NetScaler BLX configuration file

A configuration file (blx.conf) is added to the Linux host as part of the NetScaler BLX installation. The blx.conf file has different parameters, which you can use to configure BLX.

By default, all the parameters are commented (prefixed with # symbol) in the BLX configuration file. You can uncomment (remove the prefix #) the parameter and set it to a custom value to enable a certain parameter.

The parameters in the blx.conf file are listed in the following table:

Parameter Possible values Default Description
worker-processes 1 to 28 1 Number of worker processes to be started.
cpu-yield yes, enable, or 1 Disabled Configures CPU Yielding. When you enable CPU-yield, NSPPE yields CPU for other processes.
core-dumps yes, enable, or 1 Disabled Configures core dumps for BLX.
syslog yes, enable, or 1 Disabled Enables syslog to listen on port 514/UDP of the Linux host. BLX sends logs to syslog listening on port 514/UDP of the Linux host.
ipaddress IP address BLX listens on all the IP addresses configured on the Linux host Sets the NSIP address for BLX in dedicated mode.
blx-managed-host 1 Disabled Configures SSH access to the Linux host through BLX.
host-ipaddress IP address None Sets the IP address on which you want SSH access to the Linux host through BLX. Note: You must use this parameter along with the blx-managed-host parameter.
total-hugepage-mem Minimum: 1G and Maximum: As available on the Linux host 1G Configures DPDK Huge page memory for BLX.
interfaces NIC port names as shown on the Linux host CLI BLX shares the host traffic with all the interfaces The specified NIC ports of the Linux host are dedicated to BLX.
default IP address None Sets the default route for the dedicated interfaces.
cli-cmds NetScaler CLI commands None List the NetScaler CLI commands that you want to run when the BLX starts.
nsdrvd 1, 2, or 3 Disabled Configures the nsdrvd driver to improve packet processing performance.


If you want to disable a parameter, comment the parameter with # in the blx.conf file and restart BLX using the systemctl restart blx command. The changes are applied after the BLX reboots.

NetScaler BLX configuration file