NetScaler SDX

将 NetScaler MPX 26000-50S 设备转换为 NetScaler SDX 26000-50S 设备

通过新的固态硬盘 (SSD) 升级软件,您可以将 NetScaler MPX 设备转换为 NetScaler SDX 设备。 NetScaler 提供现场转换套件,用于将 NetScaler MPX 设备迁移到 SDX 设备。



Citrix 建议您在开始转换过程之前配置设备的熄灯管理 (LOM) 端口。 有关 ADC 设备的 LOM 端口的更多信息,请参阅 关闭 NetScaler SDX 设备的管理端口

要将 MPX 设备转换为 SDX 设备,必须通过连接到计算机或终端的控制台电缆访问该设备。 在连接控制台电缆之前,请将计算机或终端配置为支持以下配置:

  • VT100 终端仿真
  • 9600 波特
  • 8 个数据位
  • 1 个停止位
  • 奇偶校验和流量控制设置为 NONE

将控制台电缆的一端连接到装置上的 RS232 串行端口,另一端连接到计算机或终端。


要将电缆与 RJ-45 转换器一起使用,请将可选转换器插入控制台端口并将电缆连接到控制台端口。

连接电缆后,验证 MPX 设备的组件是否正常工作。 然后您就可以开始转换了。 转换过程修改 BIOS、安装 Citrix Hypervisor 和服务虚拟机映像,然后将 NetScaler VPX 映像复制到固态驱动器。

转换过程还为本地存储和 NetScaler VPX 存储设置了独立磁盘冗余阵列 (RAID) 控制器。 固态硬盘插槽 #1 和 #2 用于本地存储,固态硬盘插槽 #3、#4、#5、#6、#7 和 #8 用于 NetScaler VPX 存储。

转换过程完成后,修改设备的配置并应用新的许可证。 然后,您可以通过管理服务在现在的 NetScaler SDX 设备上配置 VPX 实例。

验证 MPX 设备的组件是否正常运行

  1. 访问控制台端口并输入管理员凭据。
  2. 从设备的命令行界面运行以下命令以显示序列号: show hardware。 转换后,您可能需要序列号才能登录到装置。


    > show hardware
    Platform: NSMPX-26000-50S 28*CPU+256GB+4*MLX(50)+16*F2X+2*E1K+4*4-CHIP CO 520310
    Manufactured on: 9/15/2020
    CPU: 2400MHZ
    Host Id: 1862303878
    Serial no: 83WRVD62EM
    Encoded serial no: 83WRVD62EM
    Netscaler UUID: 258f9971-f7db-11ea-b021-00e0ed9041b6
    BMC Revision: 5.03

    当您想联系 Citrix 技术支持时,序列号可能会有所帮助。

  3. 运行以下命令以显示活动接口的状态:

