NetScaler Console service

Upgrade a perpetual license in a NetScaler SDX to NetScaler Pooled capacity

A NetScaler SDX with perpetual license can be upgraded to NetScaler Pooled capacity license. Upgrading to NetScaler Pooled capacity license enables you to allocate licenses from the license pool to NetScaler appliances on demand. NetScalercan use one license at a time which is either use perpetual license or use the Pooled license. A customer can make a switch from a Pooled license to a perpetual license. As long as the perpetual license is valid, a customer can reconfigure the NetScalerand remove the Pooled licensing config. When a customer makes a switch from perpetual license to Pooled license or pooled to perpetual license, all the NetScaler instances are restarted.

You can also configure the NetScaler Pooled capacity license for NetScaler instances configured in a high-availability mode.


For upgrading the SDX appliance to NetScaler Pooled capacity license, you must upload the SDX-Z license to the appliance.

Ensure you have the permission to add NetScaler instances in NetScaler Console.

To upgrade to NetScaler pooled capacity:

  1. In a Web browser, type the IP address of the SDX appliance, such as

  2. In User Name and Password fields, type the administrator credentials.

  3. On the Welcome page, click Continue.

  4. Upload the zero-capacity license. On the Configuration tab, navigate to System > Licenses.

  5. On the Manage Licenses page, click Add License File.

  6. In the Licenses page, select Upload license files from a local computer and click Browse to select the zero-capacity license from your local machine. Then, click Finish.

    Upload license file

    Once the zero-capacity license is applied successfully, a Pooled Licenses section appears on the Licenses page.

  7. In the Pooled licenses section, do the following:

    Enter details of license server

    1. In the Licensing Server Name or IP Address field, enter the license server details.

      If you want to configure NetScaler Console server as a license server, specify NetScaler Console server’s IP address.

      If you are using an agent to communicate with the NetScaler Console server, specify the agent’s IP address.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the license server port. Default value: 27000.

    3. Click Get Licenses.

  8. In the Allocate Licenses window, specify the required instances and bandwidth and click Allocate.

    Allocate licenses

    On the Manage Licenses page, you can view the details of the license server, license edition, and the allocated instances and bandwidth from the pool.

    Allocated Licenses to SDX


Upgrading a perpetual license to Pooled capacity does not require restarting the SDX appliance.

Upgrade a perpetual license in a NetScaler SDX to NetScaler Pooled capacity

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