart when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
Start Render | The duration or time taken to go from Navigation Start to Start Render. It’s calculated as startRender - NavigationStart when both values aren’t null and the end time is greater than the start time. |
Openmix and HTTP Openmix Logs
Openmix and HTTP Openmix logs allow customers to use real-time measurements to monitor the behavior of their Openmix apps. They can use this data to find areas of improvements or to verify the expected performance of their apps.
- These logs provide real-time measurements taken for Openmix customers.
- The recommended file format for these logs is JSON, but they’re available in TSV format as well.
- Here are samples of Openmix and HTTP Openmix log sharing data in TSV file format.
Openmix Log Descriptions
Log | Description |
Timestamp | It’s the UTC time of the request in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ format. The actual value (down to the second) in the log tables is rounded to the nearest hour (2018-03-30T23:00:00Z) or day (2018-03-30T00:00:00Z) in the hour/day tables, respectively. The timestamp is always in UTC in all datasets. |
App Owner Zone ID | The zone ID for the application owner servicing the request. This value is always equal to 1. |
App Owner Customer ID | The customer ID for the application owner who services the request. For HTTP requests, code this ID in the request path and use it to look up which application to run. |
App ID | The application ID within the customer’s account that services the request. This ID is also coded in the HTTP request path. Application IDs start at 1 and are only unique to the customer. You must fully qualify queries for a specific app ID by querying on the appOwnerCustomerId. |
App Version | The version of the application that serviced the account. Each time an application is updated via the portal or the API, the version is incremented. The version that was running at the time of the request is recorded. This information can be used to separate versioned logic over time as applications are updated. Hosts throughout the network generally receive updates in a similar timeframe, but almost never at precisely the same moment. It’s likely that overlapping decisions in time uses different versions of an app during the process of update. |
App Name | The name of the application that serviced the account. |
Market | The market of the end user that generated this measurement. |
Country | The country of the end user that generated this measurement. |
Region | The region of the end user that generated this measurement. |
State | The state of the end user that generated this measurement. |
ASN ID | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the end user that generated this measurement. Generally the Autonomous System Number that has the client IP. |
ASN Name | The name of the ASN of the end user that generated the measurement. |
Effective IP | The effective IP is the IP used to process the request. It’s the query string-specified IP overriding the requesting IP (versus The resolver/ECS/EDNS ID for the DNS flow). It’s the address that the system considers the target when processing the information. This IP is either the IP of the requesting resolver, or the ECS IP address of the client if EDNS ECS is supported. So all probe performance data, geographic information, etc.passed to the application logic is based on this IP. |
Resolver Market | The market of the DNS resolver that handled the request. |
Resolver Country | The country of the DNS resolver that handled the request. |
Resolver Region | The region of the DNS resolver that handled the request. |
Resolver State | The state of the DNS resolver that handled the request. |
Resolver ASN ID | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the DNS resolver that handled the request. Generally the Autonomous System Number that has the DNS resolver. |
Resolver ASN Name | The name of the ASN of the resolver that handled the request. |
Resolver IP | The IP address of the DNS resolver from which our infrastructure received the DNS request. |
Decision Provider Name | Alias of the platform that an application selects. |
Reason Code | Reason Code set within the application describing the reason behind the decision. |
Reason Log | This log is a customer-defined output from the Openmix app. It’s an optional string field that enables customers to log information about their Openmix app decisions. |
Fallback Mode | This mode indicates whether the app was in fallback mode when it handled the request. Fallback happens when something failed during the preparation of the request for execution. |
Used EDNS | True if the application uses an EDNS Client Subnet extension. |
TTL | The TTL (Time To Live) that was handed back. |
Response | The CNAME returned from the request. |
Result | The value in this field is always 1. |
Context | It’s the summary of the Radar data that was available to Openmix when the request was handled. Openmix resolves Radar data relative to the effective values for every request, so two clients making requests at the same time can have different context strings. |
Openmix HTTP API Log Descriptions
Log | Description |
Timestamp | It’s the UTC time of the request in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ format. The actual value (down to the second) in the log tables is rounded to the nearest hour (2018-03-30T23:00:00Z) or day (2018-03-30T00:00:00Z) in the hour/day tables, respectively. The timestamp is always in UTC in all datasets. |
App Owner Zone ID | The zone ID for the application owner servicing the request. This value is always equal to 1. |
App Owner Customer ID | The customer ID for the application owner who services the request. For HTTP requests, code this ID in the request path and is used to look up which application to run. |
App ID | The application ID within the customer’s account who services the request. This ID is also coded in the HTTP request path. Application IDs start at 1 and are only unique to the customer. You must fully qualify queries for a specific app ID by querying on the appOwnerCustomerId. |
