Configure VPX instances to use single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) network interfaces
After you have installed and configured a Citrix ADC VPX instance on Citrix Hypervisor, you can configure the virtual appliance to use SR-IOV network interfaces.
The following NICs are supported:
- Intel 82599 10G
- Intel X710 10G
- Intel XL710 40G
Citrix Hypervisor does not support some features on SR-IOV interfaces. The limitations with Intel 82599, Intel X710, and Intel XL710 NICs are listed in the following sections.
Limitations for Intel 82599 NIC
Intel 82599 NIC does not support the following features:
- L2 mode switching
- Clustering
- Admin partitioning [Shared VLAN mode]
- High Availability [Active - Active mode]
- Jumbo frames
- IPv6 protocol in Cluster environment
Limitations for Intel X710 10G and Intel XL710 40G NICs
Intel X710 10G and Intel XL710 40G NICs have the following limitations:
- L2 mode switching is not supported.
- Admin partitioning (shared VLAN mode) is not supported.
- In a cluster, Jumbo frames are not supported when the XL710 NIC is used as a data interface.
- Interface list reorders when interfaces are disconnected and reconnected.
- Interface parameter configurations such as speed, duplex, and auto negotiations are not supported.
- For both Intel X710 10G and Intel XL710 40G NICs, the interface comes up as 40/x interface.
- Up to only 16 Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV interfaces can be supported on a VPX instance.
For Intel X710 10G and Intel XL710 40G NICs to support IPv6, enable trust mode on the virtual functions (VFs) by typing the following command on the Citrix Hypervisor host:
# ip link set <PNIC> <VF> trust on
# ip link set ens785f1 vf 0 trust on
Prerequisites for Intel 82599 NIC
On the Citrix Hypervisor host, ensure that you:
- Add the Intel 82599 NIC (NIC) to the host.
Block list the
driver by adding the following entry to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file:blacklist ixgbevf
Enable SR-IOV Virtual Functions (VFs) by adding the following entry to the /etc/modprobe.d/ixgbe file:
options ixgbe max_vfs=<number_of_VFs>
where <number_VFs> is the number of SR-IOV VFs that you want to create.
- Verify that SR-IOV is enabled in BIOS.
IXGBE driver version 3.22.3 is recommended.
Assign Intel 82599 SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
To assign an Intel 82599 SR-IOV VFs to Citrix ADC VPX instance, follow these steps:
On the Citrix Hypervisor host, use the following command to assign the SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance:
xe host-call-plugin plugin=iovirt host-uuid=<Xen host UUID> fn=assign_free_vf args:uuid=<NetScaler VM UUID> args:ethdev=<interface name> args:mac=<Mac addr>
<Xen host UUID> is the UUID of the Citrix Hypervisor host.
<NetScaler VM UUID> is the UUID of the Citrix ADC VPX instance.
<interface name> is the interface for the SR-IOV VFs.
<MAC address > is the MAC address of the SR-IOV VF.
Specify the MAC address that you want use in the args:Mac= parameter, if not specified, the
script randomly generates and assigns a MAC address. Also, if you want to use the SR-IOV VFs in Link Aggregation mode, make sure that you specify the MAC address as 00:00:00:00:00:00. -
Boot the Citrix ADC VPX instance.
Unassign Intel 82599 SR-IOV VFs to the ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
If you have assigned an incorrect SR-IOV VFs or if you want to modify an assigned SR-IOV VFs, you need to unassign and reassign the SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance.
To unassign SR-IOV network interface assigned to a Citrix ADC VPX instance, follow these steps:
On the Citrix Hypervisor host, use the following command to assign the SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance and reboot the Citrix ADC VPX instance:
xe host-call-plugin plugin=iovirt host-uuid=<Xen_host_UUID> fn=unassign_all args:uuid=<Netscaler_VM_UUID>
<Xen_host_UUID> - The UUID of the Citrix Hypervisor host.
<Netscaler_VM_UUID> - The UUID of the Citrix ADC VPX instance
Boot the Citrix ADC VPX instance.
