Application Delivery Management

Required telemetry data for NetScaler Telemetry program

The following tables display the list of required data collected as part of the NetScaler telemetry program:


Some parameters are collected through a script that is pushed from NetScaler Console to NetScaler instances.


Parameters Description
flex_vpx_inst_entitled The total entitled VPX instances
flex_vpx_inst_allocated The total allocated VPX instances
flex_sdx_inst_entitled The total entitled SDX instances
flex_sdx_inst_allocated The total allocated SDX instances
flex_mpx_inst_entitled The total entitled MPX instances
flex_mpx_inst_allocated The total allocated MPX instances
flex_plt_bw_entitled The entitled platinum bandwidth
flex_plt_bw_allocated The allocated platinum bandwidth
flex_ent_bw_entitled The entitled enterprise bandwidth
flex_ent_bw_allocated The allocated enterprise bandwidth
flex_std_bw_entitled The entitled standard bandwidth
flex_std_bw_allocated The allocated standard bandwidth
flex_vpx_fips_inst_entitled The total entitled FIPS instances
flex_vpx_fips_inst_allocated The total allocated FIPS instances
license_name The license type or the feature name
peak_license_usage The peak usage of license applied on the NetScaler instances (allocation)
peak_bandwidth_usage The peak usage from the NetScaler instances
avg_license_usage The average usage of license applied on the NetScaler instances (allocation)
avg_bandwidth_usage The average usae from the NetScaler instances
license_edition Platinum/Enterprise/Standard bandwidth
Feature Name The license feature name
Host ID The device host ID
License serial number The serial number of the license
License Start Date The start date of the license
License End Date The end date of the license
License SA Date The license subscription advantage date
tenantnslictype The license type such as CPL, CUL, and so on
instance_id The unique identifier of the instance
instance_mode Checks if the instance is a standalone or HA pair
instance_state The instance status (Up/Down)
is_local_license Checks if the license is hosted in NetScaler Console
is_pooled_license Checks if the license is a pooled license
license_edition The license type (Platinum/Standard/Enterprise)
license_end_date Total number of days for the license to expire
platform The device type
plt_license_allocation The platinum license allocation
std_license_allocation The Standard license allocation
ent_license_allocation The Enterprise license allocation
nslicensingtype The licensing type (Flexed or Fixed)
total_pooled_devices The total NetScaler instances (both managed and unmanaged) with pooled licenses
perc_discovered_vservers The % of discovered/entitled virtual servers
perc_used_vservers The % of used/entitled virtual servers
pool_cpxvcpu_entitled The total pool CPX vCPUs entitled
pool_cpxvcpu_used The total pool CPX vCPUs used
pool_entbw_entitled The total pool Enterprise bandwidth entitled [MBps]
pool_entbw_used The total pool Enterprise bandwidth used [MBps]
pool_entvcpu_entitled The total pool Enterprise vCPUs entitled
pool_entvcpu_used The total used pool Enterprise vCPUs used
pool_fips_instances_entitled The total pool FIPS instances entitled
pool_fips_instances_used The total used pool FIPS instances
pool_instances_entitled The total pool instances entitled
pool_instances_used The total used pooled instances
pool_perc_bw_used The % of used bandwidth
pool_perc_instances_used The % of used instances
pool_perc_vcpu_used The % of used vCPUs
pool_pltbw_entitled The total pool Platinum bandwidth entitled [MBps]
pool_pltbw_used The total pool Platinum bandwidth used [MBps]
pool_pltvcpu_entitled The total pool Platinum vCPUs entitled
pool_pltvcpu_used The total pool Platinum vCPUs used
pool_stdbw_entitled The total pool Standard bandwidth entitled
pool_stdbw_used The total pool Standard bandwidth used
pool_stdvcpu_used The total pool Standard vCPUs Used
total_discovered_vservers The total discovered virtual servers
total_entitled_vservers The total entitled virtual servers
total_used_vservers The total used virtual servers

NetScaler Gateway feature usage

The following data telemetry is collected only if your NetScaler Gateway on-prem version is 14.1-25.53 or later / 13.1-53.22 or later build:

Parameters Description
accessMode The type of access mode. For example, ICA, VPN
bytesTransferred The total bytes sent and received per session
epaScans The total number of EPA scans
features The features enabled in NetScaler Gateway
id The unique identifier of the usage event
prod Identification of the originating product and deployment of the usage event
prodVer The Gateway product version
email The gateway user email (email will be hashed)*
st The current time of the data being pulled
type The event type used by CAS to identify the managed Gateway usage events
userName The Gateway username. Note: The name will be hashed*.
ver The version of the telemetry event

