Binding a Responder Policy

To put a policy into effect, you must bind it either globally, so that it applies to all traffic that flows through the Citrix ADC, or to a specific virtual server, so that the policy applies only to requests whose destination IP address is the VIP of that virtual server.

When you bind a policy, you assign a priority to it. The priority determines the order in which the policies you define are evaluated. You can set the priority to any positive integer.

In the Citrix ADC operating system, policy priorities work in reverse order—the higher the number, the lower the priority. For example, if you have three policies with priorities of 10, 100, and 1000, the policy assigned a priority of 10 is performed first, then the policy assigned a priority of 100, and finally the policy assigned an order of 1000. The responder feature implements only the first policy that a request matches, not any additional policies that it might also match, so policy priority is important for getting the results you intend.

You can leave yourself plenty of room to add other policies in any order, and still set them to evaluate in the order you want, by setting priorities with intervals of 50 or 100 between each policy when you globally bind it. You can then add additional policies at any time without having to reassign the priority of an existing policy.

For additional information about binding policies on the Citrix ADC, see Policies and Expressions.


Responder policies are bound to TCP-based virtual servers.

To globally bind a responder policy by using the Citrix ADC command line:

At the command prompt, type the following command to globally bind a responder policy and verify the configuration:

  • bind responder global <policyName> <priority> [<gotoPriorityExpression> [-type <type>] [-invoke (<labelType> <labelName>)]
  • show responder global


> bind responder global poliError 100 Done > show responder global 1) Global bindpoint: REQ_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 1 Done

To bind responder policy to a specific virtual server by using the Citrix ADC command line:

At the command prompt, type:

  • bind lb vserver <name> -policyname <policy_name> -priority <priority>
  • show lb vserver vs-loadbal <name>


> bind lb vserver vs-loadbal -policyName policyTwo -priority 100 Done > show lb vserver 1) vs-loadbal ( - HTTP Type: ADDRESS State: OUT OF SERVICE Last state change was at Wed Aug 19 09:05:47 2009 (+211 ms) Time since last state change: 2 days, 00:58:03.260 Effective State: DOWN Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec Down state flush: ENABLED Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED No. of Bound Services : 0 (Total) 0 (Active) Configured Method: LEASTCONNECTION Mode: IP Persistence: NONE Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF Push: DISABLED Push VServer: Push Multi Clients: NO Push Label Rule: none 2) vs-cont-sw ( - TCP Type: ADDRESS State: DOWN Last state change was at Wed Aug 19 10:03:46 2009 (+213 ms) Time since last state change: 2 days, 00:00:04.260 Effective State: DOWN Client Idle Timeout: 9000 sec Down state flush: ENABLED Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED No. of Bound Services : 0 (Total) 0 (Active) Configured Method: LEASTCONNECTION Mode: IP Persistence: NONE Connection Failover: DISABLED Done

To globally bind a responder policy by using the GUI:

  1. Navigate to AppExpert > Responder > Policies.
  2. On the Responder Policies page, select a responder policy, and then click Policy Manager.
  3. In the Responder Policy Manager dialog box Bind Points menu, select Default Global.
  4. Click Insert Policy to insert a new row and display a drop-down list of all unbound responder policies.
  5. Click one of the policies on the list. That policy is inserted into the list of globally bound responder policies.
  6. Click Apply Changes.
  7. Click Close. A message appears in the status bar, stating that the configuration has been successfully completed.

To bind a responder policy to a specific virtual server by using the GUI:

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Virtual Servers.
  2. On the Load Balancing Virtual Servers page, select the virtual server to which you want to bind the responder policy, and then click Open.
  3. In the Configure Virtual Server (Load Balancing) dialog box, select the Policies tab, which displays a list of all policies configured on your Citrix ADC appliance.
  4. Select the check box next to the name of the policy you want to bind to this virtual server.
  5. Click OK. A message appears in the status bar, stating that the configuration has been successfully completed.
Binding a Responder Policy