Application Delivery Management

Configure Citrix ADC pooled capacity

To use ADC pooled capacity, configure Citrix ADM as a license server to the required ADC instances. ADC instances check in and check out licenses from the ADM. You can perform the following tasks in the ADM GUI:

  • Upload the pooled capacity license files (bandwidth and instance pool) to the license server.

  • Allocate licenses from the license pool to Citrix ADC instances on demand.

  • Check out the licenses from Citrix ADC instances (MPX-Z /SDX-Z/VPX/CPX/BLX) based on the minimum and maximum capacity of the instance.

  • Configure pooled capacity for Citrix ADC FIPS instances to check in or check out licenses.


Supported hardware and software versions

For supported hardware and software versions for pooled capacity, see Citrix ADC pooled capacity.

ADC pooled capacity states

The pooled capacity states indicate the license requirement on an ADC instance. The ADC instances configured with pooled capacity display one of the following states:

  • Optimum: Instance is running with proper license capacity.

  • Capacity mismatch: Instance is running with a capacity less than the user configured.

  • Grace: Instance is running on a grace license.

  • Grace & Mismatch: Instance is running on grace but with a capacity less than the user configured.

  • Not available: Instance is not registered with ADM for management, or NITRO communication from ADM to the instances is not working.

  • Not allocated: License is not allocated in the instance.

Step 1 - Apply licenses in ADM

  1. In Citrix ADM, navigate to Networks > Licenses.

  2. In the License Files section, select Add License File and select one of the following options:

    • Upload license files from a local computer. If a license file is already present on your local computer, you can upload it to ADM.

    • Use license access code. Specify the license access code for the license that you have purchased from Citrix. Then, select Get Licenses. Then select Finish.


    At any time, you can add more licenses to ADM from License Settings.

  3. Click Finish.

    The license files are added to ADM. The License Expiry Information tab lists the licenses present in the ADM and the remaining days to expiry.

  4. In License Files, select a license file that you want to apply and click Apply licenses.

    This action enables ADC instances to use the selected license as a pooled capacity.

Step 2 - Register Citrix ADM as a license server

To register ADM as a license server to a Citrix ADC instance, follow one of the procedures:

Use GUI to register ADM as a license server

In the ADC GUI, register the ADM server as a license server.

  1. Log in to Citrix ADC GUI.

  2. Navigate to System > Licenses > Manage Licenses.

  3. Click Add New License.

  4. Select Use remote licensing and select the remote licensing mode from the list.

  5. In the Server Name/IP address field, specify the ADM server’s IP address.

  6. Select Register with Citrix ADM.

  7. Enter your ADM credentials to register an instance with Citrix ADM and click Continue.

    Manage license in ADC

  8. In Allocate licenses, select the license edition and specify the required bandwidth.

    For the first time, allocate licenses in Citrix ADC. You can later change or release the license allocation from the ADM GUI.

    Allocate licenses from ADC GUI

  9. Click Get Licenses.


    Warm restart the instance if you change the license edition. The configuration changes do not take effect until you restart the instance.

Use CLI to add ADM as a license server

If an ADC instance has no GUI, use the following CLI commands to add the ADM server as a license server:

  1. Log in to the ADC console.

  2. Add the ADM server IP address:

    > add ns licenseserver <adm-server-IP-address> -port <adm-server-port-number>
  3. View the license bandwidth available in the license server:

    > sh ns licenseserverpool
  4. Allocate the license bandwidth from the required license edition:

    > set ns capacity -unit gbps -bandwidth <specify-license-bandwidth> edition <specify-license-edition>

    The license edition can be Standard or Enterprise or Platinum.


    Warm restart the instance if you change the license edition.

    reboot -w

    The configuration changes does not take effect until you restart the instance.

Step 3 - Allocate pooled licenses to ADC instances

To allocate pooled capacity licenses from the ADM GUI:

  1. Log in to Citrix ADM.

  2. Navigate to Networks > Licenses > Bandwidth Licenses > Pooled Capacity.

    The FIPS instance capacity appears only if you upload FIPS instance licenses to ADM.

  3. Click the license pool that you want to manage.


    The Allocated Capacity field does not reflect the changed bandwidth immediately. The bandwidth change takes effect after the ADC warm restart.

    In Allocation Details, the Requested and Applied fields are updated when you change the instance’s bandwidth allocation.

  4. Select an ADC instance from the list of available instances by clicking the > button.

    Pooled instances in ADM

    The License status column displays corresponding license allocation status messages.


    The Unmanaged Instances tab displays the instances that are discovered but not managed in Citrix ADM.

    Unmanaged instances

  5. Click Change allocation or Release allocation to modify the license allocation.

  6. A pop-up window with the available licenses in the License Server appears.

  7. You can choose the bandwidth or instance allocation to the instance by setting the Allocate list options. After making your selections, click Allocate.

  8. You can also change the allocated license edition from the list options in the Change License Allocation window.

    Change license allocation window


    Warm restart an instance if you change the license edition.

Configure pooled capacity on ADC instances

You can configure pooled capacity licenses on the following ADC instances:

Citrix ADC MPX-Z instances

MPX-Z is the pooled-capacity enabled ADC MPX appliance. MPX-Z supports bandwidth pooling for Premium, Advanced, or Standard edition licenses.

MPX-Z requires platform licenses before it can connect to the License Server. You can install the MPX-Z platform license by either of the following:

  • Uploading the license file from a local computer.
  • Using the instance’s hardware serial number.
  • The License Access Code from the System > Licenses section of the instance’s GUI.

If you remove the MPX-Z platform license, the pooled-capacity feature is disabled. The instance licenses are released to the license server.

You can dynamically modify the bandwidth of an MPX-Z instance without a restart. A restart is required only if you want to change the license edition.


When you restart the instance, it automatically checks out the pooled licenses required for its configured capacity.

Citrix ADC VPX instances

A pooled-capacity enabled ADC VPX instance can check out licenses from a bandwidth pool (Premium/Advanced/Standard editions). You can use the ADC GUI to check out licenses from the License Server.

You can dynamically modify the bandwidth of a VPX instance without a restart. A restart is required only if you want to change the license edition.


When you restart the instance, the configured pooled capacity licenses are automatically checked out from the ADM server.

Citrix ADC high-availability pair

Before you begin, ensure that the ADM server is configured as a license server. For more information, see Configure ADM as a license server.

For ADC instances configured in a high availability mode, you have to configure pooled capacity on each node of the high availability pair. For both the primary and secondary nodes, you need to allocate licenses of the same capacity. For example, if you want 1 Gbps capacity from each instance in the HA pair, you need twice the capacity (2 Gbps) from the common pool. Then you can allocate 1 Gbps capacity to each node.

To allocate pool license to each node in the pair, follow the steps given in Allocate pooled licenses to ADC instances. First allocate license to the first node and then then repeat the same steps to allocate license to the second node.