Application Delivery Management

Required telemetry data for Cloud Connect

The following table displays the list of required data collected after you enable Cloud Connect:

Parameters Description
onprem_ip The IP address of the NetScaler Console
onprem_customer_id The Citrix Cloud ID
onprem_time_stamp The data and timestamp when data uploaded
on_prem_version The NetScaler Console on-prem version
total_blx_device The total managed BLX instances in NetScaler Console on-prem
total_managed_devices The total managed NetScaler instances in NetScaler Console
total_active_managed_devices The total NetScaler instances that are in UP state
total_ns_device The total managed MPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_ng_device The total managed Gateway instances in NetScaler Console
total_ngvpx_device The total managed Gateway VPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nswg_device The total managed Web Gateway instances in NetScaler Console
total_nswgvpx_device The total managed Web Gateway VPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nsvpx_device The total managed VPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_cpx_device The total managed CPX instances in NetScaler Console
total_nsap_device The total admin partition instances in NetScaler Console
total_nssdx_device The total managed SDX instances in NetScaler Console
total_waf_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with WAF violations
total_gw_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with SSL VPN
total_icaproxy_devices The total NetScaler instances enabled with HDX insight in NetScaler Console
total_bot_devices The total NetScaler instances that are enabled with Bot violations
total_pooled_devices The total NetScaler instances (both managed and unmanaged) with pooled licenses
total_lb_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with load balancing virtual servers
total_lb_devices_http The total NetScaler instances configured with load balancing HTTP virtual servers
total_lb_devices_ssl The total NetScaler instances configured with load balancing SSL virtual servers
total_cs_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with content switching virtual servers
total_gslb_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with Global server load balancing virtual servers
total_aaa_devices The total NetScaler instances configured with AAA virtual servers
device_id The VPX instance unique ID
version The build version of the VPX instance
state The current status (UP or Down) of the VPX instance
device_platform The platform where the VPX instance is hosted
st The current time of the data being pulled
pool_instances_entitled The total pool instances entitled
pool_instances_used The total used pooled instances
pool_fips_instances_entitled The total pool FIPS instances entitled
pool_fips_instances_used The total used pool FIPS instances
pool_entvcpu_entitled The total pool Enterprise vCPUs entitled
pool_entvcpu_used The total used pool Enterprise vCPUs used
pool_entbw_entitled The total pool Enterprise bandwidth entitled [MBps]
pool_entbw_used The total pool Enterprise bandwidth used [MBps]
pool_pltbw_entitled The total pool Platinum bandwidth entitled [MBps]
pool_pltbw_used The total pool Platinum bandwidth used [MBps]
pool_pltvcpu_entitled The total pool Platinum vCPUs entitled
pool_pltvcpu_used The total pool Platinum vCPUs used
pool_stdbw_entitled The total pool Standard bandwidth entitled
pool_stdbw_used The total pool Standard bandwidth used
pool_stdvcpu_entitled The total pool Standard vCPUs entitled
pool_stdvcpu_used The total pool Standard vCPUs Used
pool_cpxvcpu_entitled The total pool CPX vCPUs entitled
pool_cpxvcpu_used The total pool CPX vCPUs used
pool_perc_instances_used The % of used instances
pool_perc_vcpu_used The % of used vCPUs
pool_perc_bw_used The % of used bandwidth
total_entitled_vservers The total entitled virtual servers
total_used_vservers The total used virtual servers
total_discovered_vservers The total discovered virtual servers
perc_used_vservers The % of used/entitled virtual servers
perc_discovered_vservers The % of discovered/entitled virtual servers
is_local_license Checks if the license is hosted in NetScaler Console
license_edition The license type (Platinum/Standard/Enterprise)
is_pooled_license Checks if the license is a pooled license
model_id The model ID of the instance
plt_license_allocation The platinum license allocation
ent_license_allocation The Enterprise license allocation
std_license_allocation The Standard license allocation
license_end_date Total number of days for the license to expire
platform The device type
instance_id The unique identifier of the instance
instance_mode Checks if the instance is a standalone or HA pair
instance_state The instance status (Up/Down)
flex_vpx_inst_entitled The total entitled VPX instances
flex_vpx_inst_allocated The total allocated VPX instances
flex_sdx_inst_entitled The total entitled SDX instances
flex_sdx_inst_allocated The total allocated SDX instances
flex_mpx_inst_entitled The total entitled MPX instances
flex_mpx_inst_allocated The total allocated MPX instances
flex_plt_bw_entitled The entitled platinum bandwidth
flex_plt_bw_allocated The allocated platinum bandwidth
flex_ent_bw_entitled The entitled enterprise bandwidth
flex_ent_bw_allocated The allocated enterprise bandwidth
flex_std_bw_entitled The entitled standard bandwidth
flex_std_bw_allocated The allocated standard bandwidth
flex_vpx_fips_inst_entitled The total entitled FIPS instances
flex_vpx_fips_inst_allocated The total allocated FIPS instances
nslicensingtype The licensing type (Flexed or Fixed)
Required telemetry data for Cloud Connect

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