Migration of Apache mod_rewrite rules to the default syntax
The Apache HTTP Server provides an engine known as mod_rewrite for rewriting HTTP request URLs. If you migrate the mod_rewrite rules from Apache to the Citrix ADC, you boost back-end server performance. In addition, because the Citrix ADC typically load balances multiple (sometimes thousands of) Web servers, after migrating the rules to the Citrix ADC you will have a single point of control for these rules.
Following are examples of mod_rewrite functions, and translations of these functions into Rewrite and Responder policies on the Citrix ADC.
Converting URL variations into canonical URLs
On some Web servers you can have multiple URLs for a resource. Although the canonical URLs should be used and distributed, other URLs can exist as shortcuts or internal URLs. You can make sure that users see the canonical URL regardless of the URL used to make an initial request.
In the following examples, the URL /~user is converted to /u/user.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for converting a URL
RewriteRule ^/~([^/]+)/?(.*) /u/$1/$2[R]
Citrix ADC solution for converting a URL
add responder action act1 redirect '"/u/"+HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("/~")' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.STARTSWITH("/~") && HTTP.REQ.URL.LENGTH.GT(2)' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Converting Host Name Variations to Canonical Host Names
You can enforce the use of a particular host name for reaching a site. For example, you can enforce the use of www.example.com instead of example.com.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on a port other than 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^80$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.example.com:%{SERVER_PORT}/$1 [L,R]
Apache mod_rewrite solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on port 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R]
Citrix ADC solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on a port other than 80
add responder action act1 redirect '"http://www.example.com:"+CLIENT.TCP.DSTPORT+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.CONTAINS("www.example.com")&&!HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQ("")&&!HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.PORT.EQ(80)&&HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.CONTAINS("example.com")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100 END
Citrix ADC solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on port 80
add responder action act1 redirect '"http://www.example.com"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.CONTAINS("www.example.com")&&!HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQ("")&&HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.PORT.EQ(80)&&HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.CONTAINS("example.com")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100 END
Moving a document root
Usually the document root of a Web server is based on the URL “/”. However, the document root can be any directory. You can redirect traffic to the document root if it changes from the top-level “/” directory to another directory.
In the following examples, you change the document root from / to /e/www. The first two examples simply replace one string with another. The third example is more universal because, along with replacing the root directory, it preserves the rest of the URL (the path and query string), for example, redirecting /example/file.html to /e/www/example/file.html.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for moving the document root
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ /e/www/ [R]
Citrix ADC solution for moving the document root
add responder action act1 redirect '"/e/www/"' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.EQ("/")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Citrix ADC solution for moving the document root and appending path information to the request
add responder action act1 redirect '"/e/www"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.URL.STARTSWITH("/e/www/")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100 END
Moving home directories to a new web server
You may want to redirect requests that are sent to home directories on a Web server to a different Web server. For example, if a new Web server is replacing an old one over time, as you migrate home directories to the new location you need to redirect requests for the migrated home directories to the new Web server.
In the following examples, the host name for the new Web server is newserver.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for redirecting to another Web server
RewriteRule ^/(.+) http://newserver/$1 [R,L]
Citrix ADC solution for redirecting to another Web server (method 1)
add responder action act1 redirect '"http://newserver"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.REGEX_MATCH(re#^/(.+)#)' act1
bind responder global pol1 100 END
Citrix ADC solution for redirecting to another Web server (method 2)
add responder action act1 redirect '"http://newserver"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.LENGTH.GT(1)' act1
bind responder global pol1 100 END
Working with structured home directories
Typically, a site with thousands of users has a structured home directory layout. For example, each home directory may reside under a subdirectory that is named using the first character of the user name. For example, the home directory for jsmith (/~jsmith/anypath) might be /home/j/smith/.www/anypath, and the home directory for rvalveti (/~rvalveti/anypath) might be /home/r/rvalveti/.www/anypath.
