
Configuring a Listen Policy for Wildcard Virtual Servers

You can configure Citrix Gateway virtual servers to restrict the ability for a virtual server to listen on a specific VLAN. You can create a wildcard virtual server with a listen policy that restricts it to processing traffic on the specified VLAN.

The configuration parameters are:

Parameter Description
Name The name of the virtual server. The name is required and you cannot change it after you create the virtual server. The name cannot exceed 127 characters and the first character must be a number or letter. You can also use the following characters: at symbol (@), underscore (_), dash (-), period (.), colon (:), pound sign (#), and a space.
IP The IP address of the virtual server. For a wildcard virtual server bound to the VLAN, the value is always *.
Type The behavior of the service. Your choices are HTTP, SSL, FTP, TCP, SSL_TCP, UDP, SSL_BRIDGE, NNTP, DNS, ANY, SIP-UDP, DNS-TCP, and RTSP.
Port The port on which the virtual server listens for user connections. The port number must be between 0 and 65535. For the wildcard virtual server bound to a VLAN, the value is usually *.
Listen Priority The priority that is assigned to the listen policy. Priority is evaluated in reverse order; the lower the number, the higher the priority assigned to the listen policy.
Listen Policy Rule The policy rule to use to identify the VLAN to which the virtual server must listen. The rule is: CLIENT.VLAN.ID.EQ (<ipaddressat>) For <ipaddressat>, substitute the ID number assigned to the VLAN.

To create a wildcard virtual server with a listen policy

  1. In the configuration utility, on the Configuration tab, in the navigation pane, expand Citrix Gateway and then click Virtual Servers.
  2. In the details pane, click Add.
  3. In Name, type a name for the virtual server.
  4. In Protocol, select the protocol.
  5. In IP Address, type the IP address for the virtual server.
  6. In Port, type the port for the virtual server.
  7. On the Advanced tab, under Listen Policy, in Listen Priority, type the priority for the listen policy.
  8. Next to Listen Policy Rule, click Configure.
  9. In the Create Expression dialog box, click Add, configure the expression, and then click OK.
  10. Click Create, and then click Close.
Configuring a Listen Policy for Wildcard Virtual Servers