Application Delivery Management

Configure IP address management (IPAM)

ADM IPAM provides you an ability to auto-assign and release IP addresses in ADM managed configurations. You can assign IP addresses from networks or IP ranges defined using the following IP providers:

  • ADM built-in IPAM provider.
  • Infoblox IPAM solution. For more information, see Infoblox DDI.

Currently, you can use ADM IPAM in:

  • StyleBooks: Auto-Allocate IPs to virtual servers when you create configurations.
  • Kubernetes Ingress: Auto-assign a virtual IP address to an Ingress configuration in a Kubernetes cluster.

You can also track the allocated and available IP addresses in each network or IP range managed by ADM.

Add an external IP address provider

ADM has a built-in IPAM provider to manage IPs and IP ranges. If you want to add an external IP provider solution in ADM, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > IPAM.

  2. In Providers, click Add.

  3. Specify the following details to add an IP provider:

    • Name - Specify the IP provider name to use in ADM.

    • Vendor - Select an IP address vendor from the list.

    • URL - Specify the URL of the IPAM solution that assigns IP addresses in ADM environment.

    • User Name - Specify the user name to log in to IPAM solution.

    • Password - Specify the password to log in to IPAM solution.

  4. Click Add.

Add a network

Add a network to use IPAM with ADM managed configurations.

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > IPAM.

  2. In Networks, click Add.

  3. Specify the following details:

    • Network Name - Specify the network name to identify the network in ADM.

    • Provider - Select the provider from the list.

      This list displays the providers added in ADM.

    • Network Type - Select IP range or CIDR from the list based on your requirement.

    • Network Value - Specify the network value.


      ADM IPAM supports only IPv4 addresses.

      For IP range, specify the network value in the following format:



      For CIDR, specify the network value in the following format:


  4. Click Create.

View allocated IP addresses

To view more details about allocated IP addresses from the IPAM network, do the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > IPAM.

  2. In the Networks tab, click View All Allocated IPs.

    View allocated IPs

    This pane displays IP address, provider name, provider vendor, and description. It also displays the resource details that reserved this IP address:

    • Module: Displays the ADM module that reserves the IP address. For example, if the IP address is reserved by StyleBooks, this column displays StyleBooks as the module.

    • Resource Type: Displays the resource type in that module. For the StyleBooks module, only the configurations resource type uses the IPAM network.

    • Resource ID: Displays the resource ID with a link. Click this link to access the resource that uses the IP address. For the configuration resource type, the resource ID is displayed as the configuration pack ID.


If you want to release the IP address, select the IP address that you want to release and click Release Allocated IPs.

Configure IP address management (IPAM)