NetScaler Console service

System requirements

Before you begin using NetScaler Console, you must review the software requirements, browser requirements, port information, license information, and limitations.

Supported browsers

To access NetScaler Console, your workstation must have a supported web browser.

The following browsers are supported.

Web browser Version
Microsoft Edge 79 and later
Google Chrome 51 and later
Safari 10 and later
Mozilla Firefox 52 and later

Agent installation requirements

Install and configure an agent in your network environment to enable communication between the NetScaler Console and the managed instances in your data center. In your data center on-premises, you can install an agent on Citrix XenServer, VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Linux KVM server.

The agent requirements are the virtual computing resources that the hypervisor must provide for each agent. The following table lists the agent requirements to use all NetScaler Console features:

Component Requirement
Virtual CPU 8
Storage Space 30 GB
Virtual Network interfaces 1
Throughput 1 Gbps

The agent requirements to use only the pooled licensing feature, see Lightweight agent for pooled licensing.

You can also install an agent on Microsoft Azure or AWS or Google Cloud. Citrix recommends you use the following virtual machine types from the respective cloud marketplaces to use all NetScaler Console features:

Cloud Agent requirements Preferred virtual machine type
AWS 8 virtual CPU, 32 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space m4.2xlarge
Microsoft Azure 8 virtual CPU, 32 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space Standard_D8s_v3
Google Cloud 8 virtual CPU, 32 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space e2-standard-8


Azure will no longer support scaling out for agents with base installer versions 13.0 and 13.1 after July 23, 2024.

For NetScaler agents:

  • NetScaler agents with 8 virtual CPUs, 32 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space remain unaffected. These agents can undergo upgrades without any disruptions.
  • Deployments started with version 14.1 also remain unaffected.

For Lightweight agents:

  • Lightweight agents with 4 virtual CPUs, 8 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space, using base installer versions 13.0 or 13.1, cannot scale up (increase CPU or RAM) after the deprecation date.
  • To scale up the lightweight agents in the future, reprovision a new agent with the latest version.

For instructions about installing an agent, see the following links:

Lightweight agent for pooled licensing

If you plan to use the NetScaler Console only for pooled licensing, you can use an agent with lower specifications, as listed in the following table:

Component Requirement
Virtual CPU 4
Storage Space 30 GB

Such agents with lower specifications (lightweight) are supported only on NetScaler Console.

Citrix recommends you use the following virtual machine types from the respective cloud marketplaces to use only the pooled licensing feature:

Cloud Agent requirements Preferred virtual machine type
AWS 4 virtual CPU, 8 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space m4.xlarge. This instance type provides 4 virtual CPU, 16 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space. Citrix recommends this instance type since it matches most of the agent requirements among existing instance types.
Microsoft Azure 4 virtual CPU, 8 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space Standard_F4s_v2
Google Cloud 4 virtual CPU, 8 GB RAM, and 30 GB storage space e2-standard-4


You must disable the default scheduling jobs by navigating to Settings > Global Settings > Configurable Features.

Supported ports

For communications between NetScaler instances and agent, open the required ports.

Network port diagram

Ports for the NetScaler agent

This table explains the required ports that must be open on the agent.

Port Type Details Direction of communication
80/443 TCP For NITRO communication from the NetScaler Console service to NetScaler. NetScaler agent to NetScaler and NetScaler to NetScaler agent
4739 UDP For AppFlow communication from NetScaler to the NetScaler Console service. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
162 UDP To receive SNMP events from NetScaler instance to the NetScaler Console service. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
514 UDP To receive syslog messages from NetScaler instance to the NetScaler Console service. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
5563 TCP This port is required for NetScaler Console Collector service to run. To receive NetScaler metrics (counters) from NetScaler instance to NetScaler Console. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
5557/5558 TCP For logstream communication (for WAF Security Violations, Web Insight, and HDX Insight) from NetScaler to the NetScaler Console service. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
27000 and 7279 TCP License ports for communication between NetScaler agent and NetScaler instance. These ports are also used for NetScaler pooled licenses. NetScaler to NetScaler agent
5140 UDP Port to receive NetScaler Gateway telemetry data NetScaler to NetScaler agent

Ports for NetScaler instances

This table explains the required ports that must be open on NetScaler instances.

