Start NetScaler BLX

NetScaler BLX is an application that runs on the Linux host. After you install and configure BLX, you must start BLX by running the following command in the Linux host CLI:

systemctl start blx


  • BLX might take up to 45 seconds to start.
  • BLX version 14.1 build 12.35 or earlier, deployed on CentOS version 8.x or Oracle Linux version 8.x might not start or function properly if the SELinux policy is enabled on the Linux host.

    Workaround: Disable SELinux on the Linux host:

    1. Open the SELinux configuration file on the Linux host using the command nano /etc/selinux/config.

    2. Set SELINUX=disabled and save the file.
    3. Restart BLX using the command systemctl restart blx.

Verify the status of NetScaler BLX

  • You can check the status of BLX by running the following command in the Linux host CLI:

     systemctl status blx

    The status of BLX must be active (exited).

    Architecture BLX

  • To check the NetScaler processes running on the Linux host, run the following command in the Linux host CLI:

     ps aux | grep ns


    Ensure that the nsppe process is running on the Linux host.

    Example: root 68332 2.7 5.5 485264 442084 ? Ss 16:25 0:02 /usr/sbin/nsppe 1

Stop NetScaler BLX

To stop BLX and associated processes, run the following command in the Linux host CLI:

systemctl stop blx


When you restart the Linux host, BLX starts automatically after the Linux host restarts even if you have stopped it before the restart. You must run the systemctl disable blx command to stop BLX from starting automatically after a restart of the Linux host.

Next step

Start NetScaler BLX