Setting up service graph

Software requirements

Kubernetes Distribution Kubernetes Version Container Network Interfaces (CNI) CPX version CIC version NetScaler ADM version NetScaler agent Version
Open source v1.16.3 Flannel, Calico, or Canal 13.0–41.28 or later 1.5.25 or later 13.0–47.22 or later 13.0–47.22 or later

You can configure the Kubernetes cluster with various deployment topologies and the following table provides the topologies that are supported in service graph:

Topology Supported in service graph
Single-Tier or Unified ingress Yes
Dual-Tier Yes
Cloud Yes, but cloud load balancer is not shown in the graph
Service mesh lite Yes
Service mesh Yes
Services of type LoadBalancer No
Services of type NodePort No

To complete setting up service graph in NetScaler ADM, click the topology type that you have configured for your Kubernetes cluster and complete the mentioned procedures:


The procedure to set up service graph for dual-tier and service mesh lite topologies remains the same.

Before you begin

You can view service graph using the following scenarios:

  • NetScaler ADM and Kubernetes cluster on the same network (for example, NetScaler ADM and Kubernetes cluster hosted on the same Citrix Hypervisor).

  • NetScaler ADM and Kubernetes cluster on a different network. In this scenario, you must configure an on-prem agent and register the agent on the network, where Kubernetes cluster is hosted.

Single tier or Unified ingress topology

Ensure that you have:

Dual tier or Service Mesh Lite topology

Ensure that you have:

Service mesh topology

Ensure that you have:

  • Configured Kubernetes cluster version 1.14.0 with any one of the following service mesh topologies:

    • NetScaler CPX as a sidecar proxy for Istio

    • NetScaler as an Ingress Gateway for Istio

    For more information, see NetScaler Istio Adapter deployment architecture

  • Enabled API. You can verify the API by using:

    kubectl api-versions | grep

    The following output indicates that the API is enabled:

  • Installed Istio istio v.1.3.0.

  • Installed Helm version 3.x.

  • Configured static routes on NetScaler ADM to enable communication between NetScaler ADM and NetScaler CPX.


    You can ignore this procedure if you have deployed NetScaler agent as a microservice in the same cluster.

  • Configured the required parameters to populate the service mesh topology data.

  • Deployed a sample application.

  • Added the Kubernetes cluster in NetScaler ADM.

  • Enabled Auto-select Virtual Servers to license the virtual servers.


    When CPX is deployed as a sidecar proxy in service mesh deployment, the virtual servers are licensed only if the IP address is matching with the CPX NS IP.

  • Enabled Web transaction and TCP transaction settings to All for NetScaler agent to get HTTP and TCP transactions.

  • Sent traffic to microservices.

Setting up service graph