



  • 来自策略库中指定保单的绑定。
  • 来自对政策银行中NOPOLICY“虚拟”条目的绑定。


注意:在命令行绑定或取消绑定策略库中的全局 NOPOLICY 条目时,需要指定优先级以区分一个 NOPOLICY 条目。

使用 CLI 调用重写或集成缓存策略标签


- bind cache global <policy> -priority <positive_integer> [-gotoPriorityExpression <expression>] -type REQ_OVERRIDE|REQ_DEFAULT|RES_OVERRIDE|RES_DEFAULT] -invoke reqvserver|resvserver|policylabel <label_name> - bind rewrite global<policy> -priority <positive_integer> [-gotoPriorityExpression <expression>] -type REQ_OVERRIDE|REQ_DEFAULT|RES_OVERRIDE|RES_DEFAULT] -invoke reqvserver|resvserver|policylabel <label_name> - show cache global|show rewrite global


> bind cache global _nonPostReq2 -priority 100 -type req_override -invoke policylabel lbl-cache-pol Done > show cache global 1) Global bindpoint: REQ_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 2 2) Global bindpoint: RES_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 1 3) Global bindpoint: REQ_OVERRIDE Number of bound policies: 1 Done

使用 CLI 调用响应程序策略标签


- bind responder global <policy_Name> <priority_as_positive_integer> [<gotoPriorityExpression>] -type REQ_OVERRIDE|REQ_DEFAULT|OVERRIDE|DEFAULT -invoke vserver|policylabel <label_name> - show responder global


> bind responder global pol404Error1 300 -invoke policylabel lbl-respndr-pol Done > show responder global 1) Global bindpoint: REQ_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 2 Done

使用 CLI 调用虚拟服务器策略库


- bind lb vserver <vserver_name> -policyName <policy_Name> -priority <positive_integer> [-gotoPriorityExpression <expression>] -type REQUEST|RESPONSE -invoke reqvserver|resvserver|policylabel <policy_Label_Name> - bind lb vserver <vserver_name>


> bind lb vserver lbvip -policyName ns_cmp_msapp -priority 100 Done > show lb vserver lbvip lbvip ( - HTTP Type: ADDRESS State: DOWN Last state change was at Wed Jul 15 05:54:24 2009 (+166 ms) Time since last state change: 28 days, 06:37:49.250 Effective State: DOWN Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec Down state flush: ENABLED Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED No. of Bound Services : 0 (Total) 0 (Active) Configured Method: LEASTCONNECTION Mode: IP Persistence: NONE Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF Push: DISABLED Push VServer: Push Multi Clients: NO Push Label Rule: none 1) CSPolicy: pol-cont-sw CSVserver: vs-cont-sw Priority: 100 Hits: 0 2) Policy : pol-ssl Priority:0 3) Policy : ns_cmp_msapp Priority:100 4) Policy : cf-pol Priority:1 Inherited Done

使用 CLI 删除重写或集成缓存策略标签


- unbind rewrite global <policyName> -priority <positiveInteger> -type REQ_OVERRIDE|REQ_DEFAULT|RES_OVERRIDE|RES_DEFAULT - unbind cache global <policyName> -priority <positiveInteger> -type REQ_OVERRIDE|REQ_DEFAULT|RES_OVERRIDE|RES_DEFAULT - show rewrite global|show cache global


> unbind rewrite global NOPOLICY -priority 100 -type REQ_OVERRIDE > show rewrite global Done 1) Global bindpoint: REQ_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 1 Done

使用 CLI 删除响应程序策略标签


- unbind responder global <policyName> -priority <positiveInteger> -type OVERRIDE|DEFAULT - show responder global


> unbind responder global NOPOLICY -priority 100 -type REQ_DEFAULT Done > show responder global 1) Global bindpoint: REQ_DEFAULT Number of bound policies: 1 Done

使用 CLI 删除虚拟服务器策略标签


- unbind lb vserver <virtualServerName> -policyName NOPOLICY-REWRITE|NOPOLICY-RESPONDER|NOPOLICY-CACHE -type REQUEST|RESPONSE -priority <positiveInteger> - unbind cs vserver <virtualServerName> -policyName NOPOLICY-REWRITE|NOPOLICY-RESPONDER|NOPOLICY-CACHE -type REQUEST|RESPONSE -priority <positiveInteger> - show lb vserver|show cs vserver


> unbind lb vserver lbvip -policyName ns_cmp_msapp -priority 200 Done > show lb vserver lbvip lbvip ( - HTTP Type: ADDRESS State: DOWN Last state change was at Wed Jul 15 05:54:24 2009 (+161 ms) Time since last state change: 28 days, 06:47:54.600 Effective State: DOWN Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec Down state flush: ENABLED Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED No. of Bound Services : 0 (Total) 0 (Active) Configured Method: LEASTCONNECTION Mode: IP Persistence: NONE Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF Push: DISABLED Push VServer: Push Multi Clients: NO Push Label Rule: none 1) CSPolicy: pol-cont-sw CSVserver: vs-cont-sw Priority: 100 Hits: 0 1) Policy : pol-ssl Priority:0 2) Policy : cf-pol Priority:1 Inherited Done

使用 GUI 调用策略标签或虚拟服务器策略库

  1. 绑定策略,如全局绑定策略将策略绑定到虚拟服务器将策略绑定到策略标签中所述。或者,您可以输入一个 NOPOLICY“虚拟”条目,而不是策略名称。如果您不想在评估策略库之前评估政策,则可以这样做。
  2. 在 Invoke 字段中,选择要评估流量是否与绑定策略匹配的策略标签或虚拟服务器策略库的名称。状态栏中的消息表明策略标签或虚拟服务器策略库已成功调用。

使用 GUI 删除策略标签调用

  1. 打开策略并清除 Invoke 字段。取消绑定策略还会删除标签的调用。状态栏中的消息表明策略标签已成功删除。
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