Application Delivery Management

NetScaler telemetry program

Citrix collects basic license telemetry data and NetScaler deployment and feature usage telemetry data for its legitimate interests, including license compliance. You may automatically or manually upload the required license and feature usage data to remain compliant with the NetScaler telemetry program described here. NetScaler Console configuration and feature usage data is also collected to manage, measure, and improve Citrix products and services. If you are an existing NetScaler Console customer, you must ensure to be compliant with the NetScaler telemetry program. We highly recommend adding NetScaler instances to NetScaler Console to improve and simplify your NetScaler operations overall and support the enhancement of our products and services by sending NetScaler feature usage data. Learn more.

You can upload the required telemetry data using the following ways:

  • Automated collection mode - This mode is enabled by default after you upgrade to 14.1 25.53 or later / 13.1-53.22 or later build. The automated mode creates an outbound connection to use the auto-enabled channel (endpoint URLs) and uploads the telemetry data automatically. You must only ensure that the endpoint URLs are reachable. Since the upload happens automatically, no action is required from your end unless the prerequisites fail. For more information, see Automated collection mode.

  • Manual collection mode - This mode is enabled only if the automated mode is disabled. You must download the required telemetry data from the NetScaler telemetry home page in NetScaler Console on-prem and complete the first upload to NetScaler Console service within 30 days. The subsequent uploads must be done every 90 days to remain compliant. For more information, see Manual collection mode.

The recommendation is to use the automated telemetry mode and upload the required data automatically, but you can also choose to disable the automated mode and upload it manually. In both automated and manual modes, data upload is required to remain compliant with the NetScaler telemetry program. You can choose to disable the optional telemetry data from being included in the data upload, but the required license compliance and feature usage telemetry data must be provided in both the automated and manual modes.

To remain compliant, the number of days since the last successful upload must not be greater than 90 days.

As part of the NetScaler telemetry program, the following configurations were pushed to the managed NetScaler instances:

  • AppFlow configuration: enable ns feature AppFlow

  • Telemetry metrics profile configuration: add analytics profile telemetry_metrics_profile -type timeseries -outputMode prometheus -metrics ENABLED -serveMode Pull -schemaFile "./telemetry_collect_ns_metrics_schema.json" -metricsExportFrequency 300


For optimal telemetry collection, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest NetScaler Console build.

  • Starting from 13.1-57.x build, NetScaler Console removes the telemetry metrics profile configuration if it is present in your NetScaler instances. The removal of telemetry metrics profile configuration does not impact any existing features in your NetScaler instances.

  • If you are not using the NetScaler or NetScaler Console analytics features, you can use the following command to remove the AppFlow configuration:

    disable ns feature AppFlow

The following table provides details about the AppFlow and Telemetry metrics profile configurations in the latest build and earlier builds:

Build Configurations pushed as part of telemetry program Telemetry mode Action required
13.1-57.x No Automated and manual Configurations are not pushed to NetScaler instances and the telemetry metrics profile configuration is removed from NetScaler instances if it is present. If you are not using the NetScaler or NetScaler Console analytics features, you can use disable ns feature AppFlow to remove the AppFlow configuration.
13.1-55.x No Automated and manual Configurations are not pushed as part of the NetScaler telemetry program. If these configurations are present in your NetScaler instances and you want to remove these configurations, run the rm analytics profile telemetry_metrics_profile command on NetScaler to remove the telemetry metrics profile configuration and use disable ns feature AppFlow to remove the AppFlow configuration.
Yes. Both AppFlow and telemetry metrics profile configurations
Automated (with all prerequisites met) Configurations are pushed as part of the NetScaler telemetry program, but not checked for every 24 hours. To remove these configurations, run the rm analytics profile telemetry_metrics_profile command on NetScaler to remove the telemetry metrics profile configuration and use disable ns feature AppFlow to remove the AppFlow configuration.
Automated (with any prerequisites not met) or manual NetScaler Console continues to check for these configurations every 24 hours and push it to NetScaler instances, if these configurations are missing. If you do not want the configurations to be pushed, you must be in the automated mode (with all prerequisites met) or upgrade to the latest build.


  • The /nsconfig/.telemetry.conf file is updated with the following command for the Gateway telemetry. NetScaler Console checks for this command every hour and adds it, if this command is missing:
ns_telemetry_server,<Console IP>,5140
  • Some telemetry parameters are collected through scripts that are pushed from NetScaler Console to NetScaler instances. These scripts are read-only and do not change anything in NetScaler.

  • The information collected through telemetry, such as email addresses, user names, and IP addresses, is securely pseudonymised by hashing the information at the source using one-way hashing algorithms. As a result, Citrix cannot access or read these values. This telemetry data is used solely for logical asset-matching purposes.

The following table provides the parameter details that are collected as part of the NetScaler telemetry program:

Categories Description What do we use it for? Required/Optional
License, and NetScaler deployment and usage telemetry Information about license entitlement, allocation, usage, and high-level NetScaler deployment data, and NetScaler feature usage. License compliance and to manage, measure, and improve the service. Required
NetScaler Console deployment and feature usage telemetry Information about Console deployment and feature usage. To manage, measure, and improve the service. Optional

For more information about the list of optional and required telemetry parameters, see Data governance.

Citrix requires that you transition to the most recent NetScaler Console build (14.1 25.53 or later / 13.1–53.22 or later) within 3 months starting from 18th June 2024. After upgrading to NetScaler Console 14.1 25.53 or later / 13.1–53.22 or later, one of the telemetry modes (automatic or manual) must be actively functioning. Unless you have elected manual reporting, you agree to adjust your firewalls as necessary to allow automatic telemetry reporting.

Points to note:

  • You must ensure that you transition to the latest build (14.1–25.53 and later / 13.1–53.22 and later) by 18th September 2024.

  • If you opt for manual telemetry mode, the first upload must be completed within 30 days of your transition to the above build, but no later than 18th October 2024. Thereafter the manual telemetry upload must be done every 90 days for your NetScaler Console on-prem to be compliant with the NetScaler telemetry program.

Citrix might suspend or terminate your Citrix Support for non-compliance of these requirements without liability, in addition to any other remedies Citrix might have at law or equity. These requirements do not apply to the extent prohibited by law or regulation. For more information, see Citrix License Telemetry FAQ.

NetScaler telemetry program