Application Delivery Management

Configure analytics on flexed licensed virtual servers

The prerequisite to enable analytics is that the virtual servers must be licensed. If you use a flexed license, all the existing virtual servers and the subsequent virtual servers are automatically licensed. You can proceed to configure analytics.

You can configure analytics in two ways. Navigate to Settings > Analytics Configuration to view:

  • Virtual Server Analytics Summary - Enables you to configure analytics on the existing virtual servers.

  • Global Analytics Summary - Enables you to configure analytics on both existing and subsequent virtual servers.


Configure analytics on the existing virtual servers


Ensure that the virtual servers you want to enable analytics are in UP status.

  1. Under Virtual Server Analytics Summary, click Configure Analytics.

    The All Virtual Servers page is displayed. You can:

    • Enable analytics

    • Edit analytics

    • Disable analytics


    The supported virtual servers to enable analytics are Load Balancing, Content Switching, and NetScaler Gateway.

  2. Select the virtual servers and then click Enable Analytics.

    Enable analytics


    Alternatively, you can enable analytics for an instance:

    1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Instances > NetScaler and then select the instance type. For example, VPX.

    2. Select the instance and from the Select Action list, select Configure Analytics

    3. On the Configure Analytics on Virtual Servers page, select the Virtual Server and click Enable Analytics.

  3. On the Enable Analytics window:

    1. Select the insight types.

    2. Select Logstream as Transport Mode.


      For NetScaler 12.0 or earlier, IPFIX is the default option for Transport Mode. For NetScaler 12.0 or later, you can either select Logstream or IPFIX as Transport Mode.

      For more information about IPFIX and Logstream, see Logstream overview.

    3. Under Instance level options:

      • Enable HTTP X-Forwarded-For - Select this option to identify the IP address for the connection between client and application, through HTTP proxy or load balancer.

      • NetScaler Gateway - Select this option to view analytics for NetScaler Gateway.

    4. The Expression is true by default.

    5. Click OK.


      • For admin partitions, only Web Insight is supported.

      • For virtual servers such as Cache Redirection, Authentication, and GSLB, you cannot enable analytics. An error message is displayed.

After you click OK, NetScaler Console processes to enable analytics on the selected virtual servers.


NetScaler Console uses NetScaler SNIP for Logstream and NSIP for IPFIX. If there is a firewall enabled between NetScaler agent and NetScaler instance, ensure you open the following port to enable NetScaler Console to collect AppFlow traffic:

Transport Mode Source IP Type Port
Logstream SNIP TCP 5557

Edit analytics

To edit analytics on the virtual servers:

  1. Select the virtual servers.


    Alternatively, you can also edit analytics for an instance:

    1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Instances > NetScaler and then select the instance type. For example, VPX.

    2. Select the instance and click Edit Analytics.

  2. Click Edit Analytics

  3. Edit the parameters that you want to apply on the Edit Analytics Configuration window.

  4. Click OK.

Disable analytics

To disable analytics on the selected virtual servers:

  1. Select the virtual servers.

  2. Click Disable Analytics.

NetScaler Console disables the analytics on the selected virtual servers.

The following table describes the features of NetScaler Console that supports IPFIX and Logstream as the transport mode:

Feature IPFIX Logstream
Web Insight
WAF Security Violations
Gateway Insight
HDX Insight
SSL Insight Not supported
CR Insight
IP Reputation
Client Side Measurement

Configure analytics globally

  1. Under Global Analytics Summary, click Global Analytics Configuration.

    Global analytics

  2. Select the analytics features that you want to enable analytics on the virtual servers.

  3. Click Submit.

    Global analytics configuration for flexed

After configuration, the analytics is enabled on both existing and subsequent virtual servers.

Points to note

  • Consider that you have configured the Global Analytics Configuration for the first time by selecting Web Insight, HDX Insight, and Gateway Insight. If you again change the analytics settings later and deselect Gateway Insight, the changes do not impact the virtual servers that are already enabled with analytics.

  • Consider that you have 10 licensed virtual servers and two of them are already enabled with analytics using the Configure Analytics option. In this scenario, when you configure the Global Analytics Configuration, the analytics are applied only on the remaining eight virtual servers.

  • Consider that you have 10 licensed virtual servers and you have manually disabled analytics for two virtual servers. In this scenario, when you configure the Global Analytics Configuration, the analytics are applied only on the remaining eight virtual servers and it skips the virtual servers that are manually disabled with analytics.

Configure analytics on flexed licensed virtual servers