Configure basic content switching

Before you configure content switching, you must understand how content switching is set up and how the services and virtual servers are connected.

To configure a basic, functional content switching setup, first enable the content switching feature. Then, create at least one content group. For each content group, create a content switching virtual server to accept requests to a group of websites that use content switching. Also create a load balancing setup, which includes a group of load balancing virtual servers to which the content switching virtual server directs requests. To specify which requests to direct to which load balancing virtual server, create at least two content switching policies, one for each type of request that is to be redirected. When you have created the virtual servers and policies, bind the policies to the content switching virtual server. You can also bind a policy to multiple content switching virtual servers. When you bind a policy, you specify the load balancing virtual server to which requests that match the policy are to be directed.

In addition to binding individual policies to a content switching virtual server, you can bind policy labels. If you create more content groups, you can bind a policy or policy label to more than one of the content switching virtual servers.

The following figure illustrates the steps involved in content switching configuration.

Content switching flow


After creating a content group, you can modify its content switching virtual server to customize the configuration.

Enable content switching

To use the content switching feature, you must enable content switching. You can configure content switching entities even though the content switching feature is disabled. However, the entities do not work.

Enable content switching by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands to enable content switching and verify the configuration:

enable ns feature CS show ns feature


> enable feature ContentSwitch Done > show feature Feature Acronym Status ------- ------- ------ 1) Web Logging WL OFF 2) Surge Protection SP ON 3) Load Balancing LB ON 4) Content Switching CS ON . . . 22) Responder RESPONDER ON 23) HTML Injection HTMLInjection ON 24) NetScaler Push push OFF Done

Enable content switching by using the GUI

Navigate to System > Settings and, in the Modes and Features group, select Configure Basic Features, and select Content Switching.

Create content switching virtual servers

You can add, modify, and remove content switching virtual servers. The state of a virtual server is DOWN when you create it, because the load balancing virtual server is not yet bound to it.

Create a virtual server by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

add cs vserver <name> <protocol> <IPAddress> <port>


add cs vserver Vserver-CS-1 HTTP 80

Add a content switching virtual server by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers, and add a virtual server.
  2. Specify a name for the content switching virtual server.


    There is a different Content Switching virtual server for each protocol. (For example, HTTP and SSL).

  3. Populate the relevant fields and click OK.

Content switching virtual server statistics

The content switching virtual server statistics display information such as virtual server select, request bytes, response bytes, total packets received, total packets sent, spillover threshold, spillover select, current client established connections, and virtual server down backup select.

The content switching virtual server statistics also display the summary details of the bound default load balancing virtual server.

View statistics of content switching virtual server by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

stat cs vserver <name>


stat cs vserver CS_stats

View statistics of content switching virtual server by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers.

  2. Select the virtual server and click Statistics.

Configure a load balancing setup for content switching

The content switching virtual server redirects all requests to a load balancing virtual server. You must create one load balancing virtual server for each version of the content that is being switched. It is true even when your setup has only one server for each version of the content, and you are therefore not doing any load balancing with those servers. You can also configure actual load balancing with multiple load-balanced servers that mirror each version of the content. In either scenario, the content switching virtual server needs to have a specific load balancing virtual server assigned to each version of the content that is being switched.

The load balancing virtual server then forwards the request to a service. If it has only one service bound to it, it selects that service. If it has multiple services bound to it, it uses its configured load balancing method to select a service for the request, and forwards that request to the service that it selected.

To configure a basic load balancing setup, you need to perform the following tasks:

  • Create load balancing virtual servers
  • Create services
  • Bind services to the load balancing virtual server

For more information on load balancing, see How load balancing works. For detailed instructions on setting up a basic load balancing configuration, see Set up basic load balancing.

Configure a content switching action

You specify the target load balancing virtual server for a content switching policy when binding the policy to the content switching virtual server. Therefore, you have to configure one policy for each load balancing virtual server to which to direct traffic.

However, if your content switching policy uses a default syntax rule, you can configure an action for the policy. In the action, you can specify the name of the target load balancing virtual server, or you can configure a request-based expression that, at run time, computes the name of the load balancing virtual server to which to send the request. The action expression must be specified in the default syntax.

The expression option can drastically reduce the size of your content switching configuration, because you need only one policy per content switching virtual server. Content switching policies that use an action can also be bound to multiple content switching virtual servers, because the target load balancing virtual server is no longer specified in the content switching policy. The ability to bind a single policy to multiple content switching virtual servers helps to further reduce the size of your content switching configuration.

After you create an action, you create a content switching policy and specify the action in the policy, so that the action is performed when that policy matches a request.


