Configuring the AppFlow Feature

You configure AppFlow in the same manner as most other policy-based features. First, you enable the AppFlow feature. Then you specify the collectors to which the flow records are sent. After that, you define actions, which are sets of configured collectors. Then you configure one or more policies and associate an action to each policy. The policy instructs the Citrix ADC appliance to select requests the flow records of which are sent to the associated action. Finally, you bind each policy either globally or to specific virtual server to put it into effect.

You can further set AppFlow parameters to specify the template refresh interval and to enable the exporting of httpURL, httpCookie, and httpReferer information. On each collector, you must specify the Citrix ADC IP address as the address of the exporter.


For information about configuring the Citrix ADC as an exporter on the collector, see the documentation for the specific collector.

The configuration utility provides tools that help users define the policies and actions that determine exactly how the Citrix ADC appliance export records for a particular flow to a set of collectors(action.) The command line interface provides a corresponding set of CLI-based commands for experienced users who prefer a command line.

Enabling AppFlow

To be able to use the AppFlow feature, you must first enable it.


AppFlow can be enabled only on nCore Citrix ADC appliances.

To enable the AppFlow feature by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type one of the following commands:

enable ns feature AppFlow

To enable the AppFlow feature by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > Settings, click Configure Advanced Features, and select the AppFlow option.

Specifying a Collector

A collector receives AppFlow records generated by the Citrix ADC appliance. To send the AppFlow records, you must specify at least one collector. By default, the collector listens to IPFIX messages on UDP port 4739. You can change the default port, when configuring the collector. Similarly, by default, NSIP is used as the source IP for AppFlow traffic. You can change this default source IP to a SNIP address when configuring a collector. You can also remove unused collectors.

To specify a collector by using the command line interface


Starting from Citrix ADC release 12.1–55.13, you can specify the type of collector that you want to use. A new parameter “Transport” is introduced in the “add appflow collector” command. By default, the collector listens to IPFIX messages. You can change the type of collector to either log stream or ipfix or rest by using “Transport” parameter. For more information on configuration, see example.

At the command prompt, type the following commands to add a collector and verify the configuration:

-  add appflow collector <name> -IPAddress <ipaddress> -port <port_number> -netprofile <netprofile_name> -Transport <Transport>

-  show appflow collector <name>  


add appflow collector col1 -IPaddress -port 8000 -netprofile n2 -Transport ipfix

To specify multiple collectors by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following commands to add and send same data to multiple collectors:

add appflow collector <collector1> -IPAddress <IP>

add appflow collector <collector2> -IPAddress <IP>

add appflow action <action> -collectors <collector1> <collector2>

add appflow policy <policy> true <action>

bind lbvserver <lbvserver> -policy <policy> -priority <priority>

To specify one or more collectors by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > AppFlow > Collectors, and create the AppFlow collector.

Configuring an AppFlow Action

An AppFlow action is a set collector, to which the flow records are sent if the associated AppFlow policy matches.

To configure an AppFlow action by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following commands to configure an AppFlow action and verify the configuration:

add appflow action <name> --collectors <string> ... [-clientSideMeasurements (Enabled|Disabled) ] [-comment <string>]

show appflow action  


add appflow action apfl-act-collector-1-and-3 -collectors collector-1 collecter-3

To configure an AppFlow action by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > AppFlow > Actions, and create the AppFlow action.

Configuring an AppFlow Policy

After you configure an AppFlow action, you must next configure an AppFlow policy. An AppFlow policy is based on a rule, which consists of one or more expressions.


For creating and managing AppFlow policies, the configuration utility provides assistance that is not available at the command line interface.

To configure an AppFlow policy by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following command to add an AppFlow policy and verify the configuration:

add appflow policy <name> <rule> <action>

show appflow policy <name>


add appflow policy apfl-pol-tcp-dsprt client.TCP.DSTPORT.EQ(22) apfl-act-collector-1-and-3

To configure an AppFlow policy by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > AppFlow > Policies, and create the AppFlow policy.

To add an expression by using the Add Expression dialog box

  1. In the Add Expression dialog box, in the first list box choose the first term for your expression.

    • HTTP The HTTP protocol. Choose the option if you want to examine some aspect of the request that pertains to the HTTP protocol.
    • SSL

      The protected websites. Choose the option if you want to examine some aspect of the request that pertains to the recipient of the request.

    • CLIENT

      The computer that sent the request. Choose the option if you want to examine some aspect of the sender of the request. When you make your choice, the rightmost list box lists appropriate terms for the next part of your expression.

  2. In the second list box, choose the second term for your expression. The choices depend upon which choice you made in the previous step, and are appropriate to the context. After you make your second choice, the Help window below the Construct Expression window (which was blank) displays help describing the purpose and use of the term you just chose.
  3. Continue choosing terms from the list boxes that appear to the right of the previous list box, or typing strings or numbers in the text boxes that appear to prompt you to enter a value, until your expression is finished.

