Deploy NetScaler ingress controller with OpenShift router sharding support
Deploy NetScaler CPX as an Ingress in Azure Kubernetes Engine
Deploy NetScaler ingress controller in an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with NetScaler VPX
Deploy NetScaler ingress controller for NetScaler with admin partitions
Multi-cloud and GSLB solution with Amazon EKS and Microsoft AKS clusters
SSL certificate for services of type LoadBalancer through the Kubernetes secret resource
BGP advertisement for type LoadBalancer services and Ingresses using NetScaler CPX
NetScaler CPX integration with MetalLB in layer 2 mode for on-premises Kubernetes clusters
Advanced content routing for Kubernetes Ingress using the HTTPRoute CRD
IP address management using the NetScaler IPAM controller for Ingress resources
Install, link, and update certificates on NetScaler using the NetScaler ingress controller
Introduction to automated certificate management with cert-manager
Create a self-signed certificate and linking into a Kubernetes secret
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Install, link, and update certificates on a NetScaler using the NetScaler Ingress Controller
On the Ingress NetScaler, you can install, link, and update certificates. Many server certificates are signed by multiple hierarchical certificate authorities (CAs). This means that certificates form a chain.
A certificate chain is an ordered list of certificates containing an SSL certificate and certificate authority (CA) certificates. It enables the receiver to verify that the sender and all CAs are trustworthy. The chain or path begins with the SSL certificate, and each certificate in the chain is signed by the entity identified by the next certificate in the chain.
Any certificate that sits between the SSL certificate and the root certificate is called a chain or intermediate certificate. The intermediate certificate is the signer or issuer of the SSL certificate. The root CA certificate is the signer or issuer of the intermediate certificate.
If the intermediate certificate is not installed on the server (where the SSL certificate is installed) it may prevent some browsers, mobile devices, and applications from trusting the SSL certificate. To make the SSL certificate compatible with all clients, it is necessary that the intermediate certificate is installed.
Certificates linking in Kubernetes
The NetScaler Ingress Controller supports automatic provisioning and renewal of TLS certificates using the Kubernetes cert-manager. The cert-manager
issues certificates from different sources, such as Let’s Encrypt and HashiCorp Vault and converts them to Kubernetes secrets.
The following diagram explains how the cert-manager
performs certificate management.
When you create a Kubernetes secret from a PEM certificate embedded with multiple CA certificates, you need to link the server certificates with the associated CAs. While applying the Kubernetes secret, you can link the server certificates with all the associated CAs using the Ingress NetScaler. Linking the server certificates and CAs enable the receiver to verify if the sender and CAs are trustworthy.
The following is a sample Ingress definition:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: frontendssl
- host: frontend.com
- backend:
name: frontend
number: 443
path: /web-frontend/frontend.php
pathType: Prefix
- secretName: certchain1
On the NetScaler, you can verify if certificates are added to the NetScaler. Perform the following:
Log on to the NetScaler command-line interface.
Verify if certificates are added to the NetScaler using the following command:
>show certkey
For sample outputs, see the NetScaler documentation.
Verify that the server certificate and CAs are linked using the following command:
>show certlink
1) Cert Name: k8s-3KC24EQYHG6ZKEDAY5Y3SG26MT2 CA Cert Name: k8s-3KC24EQYHG6ZKEDAY5Y3SG2_ic1 2) Cert Name: k8s-3KC24EQYHG6ZKEDAY5Y3SG2_ic1 CA Cert Name: k8s-3KC24EQYHG6ZKEDAY5Y3SG2_ic2
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