    show interface


    > show interface
    1)  Interface 0/1 (Gig Ethernet 10/100/1000 MBits) #8
    flags=0xc020 <ENABLED, UP, UP, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=0c:c4:7a:56:64:7e, uptime 120h29m33s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    Actual: media UTP, speed 1000, duplex FULL, fctl OFF, throughput 1000
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(1614945) Bytes(104805024) Errs(0) Drops(1601312) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(9166) Bytes(2556380) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    2)  Interface 0/2 (Gig Ethernet 10/100/1000 MBits) #9
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=0c:c4:7a:56:64:7f, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
            throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    3)  Interface 25/1 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #10
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:bc, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    4)  Interface 25/2 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #11
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:bd, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    5)  Interface 25/3 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #12
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:be, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    6)  Interface 25/4 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #13
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:bf, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    7)  Interface 25/5 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #14
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f2, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    8)  Interface 25/6 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #15
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f3, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    9)  Interface 25/7 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #16
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f4, downtime 120h29m53s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    10) Interface 25/8 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #17
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f5, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    11) Interface 25/9 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #2
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:b4, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    12) Interface 25/10 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #3
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:b5, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    13) Interface 25/11 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #0
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:b6, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    14) Interface 25/12 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #1
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:b7, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    15) Interface 25/13 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #6
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:ee, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    16) Interface 25/14 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #7
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:ef, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    17) Interface 25/15 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #4
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f0, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    18) Interface 25/16 (25G Ethernet, unknown device) #5
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=00:e0:ed:90:41:f1, downtime 120h30m00s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    Rx Ring: Configured size=2048, Actual size=512, Type: Elastic
    19) Interface 50/1 (mce Ethernet, unknown device) #20
    flags=0xc020 <ENABLED, UP, UP, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=9216, native vlan=1, MAC=24:8a:07:a4:91:0c, uptime 99h59m54s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    Actual: media UTP, speed 50000, duplex FULL, fctl OFF, throughput 50000
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(215681) Bytes(11431096) Errs(0) Drops(215680) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(131) Bytes(5516) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    20) Interface 50/2 (mce Ethernet, unknown device) #21
    flags=0xc020 <ENABLED, UP, UP, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=24:8a:07:a4:91:0d, uptime 100h00m22s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    Actual: media UTP, speed 50000, duplex FULL, fctl OFF, throughput 50000
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(313720) Bytes(17365302) Errs(0) Drops(312232) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(114) Bytes(4788) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    21) Interface 50/3 (100G Ethernet) #18
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=24:8a:07:a4:91:00, downtime 120h30m07s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    22) Interface 50/4 (100G Ethernet) #19
    flags=0x4000 <ENABLED, DOWN, down, autoneg, HAMON, HEARTBEAT, 802.1q>
    MTU=1500, native vlan=1, MAC=24:8a:07:a4:91:01, downtime 120h30m07s
    Requested: media AUTO, speed AUTO, duplex AUTO, fctl OFF,
             throughput 0
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(0) Bytes(0) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    NIC: InDisc(0) OutDisc(0) Fctls(0) Stalls(0) Hangs(0) Muted(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
    23)     Interface LO/1 (Netscaler Loopback interface) #22
        flags=0x20008020 <ENABLED, UP, UP>
    MTU=9216, native vlan=1, MAC=0c:c4:7a:56:64:7e, uptime 120h30m01s
    LLDP Mode: NONE,             LR Priority: 1024
    RX: Pkts(611167959) Bytes(89143315781) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    TX: Pkts(1207140213) Bytes(120806672260) Errs(0) Drops(0) Stalls(0)
    Bandwidth thresholds are not set.
  4. show interface 命令的输出中,验证所有接口都已启用,并且每个接口的状态都显示为 UP/UP。


  • - 仅当电缆连接到接口时,接口状态才显示为 UP/UP。

  • - 如果每个端口都没有 SFP+ 收发器,请分阶段验证接口。 检查 第一组接口后,拔下 SFP+ 收发器并将其插入下一组端口。

  1. 对每个未处于 UP/UP 状态的接口运行以下命令: 启用接口 50/x 其中 x 是新接口号。

    > enable interface 50/1
    > enable interface 50/2
    > enable interface 50/3
    > enable interface 50/4
  2. 运行以下命令以验证电源的状态是否正常:

    stat system –detail


> stat system -detail

Citrix ADC Executive View

System Information:
Up since    Wed Jan 20 21:35:18 2021
Up since(Local) Wed Jan 20 21:35:18 2021
Memory usage (MB)               5802
InUse Memory (%)                2.52
Number of CPUs                    15

System Health Statistics (Standard):
CPU 0 Core Voltage (Volts)                  1.80
CPU 1 Core Voltage (Volts)                  1.80
Main 3.3 V Supply Voltage                   3.35
Standby 3.3 V Supply Voltage                    3.25
+5.0 V Supply Voltage                           5.03
+12.0 V Supply Voltage                         12.13
Battery Voltage (Volts)                         2.98
Intel CPU Vtt Power(Volts)                      0.00
5V Standby Voltage(Volts)                   4.97
Voltage Sensor2(Volts)                      0.00
CPU Fan 0 Speed (RPM)                       3100
CPU Fan 1 Speed (RPM)                       3100
System Fan Speed (RPM)                      3100
System Fan 1 Speed (RPM)                    3100
System Fan 2 Speed (RPM)                    3100
CPU 0 Temperature (Celsius)                       47
CPU 1 Temperature (Celsius)                       51
Internal Temperature (Celsius)                    35
Power supply 1 status                         NORMAL
Power supply 2 status                         NORMAL
Power supply 3 status              NOT SUPPORTED
Power supply 4 status              NOT SUPPORTED

