View statistics

You can view the collected statistics in tabular format in the command-line interface and in graphical format in the configuration utility.

The following table describes the collected statistics:

Statistics Column name in the output of the stat stream identifier <identifier name> command Description
Number of requests Req The number of requests for which records were created in the last <interval> number of minutes.
Bandwidth consumed BandW The total bandwidth consumed by the requests that were received in the last <interval> number of minutes. The total bandwidth of a request is the bandwidth consumed by the request and its response. The value is rounded off to the next higher or next lower integer value. So, it might differ slightly from the expected value. For example, if a request’s total bandwidth consumption is 2.2 KB. One instance of the request might be shown as having consumed 2 KB. Two instances might be shown as having consumed 4 KB, but three instances might be shown as having consumed 7 KB.
Response time RspTime The average response time for all the requests received in the last <interval> number of minutes.
Concurrent connections Conn The total number of concurrent connections that are currently open.

To view the statistical data collected for a stream identifier by using the command line

At the command prompt, type:

stat stream identifier <name> [<pattern> ...] [-detail] [-fullValues] [-ntimes <positive_integer>] [-logFile <input_filename>] [-sortBy <sortBy> [<sortOrder>]


Example 1 sorts the output on the BandW column, in the descending order. Example 2 sorts the output in Example 1, on the Req column, and in the ascending order

Example 1

> stat stream identifier myidentifier -sortBy BandW Descending -fullValues Stream Session statistics Req BandW User1 508 125924 User2 5020 12692 User3 2025 4316 RspTime Conn User1 5694 0 User2 109 0 User3 3 0 Done

Example 2

> stat stream identifier myidentifier -sortBy Req Ascending –fullValues Stream Session statistics Req BandW User1 508 125924 User3 2025 4316 User2 5020 12692 RspTime Conn User1 5694 0 User3 3 0 User2 109 0 Done

To view the statistical data collected for a stream identifier by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to AppExpert > Action Analytics > Stream Identifiers.
  2. Select the stream identifier whose sessions you want to view, and then click Statistics For information about how you can group the output based on the values collected for various selector expressions. Viewing Statistics
View statistics