Clearing LSN Sessions

You can remove any unwanted or inefficient LSN sessions from the Citrix ADC appliance. The appliance immediately releases resources (such as NAT IP address, port, and memory) allocated for these sessions, making the resources available for new sessions. The appliance also drops all the subsequent packets related to these removed sessions. You can remove all or selected LSN sessions from the Citrix ADC appliance.

To clear all LSN sessions by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type:

flush lsn session show lsn session

To clear selective LSN sessions by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type:

flush lsn session [-clientname <string>] [-network <ip_addr> [-netmask <netmask>] [-td <positive_integer>]] [-natIP <ip_addr> [-natPort <port>]] show lsn session


Clear all LSN sessions existing on a Citrix ADC

flush lsn session Done

Clear all LSN sessions related to LSN client entity LSN-CLIENT-1

flush lsn session -clientname LSN-CLIENT-1 Done

Clear all LSN sessions related to a subscriber network ( of LSN client entity LSN-CLIENT-2 belonging to traffic domain 100

flush lsn session -clientname LSN-CLIENT-2 –network –netmask –td 100 Done

To clear all LSN sessions by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > Large Scale NAT > Sessions, and click Flush Sessions.

Parameter Descriptions (of commands listed in the CLI procedure)

  • flush lsn session

    • clientname

      Name of the LSN Client entity. Maximum Length: 127

    • network

      IP address or network address of subscriber(s).

    • netmask

      Subnet mask for the IP address specified by the network parameter.

      Default value:

    • td

      Traffic domain ID of the LSN client entity.

      Default value: 0

      Minimum value: 0

      Maximum value: 4094

    • natIP

      Mapped NAT IP address used in LSN sessions.

    • natPort

      Mapped NAT port used in the LSN sessions.