The analytics page enables you to view the analytics details. Following are the options:
Attack Map – A real time geographical representation of scrubbed traffic. Routed – Information related to your Routed Traffic. Proxy – Information related to your Proxy Configuration. WAF Violations – Information related to your WAF Profile.
Attack map
This is a geographical representation of web attacks related to your network in real-time. The table shows the detected IP address, attack types, and source location. For information about the attacks related to your network, you can select a service type - Routed, Proxy, or WAF.
The Routed page enables you to view your traffic by IP Address, Autonomous Systems Number, or TCP Flags by IP. For detailed information about the traffic, select one of the options from the left navigation bar.
• IP Address. Recently routed traffic by the attack target IP address. • Autonomous Systems. Recent violations by the ASN. • TCP Flags by IP. Recent violations by the attack Target IP address.
The Proxy page enables you to view your traffic by Domain, Geolocation, IP Address, URL Path, or User Agent.
• Domain - Recent traffic attack by the target domain. • Geolocation - Recent violations by the attack source country. • IP Targets - Recent violations by the attack target IP address. • URL Path - Recent violations for the URL path.
WAF violations
The WAF Violations section enables you to provide detailed information for your WAF mitigation profile. The following options are available to view your WAF violations details:
• Violation logs • Violation types • Domain targets • Geolocation • IP targets • URL path
Select an option to view detailed traffic information and charts for your WAF profile. You can also export the information to your records.
Violation logs
The Violation Logs screen displays the list of violations handled by your WAF profile. The default date range is the last day, however you can assign longer date range by selecting a value from the date range field. You can also export the Violation log by using the export option. The Violation list shows a high-level description of the violation details. For more information, click the (+) icon for the violation you prefer to examine.
Violation types
The WAF Violation Types page enables you to view all the recent violations by their Violation type. This page has a table and a graphical representation. You can select the date range to filter your search. You can also export the graph as an image or PDF and you can export the table as a csv or json file by using the export option.