The following examples redirect requests to the home directory.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for structured home directories
RewriteRule ^/~(([a-z])[a-z0-9]+)(.*) /home/$2/$1/.www$3
Citrix ADC solution for structured home directories
Citrix ADC solution for structured home directories
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL' '"/home/"+ HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("~").PREFIX(1)+"/"+ HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("~").BEFORE_STR("/")+"/.www"+HTTP.REQ.URL.SKIP(\'/\',1)' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.STARTSWITH("/~")' act1
bind rewrite global pol1 100
Redirecting invalid URLs to other web servers
If a URL is not valid, it should be redirected to another Web server. For example, you should redirect to another Web server if a file that is named in a URL does not exist on the server that is named in the URL.
On Apache, you can perform this check using mod_rewrite. On the Citrix ADC, an HTTP callout can check for a file on a server by running a script on the server. In the following Citrix ADC examples, a script named file_check.cgi processes the URL and uses this information to check for the presence of the target file on the server. The script returns TRUE or FALSE, and the Citrix ADC uses the value that the script returns to validate the policy.
In addition to performing the redirection, the Citrix ADC can add custom headers or, as in the second Citrix ADC example, it can add text in the response body.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for redirection if a URL is wrong
RewriteCond /your/docroot/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.+) http://webserverB.com/$1 [R]
Citrix ADC solution for redirection if a URL is wrong (method 1)
add HTTPCallout Call
set policy httpCallout Call -IPAddress -port 80 -hostExpr '""' -returnType BOOL -ResultExpr 'HTTP.RES.BODY(100).CONTAINS("True")' -urlStemExpr '"/cgi-bin/file_check.cgi"' -parameters query=http.req.url.path -headers Name("ddd")
add responder action act1 redirect '"http://webserverB.com"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.HEADER("Name").EXISTS && !SYS.HTTP_CALLOUT(call)' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Citrix ADC solution for redirection if a URL is wrong (method 2)
add HTTPCallout Call
set policy httpCallout Call -IPAddress -port 80 -hostExpr '""' -returnType BOOL -ResultExpr 'HTTP.RES.BODY(100).CONTAINS("True")' -urlStemExpr '"/cgi-bin/file_check.cgi"' -parameters query=http.req.url.path -headers Name("ddd")
add responder action act1 respondwith '"HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nLocation: http://webserverB.com"+HTTP.REQ.URL+"\r\n\r\nHTTPCallout Used"' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.HEADER("Name").EXISTS && !SYS.HTTP_CALLOUT(call)' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Rewriting a URL based on time
You can rewrite a URL based on the time. The following examples change a request for example.html to example.day.html or example.night.html, depending on the time of day.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for rewriting a URL based on the time
RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} >0700
RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} <1900
RewriteRule ^example\.html$ example.day.html [L]
RewriteRule ^example\.html$ example.night.html
Citrix ADC solution for rewriting a URL based on the time
add rewrite action act1 insert_before 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'.\',0)' '"day."'
add rewrite action act2 insert_before 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'.\',0)' '"night."'
add rewrite policy pol1 'SYS.TIME.WITHIN(LOCAL 07h 00m,LOCAL 18h 59m)' act1
add rewrite policy pol2 'true' act2
bind rewrite global pol1 101
bind rewrite global pol2 102
Redirecting to a new file name (Invisible to the User)
If you rename a Web page, you can continue to support the old URL for backward compatibility while preventing users from recognizing that the page was renamed.
In the first two of the following examples, the base directory is /~quux/. The third example accommodates any base directory and the presence of query strings in the URL.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for managing a file name change in a fixed location
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^foo\.html$ bar.html
Citrix ADC solution for managing a file name change in a fixed location
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("/~quux").SUBSTR("foo.html")' '"bar.html"'
add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH("/~quux/foo.html")' act1
bind rewrite global pol1 100
Citrix ADC solution for managing a file name change regardless of the base directory or query strings in the URL
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'/\',0)' '"bar.html"'
Add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.CONTAINS("foo.html")' act1
Bind rewrite global pol1 100
Redirecting to new file name (user-visible URL)
If you rename a Web page, you may want to continue to support the old URL for backward compatibility and allow users to see that the page was renamed by changing the URL that is displayed in the browser.