System Disk Statistics:
/flash Size (MB)                               23801
/flash Used (MB)                                 787
/flash Available (MB)                          21110
/flash Used (%)                                    3
/var Size (MB)                                341167
/var Used (MB)                                112391
/var Available (MB)                           201482
/var Used (%)                                     35

System Health Statistics(Auxiliary):
Voltage 0 (Volts)                           1.20
Voltage 1 (Volts)                           1.20
Voltage 2 (Volts)                           1.21
Voltage 3 (Volts)                           1.20
Voltage 4 (Volts)                           1.54
Voltage 5 (Volts)                           0.00
Voltage 6 (Volts)                           0.00
Voltage 7 (Volts)                           0.00
Fan 0 Speed (RPM)                           3200
Fan 1 Speed (RPM)                              0
Fan 2 Speed (RPM)                              0
Fan 3 Speed (RPM)                              0
Temperature 0 (Celsius)                       27
Temperature 1 (Celsius)                       38
Temperature 2 (Celsius)                        0
Temperature 3 (Celsius)                        0
  1. 运行以下命令以生成系统配置数据和统计信息的 tar:

    show techsupport


    > show techsupport
    showtechsupport data collector tool - $Revision$!
    NetScaler version 13.0
    The NS IP of this box is
    This is not HA configuration
    Copying selected configuration files ....
    Running shell commands ....
    Running CLI show commands ....
    Collecting ns running configuration....
    Collecting running gslb configuration....
    Running CLI stat commands ....
    Running vtysh commands ....
    Copying newnslog files ....
    Copying core files from /var/core ....
    Copying core files from /var/crash ....
    Copying GSLB location database files ....
    Copying GSLB auto sync log files ....
    Copying Safenet Gateway log files ....
    Copying messages, ns.log, dmesg and other log files ....
    Creating archive ....
    /var/tmp/support/support.tgz  ---- points to ---> /var/tmp/support/collector_P_10.217.206.43_5Dec2020_05_32.tar.gz
    showtechsupport script took 1 minute(s) and 17 second(s) to execute.


该命令的输出在 /var/tmp/support/collector_<IP_address>_P_<date>.tar.gz 文件中可用。 将此文件复制到另一台计算机以供将来参考。 当您想联系 Citrix 技术支持时,命令的输出可能会有所帮助。

  1. 8. 在命令行界面,切换到 shell 提示符。 类型: shell


    > shell
    Copyright (c) 1992-2013 The FreeBSD Project.
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
  2. 运行以下命令来验证设备上的内存:

    root@ns# grep "memory" /var/nslog/dmesg.boot


    root@ns# grep "memory" /var/nslog/dmesg.boot
    real memory  = 274877906944 (262144 MB)
    avail memory = 264024535040 (251793 MB)
  3. 运行以下命令来验证 CPU 核心的数量,具体取决于您的设备:

