Application Delivery Management

Configure syslog purging interval

Syslog is a standard protocol for logging. It has two components: the Syslog auditing module, which runs on the Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) instance, and the Syslog server, which can run either on the underlying FreeBSD operating system (OS) of the Citrix ADC instance or on a remote system. SYSLOG uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for data transfer.

Syslog enables isolation of the system that generates information and the system that stores the information. You can consolidate logging information and derive insights from the collected data. You can also configure syslog to log different types of events.

To limit the amount of syslog data stored in the database, you can specify the interval at which you want to prune syslog data.  You can specify the number of days after which the following syslog data will be deleted from Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM):

  • Generic Syslog Data
  • AppFirewall Data
  • Citrix Gateway Data

You can also configure the Citrix Gateway prune interval by syslog type. This prune interval takes precedence over the rune interval configured to retain Citrix Gateway data.

To configure syslog prune interval settings for Citrix ADM:

  1. Navigate to System > Administration. Under Data Pruning, click System and Instance Data Pruning and then click Instance Syslog.
  2. In Configure Instance Syslog Prune Settings page, specify Retain Syslog Generic Data(days). Type the number of days for which Citrix ADM retains generic syslog messages.


Configure syslog purging interval