App Version | The version of the application that serviced the account. Each time an application is updated via the portal or the API, the version is incremented. The version that was running at the time of the request is recorded. This information can be used to separate versioned logic over time as applications are updated. Hosts throughout the network generally receive updates in a similar timeframe, but almost never at precisely the same moment. It’s likely that overlapping decisions in time uses different versions of an app during the process of update. |
App Name | The name of the application that serviced the account. |
Market | The market of the end user that generated this measurement. |
Country | The country of the end user that generated this measurement. |
Region | The region of the end user that generated this measurement. |
State | The state of the end user that generated this measurement. |
ASN ID | The ID of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the end user that generated this measurement that is, the network ID number associated with the ASN Name |
ASN Name | The name of the ASN of the end user that generated the measurement. |
Effective IP | The effective IP is the IP used to process the request. It’s the query string-specified IP overriding the requesting IP (versus The resolver/ECS/EDNS ID for the DNS flow). It’s the address that the system considers the target when processing the information. This IP is either the IP of the requesting resolver, or the ECS IP address of the client if EDNS ECS is supported. All probe-performance data, geographic information, and so on, passed to the application logic is based on this IP. |
Decision Provider Name | Alias of the platform that an application selects. |
Reason Code | Reason Code set within the application describing the reason behind the decision. |
Reason Log | This log is a customer-defined output from the Openmix app. It’s an optional string field that enables customers to log information about their Openmix app decisions. |
Fallback Mode | This mode indicates whether the app was in fallback mode when it handled the request. Fallback happens when something failed during the preparation of the request for execution. |
Response Code | Result of the measurement.e.g.0: success, 1: timeout, 4: error. For availability calculations the percent of measurements is taken with a 0 (success) response versus The overall number of measurements (total, regardless of response). For other probe types (RTT and throughput), the filter must only consider RTT data points with a 0 success code when calculating statistics on the RTT. Same for throughput. |
HTTP Method | The HTTP method (GET/POST/OPTIONS/etc) relates to the request that was made to the HTTP Openmix server from a customer service. Together these methods make up portions of the URL inbound and the HTTP responses outbound. |
URI | It’s the request path. If customers aren’t getting the behavior they want, it can be because of an improperly structured request. The logs show what our servers are receiving (Protocol, Host, and Path). The Referer information (Protocol, Host, and Path) comes from the Referer Header of the HTTP request to Radar. For HTTP OPX the whole Referer (protocol, host, and path) is included in one string labeled Referer. |
User Agent | It’s the user agent string from the browser page that is hosting the tag. For example, if you use Chrome and browse a page with the Radar tag, the radar measurements in the background records the user agent from your Chrome browser. The measurements include Chrome browser, version of Chrome, information about the OS that Chrome is running on, and so on. |
Context | It’s the summary of the Radar data that was available to Openmix when the request was handled. Openmix resolves Radar data relative to the effective values for every request, so two clients making requests at the same time can have different context strings. |
Custom Reports for Third Party Organizations
Customers can work with NetScaler to get custom reports based on Radar data that NetScaler collects. NetScaler can generate reports to run on a schedule. The reports are available as data files, usually in TSV format.
How frequently are files pushed to S3 and GCS?
The frequency of file deposits is once a minute for Radar and daily for reports.
Where are the reports stored?
S3 Legacy (Location 1):
s3://public-radar/[customer name]/
S3 (Location 2):
s3://cedexis-netscope/[customer id]/
GCS (Location 3):
gs://cedexis-netscope-[customer id]/
How to get S3 access credentials if you don’t have them already?
The portal provides an ‘Access’ and ‘Secret’ key. Use the keys with ‘s3cmd’, ‘awscli’ or other tools to access S3. For Google Storage, the Portal downloads a file with access credentials to use with the ‘gsutil’ tool.
How to use the access and secret keys with s3cmd to download logs and reports from the S3 bucket?
First you would need to download and install the s3cmd
from, and refer to for usage, options, and commands. Then run the following command:
s3cmd --access_key=[access key] --secret_key=[secret key] ls s3://cedexis-netscope/<customer id>/radar/
To download the files, run the following command:
s3cmd --access_key=[access_key] --secret_key=[secret_key] get s3://cedexis-netscope/<customer id>/radar/[the_filename_to_download] [the_name_of_the_local_file]
How to use the s3cmd config to list files in the S3 bucket
The first step is to Install s3cmd
. You can install it from
To configure s3cmd, run the following command
s3cmd ls s3://cedexis-netscope/[customer id]/
If you’re already using s3cmd
with another set of access and secret keys, then follow these steps:
If you already use s3cmd
, then make a copy of the default config, at ~/.s3cfg
. For example, make a copy and name it as ~/.s3cfg_netscope
. Replace the access and secret key entries in ~/.s3cfg_netscope
with the ones that we provide.
Use the new configuration instead of the default one (your company’s) to access the S3 bucket with the following command:
s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg_netscope ls s3://cedexis-netscope/[customer id]/
The main difference is you have to put in a -c
and where the config file is with the NetScaler-provided access and secret keys.
