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Registros generados por NetScaler ADM

NetScaler Application Delivery Management (ADM) proporciona un registro exhaustivo que puede ayudar a solucionar problemas. Los registros generados (admin.log) se encuentran en: /var/controlcenter/log/

Puede iniciar sesión en NetScaler ADM y utilizar el shell para navegar hasta la estructura de directorios de NetScaler ADM. A continuación se muestra un fragmento de ejemplo de un registro NetScaler ADM para la implementación de gráficos de APIC.

2016-06-29 10:58:33,816 DEBUG APIC Config = {(0, '', 5230): {'dn': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', 'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'tenant': 'coke_SDX2', 'ctxName': 'cokectx1', 'value': {(10, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'cifs': {'ADCHybridMode_1_Device_1': '1_1'}, 'ackedstate': 0}, (7, '', '2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'tag': 273, 'type': 1, 'ackedstate': 0, 'transaction': 0}, (1, '', 5790): {'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(4, 'mFCngNetwork', 'mFCngnetwork'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'Network_key', 'network_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'network', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (4, 'internal_network', 'internal_network'): {'connector': 'provider', 'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'internal_network_key', 'internal_network_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'network/internal_snip', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (2, 'external', 'consumer'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(9, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (4, 'mFCngStylebook', 'mFCngStylebook'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(6, 'Stylebook_key', 'Stylebook_key'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'stylebook_1', 'ackedstate': 0}}}, (2, 'internal', 'provider'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(9, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'target': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778', 'ackedstate': 0}}}}}}, 'state': 1, 'absGraph': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'rn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, (4, 'Network', 'network'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(4, 'nsip', 'internal_snip'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(5, 'type', 'type'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'SNIP'}, (5, 'hostroute', 'hostroute'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'DISABLED'}, (5, 'ipaddress', 'ipaddress'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': ''}, (5, 'dynamicrouting', 'dynamicRouting'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'ENABLED'}, (5, 'netmask', 'netmask'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': ''}}}}}, (8, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'vif': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1', 'ackedstate': 0, 'encap': '2129920_32778'}, (4, 'Stylebook', 'stylebook_1'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': {(5, 'name', 'stylebookName'): {'state': 1, 'transaction': 0, 'ackedstate': 0, 'value': 'APIC-HTTP-LB'}}}}, 'txid': 10000}} 2016-06-29 10:58:33,816 DEBUG get Graph Return details = {'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', (1, '', 5790): {'state': 1, 'graphrn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, 'tenantName': 'coke_SDX2', 'StyleBookName': 'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': 'cokectx1', 'graphInstanceId': 5790} 2016-06-29 10:58:33,827 DEBUG SUCCESS created track 2.0 2016-06-29 10:58:33,833 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 2 2016-06-29 10:58:33,851 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 1 2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG fn_wrapper:long_operation_thread_id:<eventlet.greenthread.GreenThread object at 0x80aa5c7d0> 2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG +++++++ Service Audit Call for Device Details = +++++++++++++++++ 2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG Inside APIC Cred Col If = 2 2016-06-29 10:58:33,867 DEBUG Host name from device = ADCHybridMode_1 "InProgress","message":null,"replication_status":"","target":"","operation":"POST","entity_type":"apic","entity_id":null}} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG Save config Response = { "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": "NONE" } 2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++++++ getContextAwareFlag = True 2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++ get context tenant name from Config ++++++ 2016-06-29 10:58:44,141 DEBUG +++++ getContextTenantName = {'state': 1, 'ctxName': 'cokectx1', 'tenant': 'coke_SDX2', 'vdev': 5230} ++++++ 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service health details = {} collection length = 0 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Count details Total = 0 Up = 0 Down = 0 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Health Score details Up = 0 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service HEALTH final collection = {((0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')): {'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': ([(0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')], 0)}} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG ++++++getServiceHealth Fault List = [] 2016-06-29 10:58:44,142 DEBUG Service HEALTH final response = {'devs': 'ADCHybridMode_1_Device_1', 'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': [([(0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1')], 0)]} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,236 DEBUG RESPONSE from NSLOGOUT = { "errorcode": 0, "message": "Done", "severity": "NONE" }, sessionId = ##D2EAFA7CFCD73119E6C5E78D8BCB2E842829C971C1DC7E99850949DAE0029F2191B5E7EDF27646B2509164EEFBCB549EDAB6E6168ED0AEA68452DED6D30ACBED4BC34998DE818F7290C9B44342054168DFB89DF1AFA9A4378F1DB07F03BF6C9B4F6A7A38E6A5F1BFED70C72253181397E305B14FF490861C3F8114948538 2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG +++++ Faults respCol = {'': {'': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (7, '', '2129920_32778'): {'vlan': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (((0, '', 5230), (1, '', 5790), (3, 'ADCFunction', 'N1'), (2, 'internal', 'provider')), 'nsip'): {'vlan_nsip_binding': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'bind_op'}}, (((0, '', 5230), (4, 'Network', 'network')), (4, 'nsip', 'internal_snip')): {'nsip': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'add_op'}}, (): {}, (8, '', 'ADCHybridMode_1_Consumer_1_2129920_32778'): {'vlan_interface_binding': {u'errorcode': 0, 'status_code': 201, u'message': u'Done', u'severity': u'NONE', 'operation_name': 'bind_op'}}} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op 2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op 2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = bind_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = bind_op 2016-06-29 10:58:44,237 DEBUG Fault details oprName = add_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = add_op 2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG Fault details oprName = bind_op, erMsg = Done, statusCode = bind_op 2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG ++++++++++++++ ServiceAudit response = {'faults': [], 'state': 0, 'health': []} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,238 DEBUG APIC Graph Details = {'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', (1, '', 5790): {'state': 1, 'graphrn': u'vGrp-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/GraphInst_C-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/brc-TestCntr_3]-G-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/AbsGraph-HybridModeGraph_1]-S-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]]'}, 'tenantName': 'coke_SDX2', 'StyleBookName': 'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': 'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': 'cokectx1', 'graphInstanceId': 5790} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,242 DEBUG Journal Processing: Database task: create apic_graph 2016-06-29 10:58:44,264 DEBUG SUCCESS created task 2 2016-06-29 10:58:44,269 DEBUG SUCCESS updated track with new task 2 2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG +++++++ get IP and Connector collection from Config with type 22 for attach & detach event ++++++ 2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- connector with IP List = {0: [], 1: [], 3: []} 2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- attachIpList = [] dettachIpList = [] 2016-06-29 10:58:44,308 DEBUG ----- In _attachDettachIps attachIpList = [] dettachIpList = [] 2016-06-29 10:58:44,312 DEBUG ----- In _attachDettachIps row = {'deviceIP': u'', 'responseToAPIC': None, 'graphDN': u'uni/vDev-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2/lDevVip-ADCHybridMode_1]-tn-[uni/tn-coke_SDX2]-ctx-cokectx1', 'apicGraphState': None, 'serviceGroupName': None, 'configPackId': None, 'tenantName': u'coke_SDX2', 'styleBookName': u'APIC-HTTP-LB', 'graphInstanceName': u'HybridModeGraph_1', 'context': u'cokectx1', 'serviceGroupPort': None, 'graphInstanceId': 5790, 'createDate': None, 'serviceGroupIP': None}
La versión oficial de este contenido está en inglés. Para mayor comodidad, parte del contenido de la documentación de Cloud Software Group solo tiene traducción automática. Cloud Software Group no puede controlar el contenido con traducción automática, que puede contener errores, imprecisiones o un lenguaje inadecuado. No se ofrece ninguna garantía, ni implícita ni explícita, en cuanto a la exactitud, la fiabilidad, la idoneidad o la precisión de las traducciones realizadas del original en inglés a cualquier otro idioma, o que su producto o servicio de Cloud Software Group se ajusten a cualquier contenido con traducción automática, y cualquier garantía provista bajo el contrato de licencia del usuario final o las condiciones de servicio, o cualquier otro contrato con Cloud Software Group, de que el producto o el servicio se ajusten a la documentación no se aplicará en cuanto dicha documentación se ha traducido automáticamente. Cloud Software Group no se hace responsable de los daños o los problemas que puedan surgir del uso del contenido traducido automáticamente.
Registros generados por NetScaler ADM