Repeat construct
You can use the repeat construct of a component to build multiple configuration objects of the same type.
In the following example, the members-svcg-comp component is used to bind the list of services to the service group created by the parent component. To create a configuration object that binds each server to the service group, use the repeat construct to iterate over the list of services specified for the parameter svc-servers. During the iteration, the component creates a NITRO object of the type servicegroup_servicegroupmember_binding for each service (referred to as srv in the repeat-item construct) in the service group, and it sets the ip attribute in each NITRO object to the IP address of the corresponding service.
name: my-lbvserver-comp
type: ns::lbvserver
name: $ + "-lb"
servicetype: HTTP
ipv46: $parameters.ip
port: 80
lbmethod: $
name: my-svcg-comp
type: ns::servicegroup
name: $ + "-svcgrp"
servicetype: HTTP
name: lbvserver-svg-binding-comp
type: ns::lbvserver\servicegroup\binding
name: $
servicegroupname: $
name: members-svcg-comp
type: ns::servicegroup\servicegroupmember\binding
repeat-list: $parameters.svc-servers
repeat-item: srv
ip: $srv
port: $parameters.svc-port
servicegroupname: $
The repeat is an object by itself, and repeat-list and repeat-item are attributes for the repeat object.
- repeat-list is a mandatory attribute that identifies the list that the component iterates on.
- repeat-item is optional, and is used to give a friendly name to the current item in the iteration.
If not specified, the current item can be accessed using the expression $repeat-item. The last component in the above example can also be written as follows:
name: members-svcg-comp
type: ns::servicegroup_servicegroupmember_binding
repeat-list: $parameters.svc-servers
ip: $repeat-item
port: $parameters.svc-port
servicegroupname: $
In addition to being able to refer to the current item white iterating over a list, it is also possible to refer to the current index of the item in the list using repeat-index. In the following example, repeat-index is used to calculate a port number based on the current index:
name: services
type: ns::service
repeat-list: $
repeat-item: srv
ip: $
port: $parameters.base-port + repeat-index
servicegroupname: $
Similar to the repeat-item construct, you can assign a different variable name to refer to the current index of the iteration. The previous example is equivalent to the following example:
name: services
type: ns::service
repeat-list: $
repeat-item: srv
repeat-index: idx
ip: $
port: $parameters.base-port + $idx
servicegroupname: $