In the first two of the following examples, redirection occurs when the base directory is /~quux/. The third example accommodates any base directory and the presence of query strings in the URL.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^old\.html$ new.html [R]
Citrix ADC solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser
add responder action act1 redirect 'HTTP.REQ.URL.BEFORE_STR("foo.html")+"new.html"' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH("/~quux/old.html")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Citrix ADC solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser regardless of the base directory or query strings in the URL
add responder action act1 redirect 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.BEFORE_STR("old.html")+"new.html"+HTTP.REQ.URL.AFTER_STR("old.html")' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.CONTAINS("old.html")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Accommodating browser dependent content
To accommodate browser-specific limitations—at least for important top-level pages—it is sometimes necessary to set restrictions on the browser type and version. For example, you might want to set a maximum version for the latest Netscape variants, a minimum version for Lynx browsers, and an average feature version for all others.
The following examples act on the HTTP header “User-Agent”, such that if this header begins with “Mozilla/3”, the page MyPage.html is rewritten to MyPage.NS.html. If the browser is “Lynx” or “Mozilla” version 1 or 2, the URL becomes MyPage.20.html. All other browsers receive page MyPage.32.html.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for browser-specific settings
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Mozilla/3.*
RewriteRule ^MyPage\.html$ MyPage.NS.html [L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx/.* [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Mozilla/[12].*
RewriteRule ^MyPage\.html$ MyPage.20.html [L]
RewriteRule ^fMyPage\.html$ MyPage.32.html [L]
Citrix ADC solution for browser-specific settings
add patset pat1
bind patset pat1 Mozilla/1
bind Patset pat1 Mozilla/2
bind patset pat1 Lynx
bind Patset pat1 Mozilla/3
add rewrite action act1 insert_before 'HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX' '"NS."'
add rewrite action act2 insert_before 'HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX' '"20."'
add rewrite action act3 insert_before 'HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX' '"32."'
add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.HEADER("User-Agent").STARTSWITH_INDEX("pat1").EQ(4)' act1
add rewrite policy pol2 'HTTP.REQ.HEADER("User-Agent").STARTSWITH_INDEX("pat1").BETWEEN(1,3)' act2
add rewrite policy pol3 '!HTTP.REQ.HEADER("User-Agent").STARTSWITH_ANY("pat1")' act3
bind rewrite global pol1 101 END
bind rewrite global pol2 102 END
bind rewrite global pol3 103 END
Blocking access by robots
You can block a robot from retrieving pages from a specific directory or a set of directories to ease up the traffic to and from these directories. You can restrict access based on the specific location or you can block requests based on information in User-Agent HTTP headers.
In the following examples, the Web location to be blocked is /~quux/foo/arc/, the IP addresses to be blocked are and, and the robot’s name is NameOfBadRobot.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for blocking a path and a User-Agent header
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^NameOfBadRobot.*
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^123\.45\.67\.[8-9]$
RewriteRule ^/~quux/foo/arc/.+ - [F]
Citrix ADC solution for blocking a path and a User-Agent header
add responder action act1 respondwith '"HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n"'
add responder policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.HEADER("User_Agent").STARTSWITH("NameOfBadRobot")&&CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ( && HTTP.REQ.URL.STARTSWITH("/~quux/foo/arc")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Blocking access to inline images
If you find people frequently going to your server to copy inline graphics for their own use (and generating unnecessary traffic), you may want to restrict the browser’s ability to send an HTTP Referer header.