Binding an AppFlow Policy

To put a policy into effect, you must bind it either globally, so that it applies to all traffic that flows through the Citrix ADC, or to a specific virtual server, so that the policy applies only to the traffic related to that virtual server.

When you bind a policy, you assign it a priority. The priority determines the order in which the policies you define are evaluated. You can set the priority to any positive integer.

In the Citrix ADC operating system, policy priorities work in reverse order—the higher the number, the lower the priority. For example, if you have three policies with priorities of 10, 100, and 1000, the policy assigned a priority of 10 is performed first. Later, the policy assigned with a priority of 100, and finally the policy assigned an order of 1000.

You can leave yourself plenty of a room to add other policies in any order, and still set them to evaluate in the order you want. You can set priorities with intervals of 50 or 100 between each policy when you globally bind it. You can then add more policies at any time without having to change the priority of an existing policy.

To globally bind an AppFlow policy by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following command to globally bind an AppFlow policy and verify the configuration:

bind appflow global <policyName> <priority> [<gotoPriorityExpression [-type <type>] [-invoke (<labelType> <labelName>)]  

show appflow global  


bind appflow global af_policy_lb1_10.102.71.190 1 NEXT -type REQ_OVERRIDE -invoke vserver google

To bind an AppFlow policy to a specific virtual server by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type the following command to bind an AppFlow policy to a specific virtual server and verify the configuration:

bind lb vserver <name> -policyname <policy_name> -priority <priority>


bind lb vserver google -policyname af_policy_google_10.102.19.179 -priority 251

To globally bind an AppFlow policy by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > AppFlow, click AppFlow policy Manager, and select the relevant Bind Point (Default Global) and Connection Type, and then bind the AppFlow policy.

To bind an AppFlow policy to a specific virtual server by using the configuration utility

Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Virtual Servers, select the virtual server, and click Policies, and bind the AppFlow policy.

Enabling AppFlow for Virtual Servers

If you want to monitor only the traffic through certain virtual servers, enable AppFlow specifically for those virtual servers. You can enable AppFlow for load balancing, content switching, cache redirection, SSL VPN, GSLB, and authentication virtual servers.

To enable AppFlow for a virtual server by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type:

set cs vserver <name> <protocol> <IPAddress> <port> -appflowLog ENABLED


set cs vserver Vserver-CS-1 HTTP 80 -appflowLog ENABLED

To enable AppFlow for a virtual server by using the configuration utility

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers, select the virtual server, and enable AppFlow Logging option.

Enabling AppFlow for a Service

You can enable AppFlow for services that are to be bound to the load balancing virtual servers.

To enable AppFlow for a service by using the command line interface

At the command prompt, type:

set service <name> -appflowLog ENABLED


set service ser -appflowLog ENABLED

To enable AppFlow for a service by using the configuration utility

Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Services, select the service, and enable AppFlow Logging option.

Setting the AppFlow Parameters

You can set AppFlow parameters to customize the exporting of data to the collectors.

To set the AppFlow Parameters by using the command line interface


Starting from Citrix ADC release 12.1–55.13, you can use the NSIP to send Log stream records instead of the SNIP. A new parameter “logstreamOverNSIP” is introduced in the “set appflow param” command. By default, the “logstreamOverNSIP” parameter is DISABLED, you need to “ENABLE” it. For more information on configuration, see example.

At the command prompt, type the following commands to set the AppFlow parameters and verify the settings:

-  set appflow param [-templateRefresh <secs>] [-appnameRefresh <secs>] [-flowRecordInterval <secs>] [-udpPmtu <positive_integer>] [-httpUrl ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpCookie ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpReferer ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpMethod ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpHost ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpUserAgent ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )] [-httpXForwardedFor ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )][-clientTrafficOnly ( **YES** | **NO**)] [-logstreamOverNSIP ( **ENABLED** | **DISABLED** )]

-  show appflow Param


set appflow Param -templateRefresh 240 -udpPmtu 128 -httpUrl enabled -logstreamOverNSIP ENABLED

To set the AppFlow parameters by using the configuration utility

Navigate to System > AppFlow, click Change AppFlow Settings, and specify relevant AppFlow parameters.

Example: Configuring AppFlow for DataStream

The following example illustrates the procedure for configuring AppFlow for DataStream using the command line interface.

enable feature appflow

add db user sa password freebsd

add lbvserver lb0 MSSQL 1433 -appflowLog ENABLED

add service sv0 MSSQL 1433 -appflowLog ENABLED

bind lbvserver lb0 sv0

add appflow collector col0 -IPAddress

add appflow action act0 -collectors col0

add appflow policy pol0 "mssql.req.query.text.contains("select")" act0

bind lbvserver lb0 -policyName pol0 -priority 10

When the Citrix ADC appliance receives a database request, the appliance evaluates the request against a configured policy. If a match is found, the details are sent to the AppFlow collector configured in the policy.

Configuring the AppFlow Feature