Asset configuration

The following steps enable you to configure a proxy asset.

From the CWAAP NG Dashboard, select the Configuration option at the left side of the screen – A new set of options become available. Select Proxy from the list. The list of configured proxy services displays, if any exist.

To configure a proxy asset

  1. Click the Configure New Proxy button at the top right of the screen. The Configure New Proxy screen will be displayed.
  2. Provide the Proxy Name – The host name that you must proxy.
  3. Enter the front end Port and bind it to a corresponding back-end Origin Server, Port, and Protocol. Back-end Origin Servers can be an IP Address, CNAME, or host name and Multiple back-end Services per VIP.


Matching back-end ports load balance between the back-end services using a ‘Least Connection’ method.

  1. Once you have entered all the host information, you must assign the Advanced Options for your Proxy configuration.
    1. LoadBalancer Balance Method: Indicate which option you want to use for load balancing. You have the following options for load balancing.
      1. Least Connection: Selects the service with the least number of active connections to ensure that the load of the active requests are balanced on the services.
      2. Round Robin: Responds to DNS requests not only with a single potential IP address, but with one out of a list of potential IP addresses corresponding to several servers that host identical services. The list is cycled through in a “round-robin” style, selecting each address and moving onto the next for subsequent requests.
      3. Least Response Time: Selects the service with the least number of active connections and the least average response time.
      4. Least Bandwidth: Selects the service that is currently serving the least amount of traffic, measured in megabits per second (Mbps).
      5. Least Packets: Selects the service that has received the fewest packets in the last 14 seconds.
      6. Least Request: Selects the service that has received the fewest requests in the last 14 seconds. Lowest Response Time:
      7. URL Hash: The NetScaler generates a hash value of the HTTP URL present in the incoming request. If you select a service by the hash value as DOWN, the algorithm has a method to select another service from the list of active services. The NetScaler caches the hashed value of the URL, and when it receives subsequent requests that use the same URL, it forwards them to the same service. If the NetScaler cannot parse an incoming request, it uses the round robin method for load balancing instead of the URL hash method.
      8. Domain Hash: Uses the hashed value of the domain name in the HTTP request to select a service. The domain name is taken from either the incoming URL or the Host header of the HTTP request. If the domain name appears in both the URL and the Host header, the NetScaler gives preference to the URL.
      9. Destination IP Hash: Uses the hashed value of the destination IP address to select a server. You can mask the destination IP address to specify which part of it to use in the hash value calculation, so that requests that are from different networks but destined for the same subnet are all directed to the same server.
      10. Source IP Hash: Uses the hashed value of the client IP address to select a service.
      11. Source IP & Destination Hash: Uses the hashed value of the source and destination IP addresses to select a service. This ensures that all packets flowing from a particular client to the same destination are directed to the same server.
      12. Source IP & Source Port Hash: Uses the hash value of the source IP (either IPv4 or IPv6) and source port to select a service. This ensures that all packets on a particular connection are directed to the same service.
    2. LoadBalancer Persistence Type: Select the session persistence type for HTTPS requests. Select either Source IP or Cookie Insert.
    3. X-Forwarded For Header: Enter the name of the header to use for forwarding HTTPS requests.
  2. After completing the advanced options settings click Save.
  3. Your new Proxy configuration is displayed.

Manage existing asset configuration

From the Proxy Assets screen click the “Edit Icon” next to the host name field of the configuration you want to update. The update configuration screen will be displayed. Here you can make any changes you want make and click Save to submit the updated configuration. From this screen, you can also Delete the configuration by selecting the “Delete” button at the top right of the screen.

Asset configuration