NetScaler ingress controller


HTTPRoute is a custom resource which defines the routing decision for content switching. Currently HTTPRoute supports routing based on the following:

  • Host name based routing
  • Path based routing
  • HTTP header Name based routing
  • HTTP header value based routing.
  • Cookie based routing
  • Query parameter based routing
  • HTTP method based routing
  • Routing using NetScaler policy expressions

You can define one or more rules as part of an HTTPRoute object with each rule acting as a matching criteria for routing. An action is defined for each rule when the matching criteria is met for the incoming HTTP request. An action could be one of ‘backend’ in which the traffic is load balanced to the backend service or ‘redirect’ where the redirect response is sent back to the client. ‘Backend’ action creates Content switching policies in ADC and ‘redirect’ action creates responder policies in ADC.

There are three different ways of matching criteria as explained in the following table:

Matching criteria Description
exact Exactly matches the incoming request. This criteria is case insensitive.
prefix Matches prefix of the incoming request. This criteria is case insensitive. For example: /a matches to /a/b and /a/c, but not to /c/a.
contains Matches if the incoming request contains the specified keyword. This criteria is case sensitive.

This topic contains a sample HTTPRoute CRD object and also explains the various attributes of the HTTPRoute CRD. For the complete CRD definition, see HTTPRoute.yaml.

HTTP CRD object example

The following is a sample HTTP CRD object.

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: test-route
  - name: exactpath
    - path:
        exact: /resources
          service: resource
          port: 80
  - name: prefixpath
    - path:
        prefix: /cart
          service: cart
          port: 80
  - name: header
    - headers:
      - headerName:
          contains: Mobile
          service: mobile
          port: 443
            secureBackend: true
              lbmethod: ROUNDROBIN

For more examples, see HTTP Route Examples.


HTTPRoute custom resource defines a spec field which represents the HTTP routing specification which has a list of rules with an action for each rule defined.

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.spec attribute.

Field Description Type Required
hostname Specifies the list of host names of the server. The host name must be a valid subdomain as defined in RFC 1123, such as A wildcard host name in the form of * is also valid. In that case, any subdomain of is considered for the matching. The default value is * which means to match all incoming HTTP requests. string Yes
rules Specifies the list of rules with a matching routing criteria associated with an action. [ ] rules No


The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules attribute.

Field Description Type Required
name Specifies a name to represent the rule. This field is used as an identifier in the content routing policy name in NetScaler. Note: For each rule, the name must be unique. string Yes
Note: For each rule, the name must be unique.  
action Specifies an action for the matching rule. rules.action Yes
match List of matching routes with the same action. If more than one entry is present, this matching rule treated as an OR condition and the same action is chosen for any match. [ ] rules.match No


The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match attribute.

Field Description Type Required
path Specifies URL path based routing rules. HTTPRoute.rules.match.path No
headers Specifies the list of header based matches for content routing. If there is more than one rule, this matching criteria is treated as an AND condition and all rules must match. [ ] HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers No
cookies Specifies the list of cookie based matches for content routing. If there is more than one rule, this matching criteria is treated as an AND condition and all rules must match. [ ] HTTPRoute.rules.match.cookies No
queryParams Specifies the list of query parameters for content routing. If there is more than one rule, this matching criteria is treated as an AND condition and all rules must match. [ ] HTTPRoute.rules.match.queryParams No
method Specifies HTTP method based routing rules. Possible options are: GET, POST, PUT, and so on. An action is chosen for the HTTP request with the matching method. string No
policyExpression Specifies NetScaler policy expression based routing rules. Any custom NetScaler policy expression can be specified for content routing rules. The NetScaler Ingress Controller does not check the correctness of the expression. Hence, you must check the correctness of the expression. For more information on policy expression, see Expression Prefix. For example: HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.GET(1).EQ("foo") string No


This attribute specifies the path based matching for content routing.

Following is an example for the HTTPRoute.rules.match.path attribute.