    root@ns# grep "cpu" /var/nslog/dmesg.boot


    root@ns# grep "cpu" /var/nslog/dmesg.boot
    cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
    cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  2
    cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  4
    cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  6
    cpu4 (AP): APIC ID:  8
    cpu5 (AP): APIC ID: 10
    cpu6 (AP): APIC ID: 12
    cpu7 (AP): APIC ID: 16
    cpu8 (AP): APIC ID: 18
    cpu9 (AP): APIC ID: 20
    cpu10 (AP): APIC ID: 22
    cpu11 (AP): APIC ID: 24
    cpu12 (AP): APIC ID: 26
    cpu13 (AP): APIC ID: 28
    cpu14 (AP): APIC ID: 32
    cpu15 (AP): APIC ID: 34
    cpu16 (AP): APIC ID: 36
    cpu17 (AP): APIC ID: 38
    cpu18 (AP): APIC ID: 40
    cpu19 (AP): APIC ID: 42
    cpu20 (AP): APIC ID: 44
    cpu21 (AP): APIC ID: 48
    cpu22 (AP): APIC ID: 50
    cpu23 (AP): APIC ID: 52
    cpu24 (AP): APIC ID: 54
    cpu25 (AP): APIC ID: 56
    cpu26 (AP): APIC ID: 58
    cpu27 (AP): APIC ID: 60
    cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu2: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu3: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu4: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu5: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu6: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu7: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu8: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu9: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu10: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu11: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu12: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu13: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu14: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu15: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu16: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu17: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu18: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu19: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu20: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu21: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu22: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu23: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu24: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu25: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu26: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    cpu27: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
    est0: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu0
    p4tcc0: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu0
    est1: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu1
    p4tcc1: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu1
    est2: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu2
    p4tcc2: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu2
    est3: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu3
    p4tcc3: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu3
    est4: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu4
    p4tcc4: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu4
    est5: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu5
    p4tcc5: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu5
    est6: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu6
    p4tcc6: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu6
    est7: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu7
    p4tcc7: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu7
    est8: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu8
    p4tcc8: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu8
    est9: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu9
    p4tcc9: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu9
    est10: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu10
    p4tcc10: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu10
    est11: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu11
    p4tcc11: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu11
    est12: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu12
    p4tcc12: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu12
    est13: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu13
    p4tcc13: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu13
    est14: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu14
    p4tcc14: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu14
    est15: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu15
    p4tcc15: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu15
    est16: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu16
    p4tcc16: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu16
    est17: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu17
    p4tcc17: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu17
    est18: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu18
    p4tcc18: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu18
    est19: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu19
    p4tcc19: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu19
    est20: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu20
    p4tcc20: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu20
    est21: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu21
    p4tcc21: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu21
    est22: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu22
    p4tcc22: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu22
    est23: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu23
    p4tcc23: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu23
    est24: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu24
    p4tcc24: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu24
    est25: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu25
    p4tcc25: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu25
    est26: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu26
    p4tcc26: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu26
    est27: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu27
    p4tcc27: <CPU Frequency Thermal Control> on cpu27
  4. 运行以下命令以验证 /var 驱动器是否已装载为 /dev/ ar0s1a: root@ns# df –h


    root@ns# df -h
    Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
    /dev/md0       422M    404M    9.1M    98%    /
    devfs          1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev
    procfs         4.0k    4.0k      0B   100%    /proc
    /dev/ar0s1a     23G    6.9G     14G    32%    /flash
    /dev/ar0s1e    333G     32G    274G    10%    /var
  5. 键入以下命令运行 ns_hw_err.bash 脚本,该脚本会检查潜在的硬件错误:

    root@ns# ns_hw_err.bash


    root@ns# ns_hw_err.bash
    NetScaler NS13.0: Build, Date: Nov 11 2020, 07:56:08   (64-bit)
    platform: serial 83WRVD62EM
    platform: sysid 520310 - NSMPX-26000-50S 28*CPU+256GB+4*MLX(50)+16*F2X+2*E1K+4*4-CHIP COL 8955
    HDD MODEL: ar0: 434992MB <Intel MatrixRAID RAID1> status: READY
    Generating the list of newnslog files to be processed...
    Generating the events from newnslog files...
    Checking for HDD errors...
    Checking for HDD SMART errors...
    Checking for Flash errors...
    Checking for Mega Raid Controller errors...
    Checking for SSL errors...
    Checking for BIOS errors...
    Checking for SMB errors...
    Checking for MotherBoard errors...
    Checking for CMOS errors...
            License year: 2021: OK
    Checking for SFP/NIC errors...
    Checking for Firmware errors...
    Checking for License errors...
    Checking for Undetected CPUs...
    Checking for DIMM flaps...
    Checking for Memory Channel errors...
    Checking for LOM errors...
    Checking the Power Supply Errors...
    Checking for Hardware Clock errors...
    Script Done.