In the following example, the graphics are located in Example.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for blocking access to an inline image
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.quux-corp.de/~quux/.*$
RewriteRule .*\.gif$ - [F]
Citrix ADC solution for blocking access to an inline image
add patset pat1
bind patset pat1 .gif
bind patset pat1 .jpeg
add responder action act1 respondwith '"HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n"'
add responder policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.HEADER("Referer").EQ("") && !HTTP.REQ.HEADER("Referer").STARTSWITH("http://www.quux-corp.de/~quux/")&&HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH_ANY("pat1")' act1
bind responder global pol1 100
Creating extensionless links
To prevent users from knowing application or script details on the server side, you can hide file extensions from users. To do this, you may want to support extensionless links. You can achieve this behavior by using rewrite rules to add an extension to all requests, or to selectively add extensions to requests.
The first two of the following examples show adding an extension to all request URLs. In the last example, one of two file extensions is added. Note that in the last example, the mod_rewrite module can easily find the file extension because this module resides on the Web server. In contrast, the Citrix ADC must invoke an HTTP callout to check the extension of the requested file on the Web server. Based on the callout response, the Citrix ADC adds the .html or .php extension to the request URL.
In the second Citrix ADC example, an HTTP callout is used to query a script named file_check.cgi hosted on the server. This script checks whether the argument that is provided in the callout is a valid file name.
Apache mod_rewrite solution for adding a .php extension to all requests
RewriteRule ^/?([a-z]+)$ $1.php [L]
Citrix ADC policy for adding a .php extension to all requests
add rewrite action act1 insert_after 'HTTP.REQ.URL' '".php"'
add rewrite policy pol1 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.REGEX_MATCH(re#^/([a-z]+)$#)' act1
bind rewrite global pol1 100
Apache mod_rewrite solution for adding either .html or .php extensions to requests
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
RewriteRule ^/?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ $1.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html –f
RewriteRule ^/?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ $1.html [L]
Citrix ADC policy for adding either .html or .php extensions to requests
add HTTPCallout Call_html
add HTTPCallout Call_php
set policy httpCallout Call_html -IPAddress -port 80 -hostExpr '""' -returnType BOOL -ResultExpr 'HTTP.RES.BODY(100).CONTAINS("True")' -urlStemExpr '"/cgi-bin/file_check.cgi"' -parameters query=http.req.url+".html"
set policy httpCallout Call_php -IPAddress -port 80 -hostExpr '""' -returnType BOOL -ResultExpr 'HTTP.RES.BODY(100).CONTAINS("True")' -urlStemExpr '"/cgi-bin/file_check.cgi"' -parameters query=http.req.url+".php"
add patset pat1
bind patset pat1 .html
bind patset pat1 .php
bind patset pat1 .asp
bind patset pat1 .cgi
add rewrite action act1 insert_after 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH' '".html"'
add rewrite action act2 insert_after "HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH" '".php"'
add rewrite policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.URL.CONTAINS_ANY("pat1") && SYS.HTTP_CALLOUT(Call_html)' act1
add rewrite policy pol2 '!HTTP.REQ.URL.CONTAINS_ANY("pat1") && SYS.HTTP_CALLOUT(Call_php)' act2
bind rewrite global pol1 100 END
bind rewrite global pol2 101 END
Redirecting a Working URI to a New Format
Suppose that you have a set of working URLs that resemble the following:
To change these URLs to /nnnn and make sure that search engines update their indexes to the new URI format, you need to do the following:
- Redirect the old URIs to the new ones so that search engines update their indexes.
- Rewrite the new URI back to the old one so that the index.php script runs correctly.
To accomplish this, you can insert marker code into the query string (making sure that the marker code is not seen by visitors), and then removing the marker code for the index.php script.
The following examples redirect from an old link to a new format only if a marker is not present in the query string. The link that uses the new format is re-written back to the old format, and a marker is added to the query string.