     - path:
         prefix: /resources
           service: resource
           port: 80
     - path:
         regex: '/foo/[A-Z0-9]{3}'
           service: resource
           port: 80

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match.path attribute.

Field Description Type Required
prefix Specifies the prefix expression of paths as a matching criteria. If the beginning path of an HTTP request matches the specified path, perform a match. For example, /a matches URLs /a and /a/b. string No
exact Specifies the exact path as a matching criteria. Performs a match only if the request path exactly matches the specified path.  string No
regex Specifies regular expressions as a matching criteria for paths. Performs a match if the specified regular expression matches with the incoming request. Only regular expressions in the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) format are supported. For more information on regular expressions supported by NetScaler, see Regular Expressions. string No


This attribute represents the header based matching for content routing.

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers attribute.

Field Description Type Required
headerName Specifies the header name as a matching criteria for content routing. If the header exists, it is used for matching. In this case, header value is not considered for matching. HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerName No
headerValue Specifies the header name and value as the matching criteria for content routing. For name, exact name is the matching criteria and matching criteria for value can be specified as exact, regex, or contains expression. HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerValue No


This attribute represents the header name based matching for content routing.

Following example shows sample snippets for the HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerName attribute configuration.

    - headers:
      - headerName:
        exact: mobile
          service: mobile-service
          port: 80
    - headers:
       - headerName:
         regex: "Header-[a-z]{1}"
          service: resource-service
          port: 80

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerName attribute.

Field Description Type Required
exact Specifies the exact header name as matching criteria for routing. string No
contains Specifies the string that is designated in the contains string as a matching criteria for the header name. string No
regex Specifies the regular expression as a matching criteria. Performs a match if the header name matches the specified regular expression. Only regular expressions in the PCRE format are supported.  string No
not The default value for this attribute is false. If this value is true, the header name must not exist in the incoming request. boolean No


This attribute represents the header name and value matching for content routing. The header name is matched exactly and value is matched according to the fields specified.

The following example shows sample snippets for the HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerValue attribute configuration.

     - headers:
       - headerValue:
           name: Origin
           exact: mobile
           not: true
           service: mobile
           port: 80
     - headers:
       - headerValue:
           name: Origin
           prefix: header1
           service: service1
           port: 80
     - headers:
       - headerValue:
           name: Origin
           regex: "[a-z]{1}"
           service: example
           port: 80

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match.headers.headerValue attribute.

Field Description Type Required
name Specifies the name of the header that must match a value. The exactcontains, and regex fields are used for matching the header value. If none of the exactcontains, and regex field is present, any value for the name is matched. string Yes
exact Matches if the value of the HTTP header with the name field matches exactly. string No
contains Matches if the value of the HTTP header with the name field contains the designated string. string No
regex Matches if the value of the HTTP header with the name field matches the regular expression. Only regular expressions in the PCRE format are supported. string No
not The default value for this attribute is false. If this value is true, the header name must not match the value. boolean No


This attribute represents the cookie based matching for content routing. The cookie header in the HTTP request is used for matching. A cookie with a name field is matched against a value if the value is present. If a value is not specified, it is matched for any value.

The following example shows sample snippets for the HTTPRoute.rules.match.cookies attribute configuration.

     - cookies:
       - name: version
         contains: v1
           service: v1-app
           port: 80
     - cookies:
       - name: version
         exact: v1
           service: v1-app
           port: 80
     - cookies:
       - name: version
         regex: '[a-z]{1}'
           service: v1-app
           port: 80

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.match.cookies attribute.

Field Description Type Required
name Specifies the name of the cookie whose value is used for matching. If none of the matching criteria like exact, regex and contains is present for the cookie name, any value for the cookie name is matched if the name is present. string Yes
exact Matches if the value of the cookie with name field matches exactly. string No
contains Matches if the value of the cookie with name field contains the string specified. string No
regex Matches if the value of the cookie with name field matches the regular expression. Only regular expressions in the PCRE format are supported. string No
not The default value for this attribute is false. If this value is true, the cookie with name must exist, but must not match the value. boolean No


This attribute represents the HTTP query parameters in the URL matching for content routing.