You can also, for a content switching policy that uses a default syntax rule, specify the target load balancing virtual server when binding the policy to a content switching virtual server, instead of using a separate action. For domain-based policies, URL-based policies, and rule-based policies that use classic expressions, an action is not available. So, for these types of policies, you specify the name of the target load balancing virtual server when binding the policy to a content switching virtual server.

Configure an action that specifies the name of the target load balancing virtual server

If you choose to specify the name of the target load balancing virtual server in a content switching action, you need as many content switching policies as you have target load balancing virtual servers. Content switching decisions, in this case, are based on the rules in the content switching policy, and the action merely specifies the target load balancing virtual server. When a request matches the policy, the request is forwarded to the specified load balancing virtual server.

Create and verify a content switching action that specifies the name of the target load balancing virtual server, by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

add cs action <name> -targetLBVserver <string> [-comment <string>] show cs action <name>


> add cs action mycsaction -targetLBVserver mylbvserver -comment "Forwards requests to mylbvserver." Done > show cs action mycsaction Name: mycsaction Target LB Vserver: mylbvserver Hits: 0 Undef Hits: 0 Action Reference Count: 0 Comment: "Forwards requests to mylbvserver." Done >

Configure a content switching action that specifies the name of the target load balancing virtual server, by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Actions.
  2. Configure a content switching action, and specify the name of the target load balancing virtual server.

Configure an action that specifies an expression for selecting the target at run time

If you choose to configure a request-based expression that can dynamically compute the name of the target load balancing virtual server, you need to configure only one content switching policy to select the appropriate virtual server. The rule for the policy can be a simple TRUE (the policy matches all requests) because, in this case, content switching decisions are based on the expression in the action. By configuring an expression in an action, you can drastically reduce the size of your content switching configuration.

If you choose to configure a request-based expression for computing the name of the target load balancing virtual server at run time, you must carefully consider how to name the load balancing virtual servers in the configuration. You must be able to derive their names by using the request-based policy expression in the action.

For example, if you are switching requests based on the URL suffix (extension of the requested resource), when naming the load balancing virtual servers, you can follow the convention of appending the URL suffix to a predetermined string, such as mylb_. For example, load balancing virtual servers for HTML pages and PDF files can be named mylb_html and mylb_pdf, respectively. In that case, the rule that you can use in the content switching action, to select the appropriate load balancing virtual server, is "mylb_"+HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX. If the content switching virtual server receives a request for an HTML page, the expression returns mylb_html, and the request is switched to the virtual server mylb_html.

Create a content switching action that specifies an expression, by using the CLI

At the command line, type the following commands to create a content switching action that specifies an expression and verify the configuration:

add cs action <name> -targetVserverExpr <expression>) [-comment <string>] show cs action <name>


> add cs action mycsaction1 -targetvserverExpr '"mylb_" + HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX' Done > show cs action mycsaction1 Name: mycsaction1 Target Vserver Expression: "mylb_" + HTTP.REQ.URL.SUFFIX Target LB Vserver: No_Target … Done >

Configure a content switching action that specifies an expression by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Actions.
  2. Configure a content switching action, and specify an expression that will dynamically compute the name of the target load balancing virtual server.

Configure content switching policies

A content switching policy defines a type of request that is to be directed to a load balancing virtual server. These policies are applied in the order of the priorities assigned to them or (if you are using Citrix ADC classic policies and do not assign priorities when binding them) in the order in which the policies were created.

The policies can be:

  • Domain-based policies. The Citrix ADC appliance compares the domain of an incoming URL with the domains specified in the policies. The appliance then returns the most appropriate content. Domain-based policies must be classic policies. Default syntax policies are not supported for this type of content switching policy.

  • URL-based policies. The appliance compares an incoming URL with the URLs specified in the policies. The appliance then returns the most appropriate URL-based content, which is usually the longest matching configured URL. URL-based policies must be classic policies. Default syntax policies are not supported for this type of content switching policy.

  • Rule-based policies. The appliance compares incoming data to expressions specified in the policies. You create rule-based policies by using either a classic expression or a default syntax expression. Both classic and default syntax policies are supported for rule-based content switching policies.


    A rule-based policy can be configured with an optional action. A policy with an action can be bound to multiple virtual servers or policy labels.

    If you set a priority when binding your policies to the content switching virtual server, the policies are evaluated in order of priority. If you do not set specific priorities when binding your policies, the policies are evaluated in the order in which they were created.

For information about Citrix ADC classic policies and expressions, see Configuring Classic Policies and Expressions. For information about Default Syntax policies, see Configuring Default Syntax Expressions.