Apache mod_rewrite solution
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !marker
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+)
RewriteRule ^/?index\.php$ %1? [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/?([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+)$ index.php?marker&id=$1 [L]
Citrix ADC solution
add responder action act_redirect redirect 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.BEFORE_STR("index.php")+HTTP.REQ.URL.QUERY.VALUE("id")' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol_redirect '!HTTP.REQ.URL.QUERY.CONTAINS("marker")&& HTTP.REQ.URL.QUERY.VALUE("id").REGEX_MATCH(re/[-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+/) && HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.CONTAINS("index.php")' act_redirect
bind responder global pol_redirect 100 END
add rewrite action act1 replace 'HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'/\',0)' '"index.phpmarker&id="+HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.SUFFIX(\'/\',0)' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add rewrite policy pol1 '!HTTP.REQ.URL.QUERY.CONTAINS("marker")' act1
bind rewrite global pol1 100 END
Ensuring That a Secure Server Is Used for Selected Pages
To make sure that only secure servers are used for selected Web pages, you can use the following Apache mod_rewrite code or Citrix ADC Responder policies.
Apache mod_rewrite solution
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule ^/?(page1|page2|page3|page4|page5)$ https://www.example.com/%1 [R,L]
Citrix ADC solution using regular expressions
add responder action res_redirect redirect '"https://www.example.com"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol_redirect '!CLIENT.TCP.DSTPORT.EQ(443)&&HTTP.REQ.URL.REGEX_MATCH(re/page[1-5]/)' res_redirect
bind responder global pol_redirect 100 END
Citrix ADC solution using pattern sets
add patset pat1
bind patset pat1 page1
bind patset pat1 page2
bind patset pat1 page3
bind patset pat1 page4
bind patset pat1 page5
add responder action res_redirect redirect '"https://www.example.com"+HTTP.REQ.URL' -bypassSafetyCheck yes
add responder policy pol_redirect '!CLIENT.TCP.DSTPORT.EQ(443)&&HTTP.REQ.URL.CONTAINS_ANY("pat1")' res_redirect
bind responder global pol_redirect 100 END
In this article
- Converting URL variations into canonical URLs
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for converting a URL
- Citrix ADC solution for converting a URL
- Converting Host Name Variations to Canonical Host Names
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on a port other than 80
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on port 80
- Citrix ADC solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on a port other than 80
- Citrix ADC solution for enforcing a particular host name for sites running on port 80
- Moving a document root
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for moving the document root
- Citrix ADC solution for moving the document root
- Citrix ADC solution for moving the document root and appending path information to the request
- Moving home directories to a new web server
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for redirecting to another Web server
- Citrix ADC solution for redirecting to another Web server (method 1)
- Citrix ADC solution for redirecting to another Web server (method 2)
- Working with structured home directories
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for structured home directories
- Citrix ADC solution for structured home directories
- Redirecting invalid URLs to other web servers
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for redirection if a URL is wrong
- Citrix ADC solution for redirection if a URL is wrong (method 1)
- Citrix ADC solution for redirection if a URL is wrong (method 2)
- Rewriting a URL based on time
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for rewriting a URL based on the time
- Citrix ADC solution for rewriting a URL based on the time
- Redirecting to a new file name (Invisible to the User)
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for managing a file name change in a fixed location
- Citrix ADC solution for managing a file name change in a fixed location
- Citrix ADC solution for managing a file name change regardless of the base directory or query strings in the URL
- Redirecting to new file name (user-visible URL)
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser
- Citrix ADC solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser
- Citrix ADC solution for changing the file name and the URL displayed in the browser regardless of the base directory or query strings in the URL
- Accommodating browser dependent content
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for browser-specific settings
- Blocking access by robots
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for blocking a path and a User-Agent header
- Citrix ADC solution for blocking a path and a User-Agent header
- Blocking access to inline images
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for blocking access to an inline image
- Citrix ADC solution for blocking access to an inline image
- Creating extensionless links
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for adding a .php extension to all requests
- Citrix ADC policy for adding a .php extension to all requests
- Apache mod_rewrite solution for adding either .html or .php extensions to requests
- Citrix ADC policy for adding either .html or .php extensions to requests
- Redirecting a Working URI to a New Format
- Apache mod_rewrite solution
- Ensuring That a Secure Server Is Used for Selected Pages
- Apache mod_rewrite solution
- Citrix ADC solution using regular expressions
- Citrix ADC solution using pattern sets