    重要: 物理上断开除 LOM 端口之外的所有端口,包括与网络的管理端口。

  6. 在 shell 提示符下,切换到 ADC 命令行。 类型: 退出


    root@ns# exit
  7. 运行以下命令关闭设备。 系统会问您是否想完全停止 ADC。 类型: shutdown -p now


    > shutdown -p now
    Are you sure you want to completely stop NetScaler (Y/N)? [N]:y
    > Dec  5 06:09:11 <auth.notice> ns shutdown: power-down by root:
    Dec  5 06:09:13 <auth.emerg> ns init: Rebooting via init mechanism
    Dec  5 06:09:13 <syslog.err> ns syslogd: exiting on signal 15
    Dec  5 06:09:13 aslearn[1662]: before pthread_join(), task name: Aslearn_Packet_Loop_Task
    Dec  5 06:09:15 aslearn[1662]: Exiting function ns_do_logging
    Dec  5 06:09:15 aslearn[1662]: before pthread_join(), task name: Aslearn_WAL_Cleanup_Task
    Dec  5 06:09:15 aslearn[1662]: before pthread_join(), task name: Aslearn_HA_Primary_Task
    Dec  5 06:09:15 aslearn[1662]: 1662 exiting gracefully
    Dec  5 06:09:18 [1672]: nsnet_tcpipconnect: connect() failed; returned -1 errno=61
    qat0: qat_dev0 stopped 12 acceleration engines
    pci4: Resetting device
    qat1: qat_dev1 stopped 12 acceleration engines
    pci6: Resetting device
    qat2: qat_dev2 stopped 12 acceleration engines
    pci132: Resetting device
    qat3: qat_dev3 stopped 12 acceleration engines
    pci134: Resetting device
    Dec  5 06:09:33 init: some processes would not die; ps axl advised
    reboot initiated by init with parent kernel
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
    Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...0 0 0 done
    All buffers synced.
    Uptime: 1h53m18s
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    usbus0: Controller shutdown
    uhub0: at usbus0, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
    usbus0: Controller shutdown complete
    usbus1: Controller shutdown
    uhub1: at usbus1, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
    ugen1.2: <vendor 0x8087> at usbus1 (disconnected)
    uhub3: at uhub1, port 1, addr 2 (disconnected)
    ugen1.3: <FTDI> at usbus1 (disconnected)
    uftdi0: at uhub3, port 1, addr 3 (disconnected)
    ugen1.4: <vendor 0x1005> at usbus1 (disconnected)
    umass0: at uhub3, port 3, addr 4 (disconnected)
    (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): lost device - 0 outstanding, 0 refs
    (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): removing device entry
    usbus1: Controller shutdown complete
    usbus2: Controller shutdown
    uhub2: at usbus2, port 1, addr 1 (disconnected)
     ugen2.2: <vendor 0x8087> at usbus2 (disconnected)
    uhub4: at uhub2, port 1, addr 2 (disconnected)
    ugen2.3: <vendor 0x0557> at usbus2 (disconnected)
    uhub5: at uhub4, port 7, addr 3 (disconnected)
    ugen2.4: <vendor 0x0557> at usbus2 (disconnected)
    ukbd0: at uhub5, port 1, addr 4 (disconnected)
    ums0: at uhub5, port 1, addr 4 (disconnected)
    usbus2: Controller shutdown complete
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    ixl_shutdown: lldp start 0
    acpi0: Powering system off



  1. 关闭 ADC 设备的电源。
  2. 在插槽 #1 和插槽 #2 中找到设备背面的两个固态驱动器 (SSD),如下图所示:


  3. 验证更换的固态硬盘 (SSD) 是否是 ADC 型号所需的。 转换需要至少四个 SSD。 NetScaler 标签位于其中一个固态硬盘的顶部。 固态硬盘预装了新版本的 BIOS 和所需的 NetScaler SDX 管理服务的最新版本。 此 SSD 必须安装在插槽 # 1 中。

  4. 在拉动驱动器手柄的同时向下推动驱动器盖的安全闩锁,以卸下固态硬盘。

  5. 在新的 Citrix 认证固态硬盘上,完全向左打开驱动器手柄。 然后尽可能将新驱动器插入插槽 #1。

  6. 要固定驱动器,请关闭与设备背面齐平的手柄,使驱动器牢固地锁定在插槽中。

    重要:固态硬盘的方向很重要。 插入驱动器时,请确保 NetScaler 产品标签位于侧面,类似于已插入的固态硬盘。

  7. 在插槽 # 2 中插入第二个 Citrix 认证的固态硬盘,该固态硬盘的容量与插槽 #1 中的固态硬盘容量相匹配。


说明不支持新旧 SSD 的混合和匹配。 插槽 #1 和插槽 #2 中的固态硬盘(构成第一个 RAID 对(本地存储),必须具有相同的大小和类型。 同样,插槽 #3 和插槽 #4 中的 SSD(构成第二个 RAID 对(VPX 存储),必须具有相同的大小和类型。 仅使用属于提供的转换套件一部分的驱动器。

