Expressions for HTTP status codes and numeric HTTP payload data other than dates

The following table describes prefixes for numeric values in HTTP data other than dates.

Prefix Description
HTTP.REQ.CONTENT_LENGTH Returns the length of an HTTP request as a number. Following is an example: http.req.content_length < 500
HTTP.RES.CONTENT_LENGTH Returns the length of the HTTP response as a number. Following is an example: http.res.content_length <= 1000
HTTP.RES.STATUS Returns the response status code
HTTP.RES.IS_REDIRECT Returns a Boolean TRUE if the response code is associated with a redirect. Following are the redirect response codes: 300 (Multiple Choices), 301 (Moved Permanently), 302 (Found), 303 (See Other), 305 (Use Proxy), and 307 (Temporary Redirect). Note: Status code 304 is not considered a redirect HTTP response status code. Status code 306 is unused.
Expressions for HTTP status codes and numeric HTTP payload data other than dates