Create a content switching policy by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type one of the following commands:

add cs policy <policyName> -rule <expression> [-action <string>] [-logAction <string>]


add cs policy Policy-CS-1 -url "" add cs policy Policy-CS-1 -domain "" add cs policy Policy-CS-1 -rule "CLIENT.IP.SRC.SUBNET(24).EQ(" add cs policy Policy-CS-2 -rule "SYS.TIME.BETWEEN(GMT 2009 Nov,GMT 2009 Dec)" add cs policy Policy-CS-3 -rule "http.req.method.eq(GET)" -action act1

Rename a content switching policy by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

rename cs policy <policyName> <newName>


rename cs policy myCSPolicy myCSPolicy1

Rename a content switching policy by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policies, select a policy and, in the Action list, select Rename.

Create a content switching policy by using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policies, and click Add.
  2. Populate the relevant fields and click Create.

Configure content switching policy labels

A policy label is a user-defined bind point to which policies are bound. When a policy label is invoked, all the policies bound to it are evaluated in the order of the priority that you assigned to them. A policy label can include one or more policies, each of which can be assigned its own result. A match on one policy in the policy label can result in proceeding to the next policy, invoking a different policy label or appropriate resource, or an immediate end to policy evaluation and return of control to the policy that invoked the policy label. You can create policy labels for default syntax policies only.

A content switching policy label consists of a name, a label type, and a list of policies bound to the policy label. The policy label type specifies the protocol that was assigned to the policies bound to the label. It must match the service type of the content switching virtual server to which the policy that invokes the policy label is bound. For example, you can bind TCP Payload policies to a policy label of type TCP only. Binding TCP Payload policies to a policy label of type HTTP is not supported.

Each policy in a content switching policy label is associated with either a target (which is equivalent to the action that is associated with other types of policies, such as rewrite and responder policies) or a gotoPriorityExpression option and an invoke option. That is, for a given policy in a content switching policy label, you can specify a target, or you can set the gotoPriorityExpression option and the invoke option. Also, if multiple policies evaluate to true, only the target of the last policy that evaluates to true is considered.

You can use either the Citrix ADC CLI or the GUI to configure content switching policy labels. In the Citrix ADC CLI, you first create a policy label by using the add cs policy label command. Then, you bind policies to the policy label, one policy at a time, by using the bind cs policy label command. In the Citrix ADC GUI, you perform both tasks in a single dialog box.

Create a content switching policy label by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

add cs policylabel <labelName> <cspolicylabelTypetype>`


add cs policylabel testpollab http

Rename a content switching policy label by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

rename cs policylabel <labelName> <newName>`


rename cs policylabel oldPolicyLabelName newPolicyLabelName

Rename a content switching policy label by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policy Labels, select a policy label and, in the Action list, select Rename.

Bind a policy to a content switching policy label by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands to bind a policy to a policy label and verify the configuration:

bind cs policylabel <labelName> <policyName> <priority>[-targetVserver <string>] | [-gotoPriorityExpression <expression>] | [-invoke <labeltype> <labelName>] ] show cs policylabel <labelName>


bind cs policylabel testpollab test_Pol 100 -targetVserver LBVIP show cs policylabel testpollab Label Name: testpollab Label Type: HTTP Number of bound policies: 1 Number of times invoked: 0 Policy Name: test_Pol Priority: 100 Target Virtual Server: LBVIP


If a policy is configured with an action, the target virtual server (targetVserver), go to priority expression (gotoPriorityExpression), and invoke (invoke) parameters are not required. If a policy is not configure with an action, you need to configure at least one of the following parameters: targetVserver, gotoPriorityExpression, and invoke.

Unbind a policy from a policy label by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type the following commands to unbind a policy from a policy label and verify the configuration:

unbind cs policylabel <labelName> <policyName> show cs policylabel <labelName>


unbind cs policylabel testpollab test_Pol show cs policylabel testpollab Label Name: testpollab Label Type: HTTP Number of bound policies: 0 Number of times invoked: 0

Remove a policy label by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

rm cs policylabel <labelName>

Manage a content switching policy label by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policy Labels, configure a policy label, bind policies to the label, and optionally specify a priority, gotoPriority expression, and an invoke option.

Bind policies to a Content Switching virtual server

After you create your content switching virtual server and policies, you bind each policy to the content switching virtual server. When binding the policy to the content switching virtual server, you specify the target load balancing virtual server.


If your content switching policy uses a default syntax rule, you can configure a content switching action for the policy. If you configure an action, you must specify the target load balancing virtual server when you are configuring the action, not when you are binding the policy to the content switching virtual server. For more information about configuring a content switching action, see Configuring a Content Switching Action section.

