Application Delivery Management



在组件构造中,通过使用符号来引用参数部分中定义 $parameters.<parametername> 的参数。如果 <parametername> 本身包含参数(当类型为对象时),则必须使用表示法 $parameters.<parametername>.<sub-parametername>,依此类推。


parameters: - name: name label: Name type: string required: true - name: vip label: Virtual IP and Port type: object required: true parameters: - name: ip label: Virtual IP description: The Virtual IP Address type: ipaddress required: true - name: port label: The Virtual Port description: The TCP port for the Virtual IP type: tcp-port default: 80 components: - name: my-lbvserver-comp type: ns::lbvserver properties: name: $ servicetype: HTTP ipv46: $ port: $
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