Assign Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
To assign an Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VF to the Citrix ADC VPX instance, follow these steps:
Run the following command on the Citrix Hypervisor host to create a network.
xe network-create name-label=<network-name>
xe network-create name-label=SR-IOV-NIC-18 8ee59b73-7319-6998-cd69-b9fa3e8d7503
Determine the PIF Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the NIC on which the SR-IOV network is to be configured.
xe pif-list uuid ( RO) : e2874343-f1de-1fa7-8fef-98547c348783 device ( RO): eth18 currently-attached ( RO): true VLAN ( RO): -1 network-uuid ( RO): f865bd85-44dd-b865-ab65-dcd6ae28c16e
Configure the network as an SR-IOV network. The following command also returns the UUID of the newly created SR-IOV network:
xe network-sriov-create network-uuid=<network-uuid> pif-uuid=<physical-pif-uuid>
xe network-sriov-create network-uuid=8ee59b73-7319-6998-cd69-b9fa3e8d7503 pif-uuid=e2874343-f1de-1fa7-8fef-98547c3487831629b44f-832a-084e-d67d-5d6d314d5e0f
To get more information on the SR-IOV network parameters, run the following command:
[root@citrix-XS82-TOPO ~]# xe network-sriov-param-list uuid=1629b44f-832a-084e-d67d-5d6d314d5e0f uuid ( RO): 1629b44f-832a-084e-d67d-5d6d314d5e0f physical-PIF ( RO): e2874343-f1de-1fa7-8fef-98547c348783 logical-PIF ( RO): 85d52771-5814-c62d-45fa-f37b536144ff requires-reboot ( RO): false remaining-capacity ( RO): 32
Create a virtual interface (VIF) and attach it to the target VM.
xe vif-create device=0 mac=b2:61:fc:ae:00:1d network-uuid=8ee59b73-7319-6998-cd69-b9fa3e8d7503 vm-uuid=b507e8a6-f5ca-18eb-561d-308218a9dd68 3e1e2e58-b2ad-6dc0-61d4-1d149c9c6466
The NIC index number of the VM must start with 0.
Use the following command to find the VM UUID:
[root@citrix-XS82-TOPO ~]# xe vm-list uuid ( RO): b507e8a6-f5ca-18eb-561d-308218a9dd68 name-label ( RW): sai-vpx-1 power-state ( RO): halted
Remove Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VFs from the Citrix ADC instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
To remove an Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VF from a Citrix ADC VPX instance, follow these steps:
Copy the UUID for the VIF that you want to destroy.
Run the following command on the Citrix Hypervisor host to destroy the VIF.
xe vif-destroy uuid=<vif-uuid>
[root@citrix-XS82-TOPO ~]# xe vif-destroy uuid=3e1e2e58-b2ad-6dc0-61d4-1d149c9c6466
Configure link aggregation on the SR-IOV interface
To use the SR-IOV virtual functions in link aggregation mode, you need to disable spoof checking for virtual functions that you have created. On the Citrix Hypervisor host, use the following command to disable spoof checking:
ip link set <interface_name> vf <VF_id> spoofchk off
- <interface_name> is the interface name.
- <VF_id> is the virtual function ID.
After disabling spoof checking for all the virtual functions that you have created, restart the Citrix ADC VPX instance and configure link aggregation. For instructions, see Configure link aggregation.
While you are assigning the SR-IOV virtual functions (VFs) to the Citrix ADC VPX instance, make sure that you specify the MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 for the VFs.
Configure VLAN on the SR-IOV interface
You can configure VLAN on the SR-IOV virtual functions. For instructions, see Configuring a VLAN.
Make sure that the Citrix Hypervisor host does not contain VLAN settings for the VF interface.
Other references
In this article
- Limitations
- Prerequisites for Intel 82599 NIC
- Assign Intel 82599 SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
- Unassign Intel 82599 SR-IOV VFs to the ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
- Assign Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VFs to the Citrix ADC VPX instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
- Remove Intel X710/XL710 SR-IOV VFs from the Citrix ADC instance by using the Citrix Hypervisor host
- Configure link aggregation on the SR-IOV interface
- Configure VLAN on the SR-IOV interface
- Other references