LSN64 in a cluster setup

Large scale NAT64 configurations are supported on a Citrix ADC cluster setup.

A Citrix ADC cluster is a group of Citrix ADC appliances that are configured and managed as a single system. A Citrix ADC cluster provides scalability and availability. Each Citrix ADC appliance in a cluster setup acts as an independent LSN entity and is managed as a single system.

The LSN configuration in a cluster setup is same as in a standalone appliance except for a specific pool of LSN IP addresses are owned by only one node at a time. In other words, an LSN IP pool entity is configured as a spotted entity in a particular node. All the nodes of a cluster setup can have a specific LSN IP pool entity. To make sure that the packets related to an LSN session are received on the same cluster node that performed the NAT operation, policy based backplane (PBS) steering is configured. PBS steers the received related packets of an LSN session to the same cluster node.

Sample configuration:

add lsn client LSN-NAT64-CLIENT-1 Done bind lsn client LSN-NAT64-CLIENT-1 -network6 2001:DB8:5001::/96 Done add lsn pool LSN-NAT64-POOL-1 Done bind lsn pool LSN-NAT64-POOL-1 -ownerNode 1 - Done bind lsn pool LSN-NAT64-POOL-1 -ownerNode 2 - Done add lsn ip6profile LSN-NAT64-PROFILE-1 -type NAT64 -natprefix 2001:DB8:300::/96 Done add lsn group LSN-NAT64-GROUP-1 -clientname LSN-NAT64-CLIENT-1 -ip6profile LSN-NAT64-PROFILE-1 Done bind lsn group LSN-NAT64-GROUP-1 -poolname LSN-NAT64-POOL-1 Done add ns acl6 NAT64-DFD ALLOW -srcIPv6 = 2001:DB8:5001:: -type DFD -dfdhash SIP -dfdprefix 64 Done apply ns acls6 -type DFD Done
LSN64 in a cluster setup