Customize AppExpert configuration

After you verify that the AppExpert application is working correctly, you can customize the configuration to suit your requirements.

After you verify that the AppExpert application configuration is working correctly, you can configure the application and the deployment settings to suit your requirements. When you import an application template and deployment file, the system automatically populates the target application with the available configuration settings (such as application units, application unit rules, policies, persistence settings, load balancing methods, profiles, and traffic settings). In this application, you can configure deployment settings such as public endpoints, services, and service groups for each traffic subset. If you want the AppExpert application to manage a traffic subset that is not included in the template, you can either add an application unit for a traffic subset or modify the existing application unit. After you customize the configuration, you can also specify the order of evaluation for each traffic subset that the application manages.

Configuring an AppExpert application consists of the following steps:

  1. Configuring Public Endpoints
  2. Configuring Application Units
  3. Specifying the Order of Evaluation
  4. Viewing Application Configuration using Visualizer

Also, you can configure the policies that the template provided. If the AppExpert application template does not include policies for a particular NetScaler feature, such as Rewrite or application firewall, you can configure your own policies.

Customize AppExpert configuration