     - queryParams:
       - name: version
         contains: v1
          service: v1-app
          port: 80
    - queryParams:
      - name: version
        regex: '[a-z]{1}'
          service: v1-app
          port: 80
     - queryParams:
      - name: version
        exact: v1
        not: true
          service: mobile
          port: 80

The following example shows sample snippets for the HTTPRoute.rules.match.cookies attribute configuration.

Field Description Type Required
name Specifies the name of the query parameter whose value is matched against. If none of the criteria like exact, regex and contains is present, any value for the query parameters name is matched if the name is present. string Yes
exact Matches if the value of the query parameter with the name field matches exactly. string No
contains Matches if the value of the query parameter with the name field contains the string specified. string No
regex Matches if the value of the query parameter with the name field matches the regular expression. Only PCRE format regular expression is supported string No
not The default value for this attribute is false. If this value is true, the query parameter with name must exist, but must not match the value. boolean No


This attribute represents the action for matching rules.

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.action attribute.

Field Description Type Required
backend The default action for this field is to send the traffic to a back-end service. Either the back end or the redirect is required. rules.action.backend No
redirect The default action is to redirect the traffic. Either the back end or redirect is required. rules.action.redirect No


This attribute represents routing the traffic to back-end service. The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.action.backend attribute.

Field Description Type Required
kube Specifies the Kubernetes service information for the back end service. action.backend.kube  


This attribute represents the Kubernetes service for the default back end. Service must belong to the same namespace as HTTPRoute resource. If the service is of type NodePort or Loadbalancer, the list of node IP addresses and NodePort of those nodes with pods is used as back-end service in 7.

Following is an example for the HTTPRoute.rules.action.backend.kube attribute.

      service: service
      namespace: default
      port: 80
          lbmethod: ROUNDROBIN
          clttimeout: '20'

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.action.backend.kube attribute.

Field Description Type Required
service Specifies the name of the Kubernetes service for the default back end. string Yes
port Specifies the port number of the Kubernetes service for the default back end. integer Yes
backendConfig Specifies the back-end configurations for the default back end. BackendConfig No


This attribute represents the back end configurations of NetScaler. Following is an example for the BackendConfig attribute configuration.

 sercureBackend: true
   lbmethod: ROUNDROBIN
   clttimeout: '20'

The following table explains the various fields in the BackendConfig attribute.

Field Description Type Required
secureBackend Specifies whether the communication is secure or not. If the value of secureBackend field is true secure communication is used to communicate with the back end. The default value is false, that means HTTP is used for the back end communication.    
lbConfig Specifies the NetScaler load balancing virtual server configurations for the given back end. One can specify key-value pairs as shown in the example which sets the LBVserver configurations for the back end. For all the valid configurations, see LB virtual server configurations object No
servicegroupConfig Specifies the NetScaler service group configurations for the given back end. One can specify the key-value pairs as shown in the example which sets the service group configurations for the back end. For all the valid configurations, see service group configurations. object No


This attribute represents the redirect action.

   httpsRedirect: true
   responseCode: 302

The following table explains the various fields in the HTTPRoute.rules.action.redirect attribute.

Field Description Type Required
httpsRedirect Redirects the HTTP traffic to HTTPS if this field is set to yes. Only the scheme is changed to HTTPS without modifying the other URL part. Either httpsRedirecthostRedirect or targetExpression is required. boolean No
hostRedirect Rewrites the host name part of the URL to the value set in this attribute and redirect the traffic. Other part of the URL is not modified during redirection. string No
targetExpression Specifies the NetScaler expression for redirection. For example, to redirect traffic to HTTPS from HTTP, the following expression can be used: ““https://”+HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME + HTTP.REQ.URL.HTTP_URL_SAFE”. string No
responseCode Specifies the response code. The default response code is 302, which can be customized using this attribute. Integer No