NetScaler deployment

Parameters Description
total_active_managed_devices The total NetScaler instances that are in UP state
total_nsap_device The total admin partition instances in NetScaler Console
total_managed_devices The total managed NetScaler instances in NetScaler Console
instance_mode Checks if the instance is a standalone or HA pair
instance_state The instance status (Up/Down)
dev_pl_aws The device platform type
dev_pl_azure The device platform type
dev_pl_citrix_hypervisor The device platform type
dev_pl_esx The device platform type
dev_pl_gcp The device platform type
dev_pl_hyper_v The device platform type
dev_pl_kvm The device platform type
dev_pl_unknown The device platform type
dev_pl_vpx_on_sdx The device platform type
total_blx_device The total managed BLX instances in NetScaler Console on-prem
total_cpx_device The total managed CPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_ng_device The total managed Gateway instances in NetScaler Console
total_ngvpx_device The total managed Gateway VPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_ns_device The total managed MPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nssdx_device The total managed SDX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nsvpx_device The total managed VPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nswg_device The total managed Web Gateway instances in NetScaler Console
total_nswgvpx_device The total managed Web Gateway VPX instances in NetScaler Console
device_id The VPX instance unique ID
device_platform The platform where the VPX instance is hosted
state The current status (UP or Down) of the VPX instance
aaa_vservers The total number of AAA virtual servers
cs_vservers The total number of content switching virtual servers
gslb_vservers The total number of GSLB virtual servers
lb_vservers_http The total number of HTTP LB virtual servers
lb_vservers_ssl The total number of SSL virtual servers
version The build version of the NetScaler instances

NetScaler feature usage

Parameters Description
total_aaa_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with AAA virtual servers
aaa_as_Request_tot_blocked The total number of HTTP requests blocked by appfw profile for AAA
aaatm_as_Request_tot_blocked The total number of HTTP requests blocked by appfw profile for AAATM
version The NextGen API version
as_Requests_aaatm_lb The total number of HTTP requests processed by appfw module on behalf of aaatm_lb module
as_Requests_vpn The total number of HTTP requests processed by appfw module on behalf of vpn module
nsapisec_builtin_tot_hits The total number from the built-in API Security Schema for Project Shield
nsapisec_builtin_tot_validated_success The total number of requests successfully passed the built-in API Security Schema for Project Shield
svpn_as_Request_tot_blocked The total number of HTTP requests blocked by appfw profile for VPN
appfw.appfirewallrequests The total number of WAF requests through the appfw profile
appfw.appfirewallrequestsrate The total rate of WAF requests through appfw profile
appfwprofile.appfw_block The total number of blocked passed per profile
appfwprofile.appfw_bypass The total number of requests passed per profile
appfwprofile.appfw_drop The total number of dropped passed per profile
appfwprofile.appfw_reset The total number of reset passed per profile
bot requests The total number of bot requests through appfw profile
bot_signature_version The version of bot signature used
botrequestsrate The rate of bot requests through bot profile
waf_signature_version The version of WAF signature used
waf.as_requests The total number of requests done through all WAF profiles that also include default profiles
waf.as_req_bytes The total number of requests done through all WAF profiles that exclude default profiles
ingress_controllers The total number of ingress controllers
admin_partitions The total number of partitions
gslb_site_tot_RequestBytes The total requests in bytes passing through gslb profile
gslb_site_tot_Requests The total requests pass through gslb profile
gslb_sites The total number of gslb sites The total number of gslb services
analytics.profile The total number of analytics profile
appfw.policies The total number of AppFlow policies
appfw.profiles The total number of AppFlow profiles
bot.policies The total number of Bot policies
bot.profiles The total number of Bot profiles
category The device classification. For example, Gateway
cluster.nodes The total number of cluster nodes
cr The total number of Cache Redirection virtual servers
cs.all The total number of Content Switching virtual servers The total number of Content Switching virtual servers used as gateway
cs.used The total number of addressable Content Switching virtual servers not bound to localhost and of WEB or TCP protocol
deployment_type The NetScaler deployment type (HA pair or standalone)
ha.node The IP address of the HA pair. Note: The IP address will be hashed*.
lb.all The total number of all load balance virtual servers The total number of load balance virtual servers used as gateway
lb.used The total number of addressable load balance virtual servers not bound to localhost and of WEB or TCP protocol
nsip The NSIP of the NetScaler. Note: The IP address will be hashed*.
reason The detailed reason for classification
servers The total number of virtual servers
serviceGroups The total number of ServiceGroups
services The total number of services
services.dns The total number of ADNS/ADNS_TCP type services
vpn The total number of VPN virtual servers
vpn.ica The total number of ICA VPN virtual servers The total number of LB + CS + CR virtual servers used a gateway
vservers.used The total number of addressable LB + CS + CR virtual servers not bound to localhost and of WEB or TCP protocol
waf_protection The waf protection type
total_cs_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with content switching virtual servers
total_waf_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with WAF violations
total_bot_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with Bot violations
total_icaproxy_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with HDX insight
iprep_cur_ip_count The ipreputation hits count
total_gslb_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with Global server load balancing virtual servers
total_gw_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with SSL VPN
total_lb_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with load balancing virtual servers
total_lb_devices_http The total NetScaler instances configured with load balancing HTTP virtual servers
total_lb_devices_ssl The toal NetScaler instances configured with load balancing SSL virtual servers
telemetry_collected_at The time at which the telemetry script is run
state The current status (Up or Down) of the VPX instance The total number of analytics profiles used for exporting events
exp.managementlogs The total number of analytics profiles used for exporting management logs
exp.metrics The number of analytics profiles used for exporting metrics
exp.auditlogs The number of analytics profiles used for exporting auditlogs to Splunk
exp.prometheus The number of analytics profiles used for exporting to Prometheus

*The information collected through telemetry, such as email addresses, usernames, and IP addresses, is securely pseudonymised by hashing the information at the source using one-way hashing algorithms. As a result, Citrix cannot access or read these values. This telemetry data is used solely for logical asset-matching purposes.

Required telemetry data for NetScaler Telemetry program