Port Type Details Direction of communication
80/443 TCP For NITRO communication from NetScaler Console to NetScaler instance. NetScaler agent to NetScaler and NetScaler to NetScaler agent
22 TCP For the SSH communication between the agent and NetScaler. Note: This port is also used for NetScaler telemetry. NetScaler agent to NetScaler
No reserved port ICMP To detect network reachability between NetScaler agent and NetScaler instances. NetScaler agent to NetScaler
161 UDP To poll events from NetScaler instances. NetScaler agent to NetScaler

Ports for NetScaler Built-in agent

This table explains the required ports that must be for NetScaler built-in agent.

Port Type Details Direction of communication
443 TCP For NITRO communication from NetScaler Console to NetScaler instance. NetScaler Console to NetScaler built-in agent and NetScaler built-in agent to NetScaler Console


The endpoint of the NetScaler Console service is the same as the “Service URL” generated while trying to register the agent. The agent uses the Service URL to locate the NetScaler Console.

Ensure that the following endpoint urls are allowed access:

  • Download Service:
  • Trust Service:

  • Service URLs:

    * *
  • Citrix Cloud connectivity:

Deprecated FQDNs

Some FQDNs are deprecated for the following use of the NetScaler Console. To help you switch to the new FQDNs without any interruption, the deprecated FQDNs continue to work for some time and will be phased out slowly.

NetScaler Console Endpoints Old FQDN New FQDN
NetScaler Console UI Access
Service URL * Note: The value of * would depend on which PoP (point of presence) your data is available.
API interactions

Minimum NetScaler versions required


NetScaler versions 10.5, 11.0, and 12.0 have already reached End Of Life (EOL). For more information, see the Product Matrix. The recommended NetScaler version is 12.1.

NetScaler Console Feature NetScaler Software Version
StyleBooks 10.5 and later
Monitoring/Reporting and Configuring using Jobs 10.5 and later
HDX Insight 10.1 and later
Gateway Insight and later
Security Insight and later

Requirements for NetScaler Console Analytics solution

Minimum Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops versions required

NetScaler Console Feature Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Version
HDX Insight Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7.0 and later


The NetScaler Gateway feature (branded as Access Gateway Enterprise for versions 9.3 and 10.x) must be available on the NetScaler instance. NetScaler Console does not support standalone Access Gateway Standard appliances.

NetScaler Console can generate reports for applications that are published on a Citrix Virtual App or Desktop and accessed through Citrix Workspace. However, this capability depends on the operating system on which the Citrix Workspace is installed. Currently, a NetScaler does not parse ICA traffic for applications or desktops that are accessed through Citrix Workspace running on iOS or Android operating systems.

Thin clients supported for HDX Insight

NetScaler Console supports the following thin clients for monitoring NetScaler instances running on software version 11.0 Build 65.31 and later:

  • Dell Wyse Windows based Thin Clients
  • Dell Wyse Linux-based Thin Clients
  • Dell Wyse ThinOS based Thin Clients
  • 10ZiG Ubuntu-based Thin Clients

NetScaler instance license required for HDX Insight

The data collected by NetScaler Console for HDX Insight depends on the version and the installed licenses of the NetScaler instances that are monitored. HDX Insight reports are displayed only for NetScaler Premium and Enterprise appliances running on software version 10.5 and later.

NetScaler License/Duration 5 minutes 1 Hour 1 Day 1 Week 1 Month
Standard No No No No No
Advanced Yes Yes No No No
Premium Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Supported operating systems and Citrix Workspace versions

The following table lists the operating systems supported by NetScaler Console, and the Citrix Workspace versions currently supported with each system:

Operating System Citrix Workspace Version
Windows 4.0 Standard Edition
Linux 13.0.265571 and later
Mac 11.8, build 238301 and later
HTML5 1.5
Chrome App 1.5