

查看 GSLB 同步状态和摘要

在 GSLB 站点间同步 GSLB 配置后,您可以查看上次 GSLB 同步操作的详细状态和摘要。这既适用于手动同步,也适用于实时 GSLB 同步。

使用 CLI 查看 GSLB 同步状态或摘要


show gslb sync status

show gslb syncStatus -summary

GSLB 手动同步的示例配置输出

以下输出显示了手动 GSLB 配置同步的状态。


以下输出显示了手动 GSLB 配置同步的状态摘要。


GSLB 实时同步的示例配置输出

以下输出显示了主站点实时 GSLB 配置同步的状态:

> sh gslb syncStatus Displaying the status of the real time GSLB configuration synchronization as master node: site2[Master]: New GSLB configuration detected at Fri Jan 23 20:54:24 2020 Fetching current configuration: Done Updating default.conf file: Done site1[Slave]: Syncing gslb static proximity database to node site1: Done Syncing inbuilt GSLB static proximity database to node site1: Done Syncing ssl certificates, keys and CRLS to node site1: Done Syncing current configuration to site1: Done Pulling status files from site1: Status file not available yet(Sync in progress) Pulling status files from site1: Done site1 received new configuration from in file 2JNSzClRHK5+pdek6szQ3g-default- Firing set gslb parameter -startConfigSync ENABLED command: Done Fetching running GSLB Config: Done Comparing config: Done Applying changes: Done Firing set gslb parameter -startConfigSync DISABLED command: Done Updating default.conf file: Done Done

以下输出显示了从属站点的实时 GSLB 配置同步的状态:

> sh gslb syncStatus Displaying the status of the real time GSLB configuration synchronization as slave node: site1 received new configuration from in file 2JNSzClRHK5+pdek6szQ3g-default- Firing set gslb parameter -startConfigSync ENABLED command: Done Fetching running GSLB Config: Done Comparing config: Done Applying changes: Done Firing set gslb parameter -startConfigSync DISABLED command: Done Updating default.conf file: Done Done

以下输出显示了主站点实时 GSLB 配置同步的状态摘要:

> sh gslb syncStatus -summary Displaying the status summary of the real time GSLB configuration synchronization as master node: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site Name Status Reason ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- site2 Success All Done site1 Success All Done Done

以下输出显示了从属站点实时 GSLB 配置同步的状态摘要:

> sh gslb syncStatus –summary Displaying the status summary of the real time GSLB configuration synchronization as slave node: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site Name Status Reason ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- site1 Success All Done Done

使用 GUI 查看 GSLB 同步状态或摘要

  1. 导航到“配置”>“流量管理”>“GSLB”>“控制面板”。
  2. 根据需要,单击“查看同步摘要”或“查看同步状态”。
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查看 GSLB 同步状态和摘要