  1. 将 960 GB 的空白 SSD 驱动器插入插槽 3、4、5、6、7 和 8 中。

  2. 断开所有网络电缆与数据端口和管理端口的连接。

  3. 启动 ADC 设备。 有关说明,请参阅 开启设备

    转换过程最多可能需要 90 分钟,在此期间您不得重启设备。 整个转换过程可能在控制台上看不到,并且可能看起来没有响应。

    转换过程会更新 BIOS、安装 Citrix Hypervisor 和管理服务操作系统。

  4. 在转换过程中,请保持控制台电缆连接。 允许该过程完成,此时出现 SDX 登录提示。

  5. 11. 在转换过程中,LOM 端口连接可能会丢失,因为它将 IP 地址重置为默认值。

  6. 在设备从 MPX 转换为 SDX 后,Citrix Hypervisor 的默认凭据将更改为 root /nsroot。 如果此密码不起作用,请尝试键入 nsroot/设备的序列号。 序列号条形码可在设备背面找到,并且在 show hardware 命令的输出中也提供了序列号条形码。


    The serial number of the appliance remains the same.

  7. 13. 要确保转换成功,请验证 FVT 结果是否表示成功。 运行以下命令:tail /var/log/fvt/fvt.log


转换过程完成后,设备不再具有以前的工作配置。 因此,只能使用默认 IP 地址 通过 Web 浏览器访问设备。 在网络 上配置计算机,然后使用交叉以太网电缆将其直接连接到设备的管理端口 (0/1)。 或者,使用直通以太网电缆通过网络集线器访问 NetScaler SDX 设备。 使用默认凭据登录,然后执行以下操作:

  1. 选择 控制面板 选项卡。
  2. 验证 系统资源 部分显示了 NetScaler SDX 设备的 CPU 内核、SSL 内核和总内存的准确数量。
  3. 导航到 配置 > 系统 修改管理服务的网络信息。
  4. 修改网络配置 对话框中,指定以下详细信息:
    • 接口:将设备连接到管理工作站或网络的管理接口。 可能的值:0/1、0/2。 默认值:0/1。
    • 网关:将流量转发出设备子网的路由器的 IP 地址。
    • e. 如果要使用管理服务的 IPv4 地址并输入以下参数的详细信息,请选中 IPv4 复选框:
      • 设备管理 IP:用于使用 Web 浏览器访问管理服务的 IPv4 地址。
      • 网络掩码:SDX 设备所在的子网掩码。
    • DNS:主 DNS 服务器的 IPv4 地址。 主 DNS 服务器不支持 IPv6 地址。
    • f. 如果要使用管理服务的 IPv6 地址并输入以下参数的详细信息,请选中 IPv6 复选框:
      • 管理服务 IP 地址:用于使用 Web 浏览器访问管理服务的 IPv6 地址。
      • 网关 IPv6 地址:将流量转发出设备子网的路由器的 IPv4 地址。
    • 选择其他 DNS 可将 DNS 服务器 IP 地址添加为主 DNS 服务器之外的额外 DNS 服务器。 IP 地址可以是 IPv4 或 IPv6。 网络配置
  5. 单击 OK(确定)。 随着网络信息的更改,与管理服务的连接将丢失。

  6. 将 NetScaler SDX 设备的管理端口 0/1 连接到交换机以通过网络访问该端口。 浏览到之前使用的 IP 地址并使用默认凭据登录。

  7. 应用新的许可证。 有关说明,请参阅 SDX 许可概述

  8. 导航到配置 > 系统,然后在系统管理组中单击重新启动设备。 单击进行确认。 您现在已准备好在 NetScaler SDX 设备上配置 VPX 实例了。 有关说明,请参阅预配 NetScaler 实例
将 NetScaler MPX 26000-50S 设备转换为 NetScaler SDX 26000-50S 设备