
System features provide conceptual information and configuration instructions that you might want to refer when configuring a Citrix SWG appliance.

The following table describes the features in a Citrix SWG appliance.

Basic Operations - System level operation and configuration details of a Citrix ADC appliance.

Authentication and Authorization - Configuration details in creating users, user groups, and command policies, and assigning policies to user accounts

TCP Configuration - Configuration details of TCP profile and TCP capabilities on a Citrix ADC appliance.

HTTP Configuration - Configuration details of HTTP profile and HTTP capabilities on a Citrix ADC appliance.

SNMP - A network management protocol monitoring the Citrix ADC appliance and promptly responding to issues on the appliance.

Audit Logging - A standard protocol for logging Citrix ADC appliance states and status information collected by various modules in the kernel and in the user-level daemons. For audit logging, you can use SYSLOG or NSLOG protocol or both.

Call Home - A notification system for monitoring and solving critical error conditions on a Citrix SWG appliance.

Reporting Tool - A web based interface accessed from a Citrix SWG appliance for viewing system performance reports as charts.