If you want to switch between sets of keys, embed them in a file. Refer to the file with the -c
option to specify which key pair you’re using.
parameter indicates where the config file, that contains the access and secret keys, is located.
How to use the Key File with gsutil or gcloud to download log files
Once you download the google service account JSON Key File, you can use it to authenticate your google account credentials, view, or download your log files. For example, here’s one way to do that using the google gcloud
and gsutil
command line utilities:
Step 1: Activate the Key File
The authenticating commands gcloud auth activate-
or gsutil config -e
are required to authenticate the key file for running gcloud or gsutil commands.
For gcloud:
Run the following command using the downloaded Key File:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file [downloaded config file]
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=[path and file name of key file]
For gsutil:
Run the following command using the downloaded config file:
gsutil config -e
Step 2: List the files in the GCS (Google Cloud Storage) Bucket
Once you’ve activated the service account key file as described in the earlier step, use the following command to list the files in the GCS bucket:
gsutil ls gs://cedexis-netscope-<customer id>
Step 3 (if necessary): Restore original credentials (or switch back and forth between accounts)
You can switch between the NetScaler ITM account and other Google Cloud credentials you’ve authenticated by doing the following.
First, run the following command to list all your accounts:
gcloud auth list
Then use the following command to switch to another account:
gcloud config set account [email of the account to switch to as shown in gcloud auth list]
You can switch back and forth between accounts using the same command, by replacing the email with the account email that you want to switch to.
What does the file name look like?
Legacy Daily:
The Radar daily log ShareFile names have this structure:
<prefix><date: YYYY-MM-DD>.<customer_id>.part<uniq_id>.kr.txt.gz
For example
(non-standard example)
Legacy Real-time:
The Radar real-time log ShareFile names have this structure:
For example Cedexis_3-32291-2017-11-08T20:56-cc907e8fd71eaf4e.txt.gz
Netscope NEM Format:
The Netscope NEM format for daily and real-time log share files have this structure:
:"daily" | "rt" | "hr"
:"radar" | "opx" | "hopx"
:"customer" | "provider" | "asn"
:iso 8601 Date_time "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ"
:"tsv" | "json"
For example rt-radar-TestRadar1-provider-20363-20171209183034Z-cc907e8fd71eaf4e.tsv.gz
What is the format of the output file?
For Radar, the output file format is TSV (tab-separated value), gzipped.
Openmix and Openmix HTTP API
How frequently are files pushed to S3?
The frequency of file deposits is once a minute for Openmix and HTTP Openmix.
What if you’re unable to see the option to configure Openmix and Openmix HTTP API real time log sharing?
Your Account Manager can enable the required role for you to configure and enable Openmix and Openmix HTTP API real time log sharing.
How do you turn on Openmix and an Openmix HTTP API real time log sharing and access files?
Once the role is enabled on your account, you see the Manage Logs icon. Click to open the Logs dialog where you can access Openmix Log Configuration settings. These settings are basically all you need to turn on Openmix and HTTP Openmix real time log-sharing and access files.
What is the back-end process?
Turning on Openmix log sharing enables Openmix HTTP API log sharing as well. The Openmix and Openmix HTTP API log-sharing services must start outputting logs for the customer within 10 minutes.
Where are the Openmix and HTTP Openmix reports stored?
S3 Legacy (Location 1):
s3://logshare/[zone ID]/[customer ID]/logs/openmix/json/[YYYY]/[MM]/[DD]/[HH]/.
S3 (Location 2):
s3://cedexis-netscope/[customer id]/
GCS (Location 3):
gs://cedexis-netscope-[customer id]/
What does the file name look like?
The file name structure for Openmix and HTTP Openmix typically looks like this:
Legacy Real-time:
[zone ID, 1][customerID]-openmix-json[YYYY][MM][DD][HH][mm][ss]Z-m1-w9-c0.gz
Netscope NEM Format:
The Netscope NEM format for daily and real-time log share files have this structure:
:"daily" | "rt" | "hr"
:"radar" | "opx" | "hopx"
:"customer" | "provider" | "asn"
:iso 8601 Date_time "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ"
:"tsv" | "json"
For example hr-opx-TestOpenmix1-provider-20363-20171209183034Z-cc907e8fd71eaf4e.tsv.gz
What is the output file format?
The file format for Openmix and an Openmix HTTP API is JSON (gzipped).
In this article
- Overview
- Log Sharing and Delivery
- Navigation
- Platforms
- Radar Logs
- Navigation Timing Logs
- Openmix Logs
- Cloud Service Delivery
- Radar Log Descriptions and Reports for Service Providers and Enterprises
- Navigation Timing Log Descriptions
- Openmix and HTTP Openmix Logs
- Openmix Log Descriptions
- Openmix HTTP API Log Descriptions
- Custom Reports for Third Party Organizations