Bind a policy to a content switching virtual server and select a target load balancing virtual server by using the CLI

At the command prompt, type:

bind cs vserver <name>[-lbvserver<string> -targetLBVServer<string> -policyname <string> -priority <positive_integer>] [-gotoPriorityExpression <expression>] [-type ( REQUEST | RESPONSE )] [-invoke (<labelType> <labelName>)]


bind cs vserver csw-vip2 -policyname csw-ape-policy2 -priority 14 -gotoPriorityExpression NEXT bind cs vserver csw-vip3 -policyname rewrite-policy1 -priority 17 -gotoPriorityExpression 'q.header("a").count' -flowtype REQUEST -invoke policylabel label1 bind cs vserver Vserver-CS-1 Vserver-LB-1 -policyname Policy-CS-1 -priority 20


The parameters, target load balancing virtual server (targetVserver), go to priority expression (gotoPriorityExpression), and the invoke method (invoke) cannot be used if a policy has an action.

Bind a policy to a content switching virtual server and select a target load balancing virtual server by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers, open a virtual server and, in the Content Switching Policy Binding section, bind a policy to the virtual server, and specify a target load balancing virtual server.

Configure policy-based logging for content switching

You can configure policy-based logging for a content switching policy. Policy-based logging enables you to specify a format for the log messages. The contents of the log message are defined by using a default syntax expression in the content switching policy. When the content switching action specified in the policy is performed, the Citrix ADC appliance constructs the log message from the expression and writes the message to the log file. Policy-based logging is useful if you want to test and troubleshoot a configuration in which content switching actions identify the target load balancing virtual server at run time.


If multiple policies bound to a given virtual server evaluate to TRUE and are configured with an audit message action, the Citrix ADC appliance does not perform all the audit message actions. It performs only the audit message action that is configured for the policy whose content switching action is performed.

To configure policy-based logging for a content switching policy, you must first configure an audit message action. For more information about configuring an audit message action, see Configuring the Citrix ADC appliance for audit logging. After you configure the audit message action, you specify the action in a content switching policy.

Configure policy-based logging for a content switching policy by using the CLI

At the command line, type the following commands to configure policy-based logging for a content switching policy and verify the configuration:

set cs policy <policyName> -logAction <string> show cs policy <policyName>


> set cs policy cspol1 -logAction csLogAction Done > show cs policy cspol1 Policy: cspol1 Rule: TRUE Action: csact1 LogAction: csLogAction Hits: 0 1) CS Vserver: csvs1 Priority: 10 Done >

Configure policy-based logging for a content switching policy by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policies, open a policy and, in the Log Action list, select a log action for the policy.

Verify the configuration

To verify that your content switching configuration is correct, you need to view the content switching entities. To verify proper operation after your content switching configuration has been deployed, you can view the statistics that are generated as the servers are accessed.

View the properties of content switching virtual servers

You can view the properties of content switching virtual servers that you have configured on the Citrix ADC appliance. You can use the information to verify whether the virtual server is correctly configured and, if necessary, to troubleshoot. In addition to details such as name, IP address, and port, you can view the various policies bound to a virtual server, and its traffic-management settings.

The content switching policies are displayed in the order of their priority. If more than one policy has the same priority, they are shown in the order in which they are bound to the virtual server.


If you have configured the content switching virtual server to forward traffic to a load balancing virtual server, you can also view the content switching policies by viewing the properties of the load balancing virtual server.

View the properties of content switching virtual servers by using the CLI

To list basic properties of all content switching virtual servers in your configuration, or detailed properties of a specific content switching virtual server, at the command prompt, type one of the following commands:

show cs vserver show cs vserver <name>


1. show cs vserver Vserver-CS-1 Vserver-CS-1 ( - HTTP Type: CONTENT State: UP Last state change was at Thu Jun 30 10:48:59 2011 Time since last state change: 6 days, 20:03:00.760 Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec Down state flush: ENABLED Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED Appflow logging: DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED State Update: DISABLED Default: Content Precedence: RULE Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF Case Sensitivity: ON Push: DISABLED Push VServer: Push Label Rule: none ... 1) Policy : __ESNS_PREBODY_POLICY Priority:0 2) Policy : __ESNS_POSTBODY_POLICY Priority:0 1) Compression Policy Name: __ESNS_CMP_POLICY Priority: 2147483647 GotoPriority Expression: END Flowtype: REQUEST 2) Rewrite Policy Name: __ESNS_REWRITE_POLICY Priority: 2147483647 GotoPriority Expression: END Flowtype: REQUEST 3) Cache Policy Name: dfbx Priority: 10 GotoPriority Expression: END Flowtype: REQUEST 4) Responder Policy Name: __ESNS_RESPONDER_POLICY Priority: 2147483647 GotoPriority Expression: END 1) Policy: wiki Target: LBVIP2 Priority: 25 Hits: 0 2) Policy: plain Target: LBVIP1 Priority: 90 Hits: 0 3) Policy: DispOrderTest2 Target: KerbAuthLBVS Priority: 91 Hits: 0 4) Policy: test_Pol Target: LBVIP1 Priority: 92 Hits: 0 5) Policy: PolicyNameTesting Target: LBVIP1 Priority: 100 Hits: 0 Done > show cs vserver 1) Vserver-CS-1 ( - HTTP Type: CONTENT State: UP … Appflow logging: DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED State Update: DISABLED 2) apubendpt ( - HTTP Type: CONTENT State: UP … Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec Down state flush: DISABLED3) apubendpt1 ( - HTTP Type: CONTENT State: UP … Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED Appflow logging: DISABLED Port Rewrite : DISABLED State Update: DISABLED

View content switching policies

You can view the properties of the content switching policies that you defined, such as the name, domain, and URL or expression, and use the information to find any mistakes in the configuration, or to troubleshoot if something is not working as it must.

View the properties of content switching policies by using the CLI

To view the content switching policies configuration details, type one of the following commands:

show cs policy show cs policy <PolicyName>


show cs policy show cs policy Policy-CS-1

View the properties of content switching policies by using the GUI

Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Policies, select a policy and, in the Action list, select Show Bindings.

View a content switching virtual server configuration by using the visualizer

The Content Switching Visualizer is a tool that you can use to view a content switching configuration in graphical format. You can use the visualizer to view the following configuration items:

  • A summary of the load balancing virtual servers to which the content switching virtual server is bound.
  • All services and service groups that are bound to the load balancing virtual server and all monitors that are bound to the services.
  • The configuration details of any displayed element.
  • Any policies bound to the content switching virtual server. These policies need not be content switching policies. Rewrite policies can also be bound to a content switching virtual server.

After you complete the content switching and load balancing configuration, you can export the entire configuration to an application template file.


The Visualizer requires a graphical interface, so it is available only through the GUI.

View a content switching configuration by using the Visualizer in the GUI

  1. Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers.
  2. In the details pane, select the virtual server that you want to view, and then click Visualizer.
  3. In the Content Switching Visualizer window, you can adjust the viewable area as follows:
    • Click the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons to increase or decrease the viewable area.
    • Click the Save Image icon to save the graph as an image file.
    • In the Search in text field, begin typing the name of the item you are looking for. When you have typed enough characters to identify the item, its location is highlighted. To restrict the search, click the drop-down menu and select the type of element that you want to search for.
  4. To view configuration details for entities that are bound to this virtual server, you can do the following:
    • To view policies that are bound to the virtual server, in the tool bar at the top of the dialog box select one or more feature-specific policy icons. If policy labels are configured, they appear in the main view area.
    • To view the configuration details for a bound service or service group, click the icon for the service, click the Related Tasks tab, and then click Show Member Services.
    • To view the configuration details for a monitor, click the icon for the monitor, click the Related Tasks tab, and then click View Monitor.
  5. To view statistics for any virtual server in the content switching configuration, click the virtual server for which you want to view statistics, then click the Related Tasks tab, and then click Statistics.
  6. To view a comparative list of the parameters whose values either differ or are not defined across service containers for a load balancing virtual server, click the icon for a container, click the Related Tasks tab, and then click Service Attributes Diff.
  7. To view monitor binding details for the services in a container, in the Service Attributes Diff dialog box, in the Group column for the container, click Details. This comparative list helps you determine which service container has the configuration you want to apply to all the service containers.
  8. To view the number of requests received per second at a given point in time by the virtual servers in the configuration, and the number of select per second at a given point in time for rewrite, responder, and cache policies, click Show Stats. The statistical information is displayed on the respective nodes in the Visualizer. This information is not updated in real time. It is refreshed manually. To refresh the information, click Refresh Stats.


    This option is available only on Citrix ADC nCore builds.

  9. To copy configuration details for an element to a document or spreadsheet, click the icon for that element, click Related Tasks, click Copy Properties, and then paste the information into a document.
  10. To export the entire configuration that is displayed in the Visualizer to an application template file, click the icon for the content switching virtual server, click Related Tasks, and then click Create Template. When creating the application template, you can configure variables in some policy expressions and actions. For more information, see AppExpert.
Configure basic content switching

In this article