Application Delivery Management

Compare optimized and unoptimized play time of ABR videos

For a given time frame, NetScaler Application Delivery Management (ADM) provides the play time of ABR videos and also enables you to compare the play time of optimized and unoptimized ABR videos in your network.

To view the play time:

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Video Insight and click ABR Video.

  2. In the right pane, select a time frame from the list. You can further customize the time frame by using the time-frame slider.

  3. Click Go and select Play Time tab.

    You can use the Filters list to select the HTTP, HTTPS, or QUIC ABR videos.


For the selected time frame, the Play Time tab provides a line graph and pie chart describing the:

  • Total play time of ABR videos from your network

  • Total play time of optimized and unoptimized plays of ABR videos from your network for the selected time frame

  • Total play time of encrypted and unencrypted ABR videos

  • Average play time of ABR videos

  • Average play time of optimized and unoptimized plays of ABR videos

  • Average play time of encrypted and unencrypted ABR videos

  • Play time distribution between optimized and unoptimized ABR videos

    Play time

Compare optimized and unoptimized play time of ABR videos